paxrivers raiders quit playing in calvert?


New Member
Illegal contact/tampering with Brett Farve.
Well, he said he wants to keep playing.

EDIT: their website said a meeting is tonight at Chancellors Run. I imagine Chris would probably post it on here if that's the case.
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New Member
:cds: This is crazy. Most of the games my son played were in Calvert. I really like this league and hope things can get straighten out before the new season.


New Member
:cds: This is crazy. Most of the games my son played were in Calvert. I really like this league and hope things can get straighten out before the new season.
Well, if the rumors I was hearing last fall have any truth to them, they may not have had a choice in the matter of leaving Calvert. Especially with a new county sponsored league here in St. Mary's. But those were only rumors. :shrug:
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New Member
Calvert County Parks and Rec has informed the Raiders organization that they cannot play in the Calvert League anymore because we should support the St. Mary's County football program. This decision was made without the required vote by the program's board of dire...ctors. Please let them know how you feel... 410-535-1600 / 301-855-1243

Personally I think it is a load of crap!


New Member
Calvert County Parks and Rec has informed the Raiders organization that they cannot play in the Calvert League anymore because we should support the St. Mary's County football program. This decision was made without the required vote by the program's board of dire...ctors. Please let them know how you feel... 410-535-1600 / 301-855-1243

Personally I think it is a load of crap!
Where did you hear that? Was that announced at the meeting last night?

I hope they decide to play in the St. Mary's League with the other three clubs down here.
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New Member
Calvert County Parks and Rec has informed the Raiders organization that they cannot play in the Calvert League anymore because we should support the St. Mary's County football program. This decision was made without the required vote by the program's board of dire...ctors. Please let them know how you feel... 410-535-1600 / 301-855-1243

Personally I think it is a load of crap!

here is the answer how they can do it



New Member
If the Raiders wanted to be PART of St. Mary's County P & R, then we would have. However, they weren't willing to foot the bill for equipment transition - or so I've been informed [and if I remember correctly]. Additionally, we've always been welcome and treated with professionalism in Calvert County, and we ALL looked forward to repeating the experience in 2010.

I have a hard time believing that Calvert P&R suddenly decided that they had enough players to support their demographics and no longer needed the Raiders. A few Calvert teams had to merge last year due to low registrations. This was NOT a decision made by the Calvert County Football Association's Board. It was a decision made by Calvert County P&R, and one that St. Mary's County P&R seems to suspiciously know A LOT about.

It makes me wonder if some sort of shady deal was made between the two P&Rs. There are also politics involved, so I wonder if someone on the St. Mary's side was hoping to gain more votes by "doing St. Mary's County residents a favor by saving them some travel time" by offering a closer football alternative. If Raider's didn't like the travel, we wouldn't have grown as strong as we have. Travel isn't the issue at all.

Now, I understand that St. Mary's county can't support the influx of the Raiders. Great. So my kid now has to FIGHT FOR A SPOT in St. Mary's County just so he can play football with an organization we have little faith in to start with!!! In fact, my 4 year old probably won't get to play flag at all, because it's been previously doubted that St. Mary's County would even offer FLAG much less open it up to 4 year olds. My little guy patiently watched his big brother play, and desperately waited for his turn, and now it's unlikely he'll get that chance.

I don't blame Chris Pixton for quitting this whole deal, but it makes me sad. I'd encourage him to sell the Raiders equipment on Ebay, and if St. Mary's county wants it, they can bid on it like the rest of America.

Raiders are a strong, dedicated, professional, respectful organization. Look at all the crap we got through last summer! We got through it because it's worth it! We were all set to start our Fall season, and the rug was pulled out from under us... but I think Calvert County P&R had a little help.

And yes, I already called Calvert County and left a message with my name and my husband's name to voice our opposition to this decision AND I invited them to send a representative to Esperanza Middle School on 2/11 @ 6:00pm. I hope they show.
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New Member
In fact, my 4 year old probably won't get to play flag at all, because it's been previously doubted that St. Mary's County would even offer FLAG much less open it up to 4 year olds. My little guy patiently watched his big brother play, and desperately waited for his turn, and now it's unlikely he'll get that chance.
The Raiders NFL flag program is for ages 5-17 anyway. Always has been as far as I know. It says that on the website. :shrug:


New Member
Spring Flag is the Raiders NFL Program and yes that is 5-17
Fall is just the Raiders program and that starts at 4. I coach or shall I say coached at that level. There are two sides to every story and I am in no position to comment. I do say though that I will work professionally and postively to see that my children get a chance to play if they want to in a fun and learning environment. If can't help give them that I will steer them in another direction. Sadly many parents may just do that now. Once again football in St. Mary's county is in yet another quandry. SAD VERY VERY VERY SAD!


New Member
DIFFERENT DEAL! I'm talking about FALL FLAG, not SPRING FLAG. Do your research, please. FALL flag is open to 4 year olds, and they love it.


New Member
Spring Flag is the Raiders NFL Program and yes that is 5-17
Fall is just the Raiders program and that starts at 4. I coach or shall I say coached at that level. There are two sides to every story and I am in no position to comment. I do say though that I will work professionally and postively to see that my children get a chance to play if they want to in a fun and learning environment. If can't help give them that I will steer them in another direction. Sadly many parents may just do that now. Once again football in St. Mary's county is in yet another quandry. SAD VERY VERY VERY SAD!
If St. Mary's County is trying to reboot youth football, don't you think it might be a good thing to have the kids from St. Mary's play primarily in St. Mary's? Maybe I'm biased since I was with SMYFL last fall, I don't know.

Personally, I would love to see the Raiders play in St. Mary's County. Only positive things could come out of it for St. Mary's.:buddies:

I would also love to see Calvert and St. Mary's play in some kind of bi-county league. Kind of like how the NFL has the AFC and NFC. Now that would be cool.


New Member
I didn't want to believe all the rumors. I wish we can save the Raiders. I love the organization. With all the issues that have gone on the last year i think some have forgotten it's a game and about the kids!


New Member
I didn't want to believe all the rumors. I wish we can save the Raiders. I love the organization. With all the issues that have gone on the last year i think some have forgotten it's a game and about the kids!
Why did Chris Pixton quit? Couldn't he have just had the Raiders play in St. Mary's against Mechanicsville, Hollywood, and Lex Park?


New Member
Why didn't the Raiders just agree to play under St. Marys back in Sept? Not totally sure, but I believe it had something to do with paying for equipment.

Another reason? Raiders are Raiders. If we join St. Mary's we couldn't BE Raiders because SMYFL already has a Raiders. Furthermore we'd probably have to divide up the league into sub-teams to play against the SMYFL teams.

There are correspondances going on now to try to find a compromise, but the road ahead is far from smooth. It's like starting from scratch all over again.

Still haven't heard CCPR's defense for their booting, but it was promised to me via email "ASAP." Sure.