How is it that COWS - not beef consumption but the actual cows - create climate change
Well ultimately the argument is over Methane and Green House Gases .......
Climate Nutters blame;
Coal Fired Power Plants
Now Cow Farts - the entire Beef industry - farming to from feed, cows themselves, processing and transportation and consunption
I guarantee you after Cows will come Pigs then chickens
Climate is cyclical - SUN SPOTS have a huge effect on the planet increased activity warms the oceans releasing trapped CO2 - activity falls the CO2 is once again absorbed by the oceans
The problem climate nutters cannot control the sun, they lie about the affects of CO2 - the whole Hole in the Ozone nonsense from the 90's was scare mongering ... all during Al Gore's climate fear mongering in the 90's we had 11 yrs of sun spot increased activity so CO2 levels were rising