Drunk Pedestrians Get Killed
Fact of life - if you step into the path of oncoming traffic, you will get hit and possibly killed. Sober folks know that and mind where they are with respect to traffic. Drunk folks don't. Drunk or sober, when you see a vehicle heading your way and it doesn't appear to be slowing down, you step out of the way to avoid bodily injury if you have any sense. If you are too drunk to notice, you will very likely be struck by the vehicle.
When you were a little kid, and your parents taught you to look both ways when you cross the street, they told you the reasoning was that you could get hit by a vehicle if you don't avoid stepping in front of it. Changes in culture and your age don't change those rules. Waving the color flag only makes you look more foolish than you really are. Grow up and co-exist.