You have no clue.
I am the originator of this post. As I sit here in my computer room seething I will try to calmly respond.
I have read this forum for several years. I do not often post as I have been horrified too many times by responses from folks who have no intent but to stir the pot and push their uneducated views. I figured posting in the parenting section would possibly alleviate that problem as I thought the people who are here are parents, trying their best to raise their kids-as am I.
To those who bash me in my decision let me justify this to you-although you really do not deserve it. I will attempt to educate YOU while I accept your obvious ignorance.
My son was DIAGNOSED by a prominent child psychologist in Greenbelt. In fact, she counsels the children that were in the Pentagon on 911. I think her results are to be taken as seriously as her credentials. This test was not entered into lightly. I observed him, took notes and spoke frequently with his preschool teachers about what I was seeing for two full years before I paid-out of pocket-for the rather extensive testing involved.
After I received the diagnosis (YES-he has the diagnosis) I waited another half a year (first grade ) praying he would respond to behavioral interventions and teacher attempts to focus him before we tried medications. My son does not have problems getting in trouble. He has many friends. But in first grade his education was suffering. He was simply not able to pay attention enough to keep up with classmates. He was constantly making little noises he was unaware of and he was a distraction to other children.
The nature of ADHD has made my son's more demanding type of personality and activity level affect my entire family. You do not know what type of home he comes from so do not be so quick to judge it. He has three younger siblings and they too have suffered.
After many weeks of thinking, researching, watching his learning suffer when I know he is bright, and crying over this decision, we tried the first medication. The first day I cried-hard. I went to school every day for lunch the whole first week to check on him. I did not enter this lightly. Four more times we tried different medications until finally a year ago we found one that works really well for him-and at the lowest possible dose! His teacher sent me handwriting samples of before and after. She told me she could not believe he responded so well. He went from below grade level in reading to amost above grade level in several months. I do not attibute this successs solely to the meds. I worked with him-a lot. His teacher was wonderful. HE was wonderful! It was a team effort and the meds were a part of that team.
My son was not a controlled, drugged zombie on the medication. He was still the same curious, spirited little boy. Only now he was able to get what he heard. He was internalizing. It was working.
So now as I am about to renew a prescription I would like to cease the visits to the useless psychiatrist and maybe seek out a pediatrician. Really, asking him how school is and how he gets along with friends and then sending us home with another 30 day supply is such a waste. I would rather just use my ped for this service. Of course I want him monitored, but I feel his pediatrician could do this.
This gut wrenching decision was among the hardest of my life to make. I question myself frequently and I am in constant contact with his teacher. But you know what? I made the right decision for my son. He is not medicated on weekend or holidays. But when he is in school he is focused and ready to learn.
And just for fun-a little background on me. I have a degree in elementary education and a master's degree in education as well. Do you think I am qualified to make this decision for my child?
So now that you know I am not some nutjob who jumped into this decision merely for my convenience I would appreciate it if you would please simply answer my question or leave this post alone.
To those of you who jumped my case or questioned my jugdement and do NOT have children-I hope you never have to deal with this. To those of you who do have children who are not ADHD-lucky you. To those of you who have ADHD kids and choose not to medicate-it is your choice. I hope it works for you.
And to the few who took the time to answer my plea --thank you very much!
BTW- I fully intend to forward this thread to a few friends and even my childs teacher. I am sure they will get quite a kick out of the ignorance of some people. Mostly though, those that know me and how I am with my kids will recall the agony I experienced over this decision. They do not judge.