Penalties are getting out of control


New Member

That was one of the best clips I could find on short notice.

Whoever was doing the call (Simms?) did explain that if the officials had any doubt then they have to toss the laundry.

I think that teams or even the "replay officials" should get a chance to challenge the call in these cases. If you leave it to the team then you get 1 per game and the officials anytime during the game.

OH and that was most definitely a fumble.

That's crap. Throw the flags if you see an illegal hit, not just because it was a big hit! The refs make enough mistakes as it is, don't give them a free pass to make more game changing mistakes (even if it is against the iggles). The NFL has all week to review questionable hits so they can hand out their fines and suspensions.

That clip was about the extent of football I watched yesterday... saw the big hit, saw the flag, turned the TV off (had better things to do). I did watch the 1st half of the cowboys game but I wouldn't call that football!:killingme


A Salute to all on Watch
A couple bad calls in that game, I did not get to see it all but the Collie hit was good and a fumble and the BS call on Cole at the end for hitting Manning's helmet, you got to use judgment as an official, it's not cut and dry on these penalties

Peter Forsberg

New Member
A couple bad calls in that game, I did not get to see it all but the Collie hit was good and a fumble and the BS call on Cole at the end for hitting Manning's helmet, you got to use judgment as an official, it's not cut and dry on these penalties
You touch a Manning and it's a penalty especially if you wear the Eagle Green.
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Football addict
This is what the Collie film looks like.

Watch the slow mo around 7-10 second mark.
Wow! Was that it?:lmao:

I didn't see the play until now. I thought something like this would happen and sour the game and said as much a few weeks back. This changed the complexion of the game and gave the Colts a better chance at getting back into a game they shouldn't have been in.

We get to see a team play some real defense tonight. Tomlin has done told his team to play football the way they know how and not to worry about these "vague rules". He said that they'd sort all the consequences out afterwards.:yay: He called the NFL's reaction "knee-jerk".