People have lost their ever loving minds

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I went by that place on opening day around 6 that evening and it was a madhouse. Just going by there, I slowed way down because of the hordes of people and cars and still almost got nailed by a car deciding at the last minute to make a right from the left travel lane. :dork:


New Member
it didnt last weekend? Support your local business, not some out of town fran. :rolleyes:

Dear Karma giver, I never said the smell would stop me :rolleyes: I would scale a mountian of poop covered angry red ants to eat ice cream :yum:


Geek said:
it didnt last weekend? Support your local business, not some out of town fran. :rolleyes:

Dear Karma giver, I never said the smell would stop me :rolleyes: I would scale a mountian of poop covered angry red ants to eat ice cream :yum:


Geek said:
it didnt last weekend? Support your local business, not some out of town fran. :rolleyes:

Dear Karma giver, I never said the smell would stop me :rolleyes: I would scale a mountian of poop covered angry red ants to eat ice cream :yum:
I am having a heaping bowl of Turkey Hill Tin Roof Sundae. I had a half gallon in the fridge Boy didn't find because I cleverly disguised it as a package of Brussel Sprouts. :pete:


Well-Known Member
I have been twice and it was good. Not great but good. Cones are different prices for sugar or cake and waffle. Yes, the smell of fresh cooking waffle cones was scruptious.
I'm not going back till the novelty wears off. I like Rita's ice better than ice cream (unless it's my fresh churned) anyway. :coffee:


Thats how them b*tch's R
I've been a few times. It's conveniently located only a mile or so from work :sarcasm: lol. I did order an icecream cake from there for Father's Day. Hubby loved it. :smooch: They are a tad expensive. I've been to Carousels once not too long after it opened and got some kind of caramel brownie sundae. I wanna say I remember that being a lil expensive as well. It would be nice if they had a few places to sit down outside to eat though.
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Has confinement issues..
I took the kiddo to Early Bird for ice cream and it had the texture of damp sand:barf: The thing about most of the places I've been to where(pardon my lack of PC buttkissing) foreigners have taken over, the quality of service and product have suffered so badly I could vomit. The Sandy Bottom, which was once my favorite sammich was blah and lacking to say the least. I hate to see great places I grew up with fall hard after being bought out by people who care less about the community and more about the all mighty dollar.:ohwell:

My kids and I tried Brewster's this weekend and for my $11.00 we got a parfait with mango icecream, a strawberry waffle cone and a dinosaur sundea that was bigger than my sons head. I was impressed, in spite of the mayhem and the pomp behind the opening of a new chain joint that will eventually slump once the initial charm has worn off.
I have a nice ice cream maker and will put it too good use this summer:yay:

Also, if they have 4 windows open for sales... Why not staff the place fully and keep the lines down... It was like installing 10 registers in the grocery store, but only ever having two open.



Well-Known Member

Ice Cream in a Bag :yay:

What You Need:
1 tablespoon Sugar
1/2 cup Milk or half & half
1/4 teaspoon Vanilla
6 tablespoons Rock salt
1 pint-size Ziploc plastic bag
1 gallon-size Ziploc plastic bag
Ice cubes

How To Make It:
1. Fill the large bag half full of ice, and add the rock salt. Seal the bag.
2. Put milk, vanilla, and sugar into the small bag, and seal it.
3. Place the small bag inside the large one and seal again carefully.
4. Shake until mixture is ice cream, 5-8 minutes.
5. Wipe off top of small bag, then open carefully and enjoy.

I hold the bag w/a towel-gets real cold real quick! Want to make a larger portion-do the math.


New Member

Free doggie sundaes and free cones for the wee ones.

And - bring your own banana on Thursday and get your banana split for 1/2 off.


Where are all these places (Early Bird, Brusters, etc)? I'm salivating. :drool: Are they listed in the yellow pages?


Thats how them b*tch's R
Dondi said:
Where are all these places (Early Bird, Brusters, etc)? I'm salivating. :drool: Are they listed in the yellow pages?

They are located next to each other in Hollywood. You can see them from 235 (northbound lane)