Period Mishap


New Member
Damn it!

I got my period at the mall. I was in the bathroom, no handy dandy tampon dispenser, so I grabbed a wad of paper towels and made a make shift pad. I intended on finding the next bathroom so I could get the supplies I needed. I fainally get to the good bathroom, pull down my pants, and the towels are gone!!!!!!

Holy crap! Did they fall out my pant leg while I was walking in the ritsy titsy mall???!!!!

Did I leave a period bomb in this ritsy titsy mall? Somewhere between Nordstrom and Lord and Taylor?? :faint:


All Up In Your Grill
I'd go check around my car seat and floorboard, just in case. :lol:

If it ain't there, you're golden. :yay:


curiouser and curiouser
Isn't there some kind of toilet paper that disintegrates quickly? Maybe it biodegraded.
Oh my god, that sucks sooo bad!!! I'm sorry for you, really I am. I picked up lunch for the office at Popeyes once and realized, while in line, that I'd bled through my jeans for all to see. It was awful! I simply backed up and stood at the counter until the food was ready and bailed as fast as possible. I'm not sure if anyone saw but I don't see how they could've missed it, especially if they saw the look I'm sure I had on my face. Dang it, at least you didn't have to face seeing it fall out and have to pick it up in front of anyone. With any luck, it fell in the toilet behind you right after you put it in place and you just didn't notice it. Yea, I'm going with that.


Well-Known Member
Finally, the lady that pays attention,

So after peeing and being mortified. I get up to flush and there was my bloody wad, happy in the toliet :dance:

So, it was stuck to your cooch but bailed at the appropriate time? :yay: