Period Mishap


I heart CLeValley
I used to carry new tampons in my sox when I was in high school. That way you didnt have to carry a purse. Just going to the bathroom was enough humiliation let alone having to carry a purse into a bathroom.


Happy Camper
I feel your pain Geek! But I never had a problem until now... MENOPAUSE!! No idea when, where, how heavy... AARRRRGGGHHH! The only light at the end of the tunnel is that one month it WILL be the last!! (God, at least I pray so!)


I never had a problem with not knowing when it was going to happen. I always had this weird sixth sense about it. Now I don't worry because I don't have them anymore thanks to my BC pill. :yahoo:


New Member
in those cave like devices you all call purses, you cant tuck an emergency cotton bullet for good measure? for crying out loud, ive got an emergency 100 bill tucked in my wallet for "emergencies" its come in handy a few times... no wonder they dont let women be boyscouts you have no idea what prepared is...


New Member
Geek you have to be better prepared! I'm pregnant and keep a tampon in my bag and one in each car just in case.


No green? Will pinch!
anyone know what really sucks? when your period just starts for no damned reason!:tantrum ( pardon the language)