Period Mishap


New Member
Damn it!

I got my period at the mall. I was in the bathroom, no handy dandy tampon dispenser, so I grabbed a wad of paper towels and made a make shift pad. I intended on finding the next bathroom so I could get the supplies I needed. I fainally get to the good bathroom, pull down my pants, and the towels are gone!!!!!!

Holy crap! Did they fall out my pant leg while I was walking in the ritsy titsy mall???!!!!

Did I leave a period bomb in this ritsy titsy mall? Somewhere between Nordstrom and Lord and Taylor?? :faint:
You sound hot.


Well-Known Member
Geek I feel your pain. I work in an office with all men. Aunt Flow decided to make an early appearance one day while at work. I told the boss I had an emergency and had to leave for awhile. Ran home, cleaned up, changed clothes and came back to work. He kept asking all day if everything was ok and was there anything he could do. I didn't have the heart the tell him the truth. :killingme


I know nothing
Period Mishap 01-29-2008 02:04 PM TMI

Ya think? :roflmao:

You need to start writing this stuff down. You come up with more off the wall stuff, than anyone Ive ever met.

Your life and the thoughts in your mind would make one hell of a movie


New Member
You need to start writing this stuff down. You come up with more off the wall stuff, than anyone Ive ever met.

Your life and the thoughts in your mind would make one hell of a movie

Ditto, Geek you know that lady who put the Pokemon cards up on eBay and now she is famous and writing a book, is on the Today Show etc... You could do that... Your posts are HILARIOUS and entertaining :yay: I can only imagine how much fun you would be IRL :lmao:


I know nothing
Ditto, Geek you know that lady who put the Pokemon cards up on eBay and now she is famous and writing a book, is on the Today Show etc... You could do that... Your posts are HILARIOUS and entertaining :yay: I can only imagine how much fun you would be IRL :lmao:

I picture her being like Lisa Lamponelli, only hotter:drool:

Sweet 16

Office emergency.....

Happened to me once during a meeting. :faint: I beat it out of there before anyone noticed. Family members at home when I got there wondering why I drove all the way home from work, changed clothes, threw in a load of laundry, and ran back out the door to work. To a somewhat observant individual, I think it was pretty self-explanatory.


New Member
We were at solomons one late afternoon walkig the boardwalk. I saw this women with blood all over the back of her pants. I would want someone to tell me, so i told her, she said i know and kept walking. She had on light color pants to!