Picking a new spouse


New Member
hborror said:
Hubby told me he could never love another women but I am sure he would be out looking within a year..I mean we are only in our 20s now. There is no way he could not have another love.

My grandfather died at the age of 52 and my Nana has not had another man (as far as we know) she is 83 now.

My dad is the same way, my mom passed away in 1984 and still wears his wedding ring til this day. I d do the same if my wife passed.


100% Goapele Head!
Zyg said:
That's it. We have 2 small kids and he knows that this guy is a "good guy" and my kids already know him.

For the most part we have an idea of who we'd like to see take care of our children in the event of our untimely demise so why not spouses.


bite me
or there are young kids involved and he wants to make sure that the "new spouse" is not a pervert or something.

most people dont fear death, most people fear what will happen to those they leave behind.


That's a good point. I am divorced now but when the kids were young, we did worry about what would happen if something happened to one of us, even though the kids are practically grown I still worry.


I wanna be a SMIB
Hubby told me he could never love another women but I am sure he would be out looking within a year..I mean we are only in our 20s now. There is no way he could not have another love.

My grandfather died at the age of 52 and my Nana has not had another man (as far as we know) she is 83 now.

Nana just keeps it secret. My grandpa died 22 years ago and granny has had at least 3 boyfriends, shes not a fluzzy, they just keep dying. Shes 90 now and still has Norvelle for companionship. That what you call it when you get old.