Pit bulls and your opinion

What is your opinion regarding Pit bulls

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Help "Invisible Dogs"
I'm curious after some heated conversations in the dog section about how others view these dogs and what their feelings/opinions are based on.

Personal experience or has their opinion been shaped by the media.

As many rescue groups out there dedicated to this breed should say something, not too mention neither the ASPCA nor the HSUS believe in breed restrictions on these dogs.

"Dogfighting is severely cruel. Pit bulls are intensely loyal dogs and dogfighters exploit their positive characteristics to create violent animals," says John Goodwin, deputy manager of Animal Fighting Issues for The HSUS.
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Obama destroyed America
Where's the: "I have read the CDC's facts naming this breed one of the most dangerous/deadly, the articles where the family pet who "wouldn't harm a flea" mauls a child and have concluded that they are harmful dogs and caution should be exercised when near them" option?


Well-Known Member
Where's the: "I have read the CDC's facts naming this breed one of the most dangerous/deadly, the articles where the family pet who "wouldn't harm a flea" mauls a child and have concluded that they are harmful dogs and caution should be exercised when near them" option?



Well-Known Member
I voted, but I would have preferred the choice

I've had a bad experience, it was probably owner related, I don't trust the breed, would never personally own one, but that's your choice to own one, just keep it away from me, my kids, and my animals.


Infinite Impetus
I'm curious after some heated conversations in the dog section about how others view these dogs and what their feelings/opinions are based on.

Personal experience or has their opinion been shaped by the media.

As many rescue groups out there dedicated to this breed should say something, not too mention neither the ASPCA nor the HSUS believe in breed restrictions on these dogs.

"Dogfighting is severely cruel. Pit bulls are intensely loyal dogs and dogfighters exploit their positive characteristics to create violent animals," says John Goodwin, deputy manager of Animal Fighting Issues for The HSUS.

Pits are a strong breed of dog. I don't think just anyone can own them.. I will say that if you know what you are doing and you are a responsible owner a pit can make an awesome pet...
A lot of people seem to own pits, rotties, and other 'strong' breeds as an image thing, which is awful.

I don't breed discriminate but I do aknowledge that they are a powerful animal that can inflict more damage than your average dog if they are not properly trained and socialized.


Obama destroyed America
I voted, but I would have preferred the choice

I've had a bad experience, it was probably owner related, I don't trust the breed, would never personally own one, but that's your choice to own one, just keep it away from me, my kids, and my animals.

That would have been a good choice too. :yay:


New Member
Wish I could have voted for more than one option. . . .

I posted this before, in another forum, but I do have a very strong opinion about this breed so I will post it again. Growing up I always had a pit bull for a pet - which was only 2 really because they lived a while. Our first was a rescue - he had been abused and wouldn't have hurt a fly! When he got luekemia and passed, we got another. We got him as a puppy and he was sweet as could be. He was disciplined, but never beaten or even yelled at in excess. The dog favored me the most and slept in the bed with me.

7 years after we got the dog, he snapped one day and attacked me. Like they say pits do, he went for my neck - but I'm kinda tall so he got the upper, fatty area of my right breast (thank god they're big and my b@@b is still there and normal!) and my left forearm. I had stitches inside and out in both areas. This was after 7 years! I will never trust another one again! I, too, used to think it was all about the owner and not the breed. Well - I was the owner and now I know better.


Well-Known Member
I've been quite vocal in older threads but I really didn't want to choose the option I did. It was the closest I had to pick. SoMDGirl42 post sums my feelings up but alas, not an option.

:huggy: I'd rather bring back Mikey to the forums than to have to deal with a pit bull


Where's the: "I have read the CDC's facts naming this breed one of the most dangerous/deadly, the articles where the family pet who "wouldn't harm a flea" mauls a child and have concluded that they are harmful dogs and caution should be exercised when near them" option?

Hear that too often than not.


I've had a Chessie(mean as Hell at times), and known people with Rotties, Dobermans, and German Sheps., that could in a sense, always be put in their place. As long as you were the Alpha, and meant business. But Pit bull terriers are NEVER to be be trusted. IMHO.

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
I've had a Chessie(mean as Hell at times), and known people with Rotties, Dobermans, and German Sheps., that could in a sense, always be put in their place. As long as you were the Alpha, and meant business. But Pit bull terriers are NEVER to be be trusted. IMHO.

I always love the comment "he/she wouldn't hurt a flea" right after their Pit Bull just ripped the face off a three year old.


art imitating life
I've had a Chessie(mean as Hell at times), and known people with Rotties, Dobermans, and German Sheps., that could in a sense, always be put in their place. As long as you were the Alpha, and meant business. But Pit bull terriers are NEVER to be be trusted. IMHO.

I had chessies too. One actually attacked me and almost ripped off my finger when I was younger. I do believe its the way they are rasied for the most part. My dad wanted intruders to stay out so he trained this dog to be mean.. I wanted to play with him.. OOPS MY BAD! My friend had 2 pitts and they are sweet as pie... I love them but any dog can attack