Pit bulls and your opinion

What is your opinion regarding Pit bulls

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Obama destroyed America
I tried to make quite a few choices, I figure if you don't want them anywhere near you, your home or family that you would vote for banning them.

Sorry, I didn't come up w/more :doh:
S'ok..... It's the somd.com forums. We're gonna express our opinions given a choice or not. :lmao:


Help "Invisible Dogs"
I had chessies too. One actually attacked me and almost ripped off my finger when I was younger. I do believe its the way they are rasied for the most part. My dad wanted intruders to stay out so he trained this dog to be mean.. I wanted to play with him.. OOPS MY BAD! My friend had 2 pitts and they are sweet as pie... I love them but any dog can attack

I had a Chessie for a foster dog, my friends were scared to death of him and I didn't trust him at first.

Everyone is comfortable with all the pits and I have no misgivings about any of them.


I had a Chessie for a foster dog, my friends were scared to death of him and I didn't trust him at first.

Everyone is comfortable with all the pits and I have no misgivings about any of them.

A Chessie, like a German Shep. dog, is a very protective, one owner dog.....But they can be humbled.........a pit bull is just too headstrong(breeding) in my opinion......:popcorn:

wharf rat

Smilin on a cloudy day
Never had a full adult pit before... only mixed ones. Definitely our most loyal dogs but also our biggest trouble makers. We keep them seperated from the other animals. It's just not worth the risk.


mv = margaritaville
Never had a full adult pit before... only mixed ones. Definitely our most loyal dogs but also our biggest trouble makers. We keep them seperated from the other animals. It's just not worth the risk.

Our trouble maker is the lab/shepard mix. That poor girl gets into everything and out of everything...of course she tries to blame it on the other one


Lem Putt
I've been quite vocal in older threads but I really didn't want to choose the option I did. It was the closest I had to pick. SoMDGirl42 post sums my feelings up but alas, not an option.

I agree with that, but I voted ban them because it makes Pixie get all :jameo:


Well-Known Member
As I have said in a prior thread

I had a pit bull that I saved from fighting, she was six months old when I got her and I will swear she was the ultimate best dog you could ask for. I would have trusted her with my son from the day I brought him home from the hospital. She very easily could have turned on me as she WAS a fighter, her parents were fighters and her grandparents were fighters, so it was in her blood. She welcomed cats in to our home, she also welcomed another dog in to our home. She was seriously the best dog you could have.

There isnt a rule about what dogs can and cant turn, all dogs are capable of biting. It appears the media just likes to focus on certain types of dogs. When we were growing up I remember, Doberman Pinchers were the bad dog, then it went to German Sheppards, then Rotties. All dogs can turn, not any specific bread.

I guess my dog could have turned because of how she was brought up for those six months, but as any dog that is abused, I would guess that could happen with any breed.

I have had interactions with many types of dogs and when the time comes for us to get another dog, I would love to have another pit bull so my son can grow up with a great and loyal companion.

wharf rat

Smilin on a cloudy day

Our trouble maker is the lab/shepard mix. That poor girl gets into everything and out of everything...of course she tries to blame it on the other one

We have one of those too but he's more predictable than the pit mixes. With him it's obvious when he's agitated or ready to attack something. The pit mixes fly off the handle for no apparent reason and with no warning at all.


mv = margaritaville
We have one of those too but he's more predictable than the pit mixes. With him it's obvious when he's agitated or ready to attack something. The pit mixes fly off the handle for no apparent reason and with no warning at all.
Our shepard mix is our sneaky one. Probably more so because she knows it, and most of the time she gets away with it.

I have more fear of our sheperd biting someone then I do our pit. Probably because the pit just lays there looking at you, like "duh bring yourself over here to pet me"
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Obama destroyed America
As I have said in a prior thread

I had a pit bull that I saved from fighting, she was six months old when I got her and I will swear she was the ultimate best dog you could ask for. I would have trusted her with my son from the day I brought him home from the hospital. She very easily could have turned on me as she WAS a fighter, her parents were fighters and her grandparents were fighters, so it was in her blood. She welcomed cats in to our home, she also welcomed another dog in to our home. She was seriously the best dog you could have.

There isnt a rule about what dogs can and cant turn, all dogs are capable of biting. It appears the media just likes to focus on certain types of dogs. When we were growing up I remember, Doberman Pinchers were the bad dog, then it went to German Sheppards, then Rotties. All dogs can turn, not any specific bread.

I guess my dog could have turned because of how she was brought up for those six months, but as any dog that is abused, I would guess that could happen with any breed.

I have had interactions with many types of dogs and when the time comes for us to get another dog, I would love to have another pit bull so my son can grow up with a great and loyal companion.
Do the research. Pitts & Rotties top the lists by a landslide for causing deaths over the last 20 years. Don't blame the media (as much as I hate the MSM). I don't remember Dobe's or sheppards getting a bad rap. I hope your son stays safe and lives to tell about his companion.


New Member
Do the research. Pitts & Rotties top the lists by a landslide for causing deaths over the last 20 years. Don't blame the media (as much as I hate the MSM). I don't remember Dobe's or sheppards getting a bad rap. I hope your son stays safe and lives to tell about his companion.

please stop clouding this emotional issue with facts and data from a trusted source.