More like wishful thinking click bait fake news. Tom Hanks isn't dead, we'd have heard. And it wouldn't have been by a military tribunal anyway.
But if it came out that he was part of a child sex trafficking ring it wouldn't surprise me in the least. Democrats are disgusting pedophiles, and the ones who don't actively participate are encouragers and enablers. Every single person who votes Democrat is aiding in child sex trafficking and pedophile grooming - THAT is a fact and can be demonstrated by the scumbags they vote for.
"Oh but mah abortion!!! I wouldn't vote for child sex traffickers except that being able to kill unborn babies is the most important thing in the world to me!! I MUST be able to kill babies!!!!"
I'm with you on Hanks, but I do have that smidge of interest.
Remember, PJay -
misinformation is necessary and allowed
Barrack Obama signed H.R. 4310 on Dec 29, 2012 that made it legal for the media to push propaganda. The 2013 National Defense Authorization Act. Section 1078 of the bill authorizes the use of propaganda inside the US, which had previously been banned since 1948 when the Smith-Mundt Act was passed.
Why wasn't that overturned during Trump? I don't think lying to the American people should be allowed, but why was this left in place? I have said all along we are either heading to our salvation (white hats) or slaughter (because the corruption is deep). But was this left in place because it could be used for the good?
As to the sex trafficking ring, go see that policy they are trying to pass to keep that entire thing in business. It is a fact, known fact, that the children coming across the border are being placed in homes to be used as labor, maids, and suspected sex workers and sex slaves. This administration is trying to push a policy that is so loose and lacks oversight to keep that moving along. Why? They are their donors and that makes me sick.
This isn't a left or right thing and in the end won't be, we will all, most likely, come to the same conclusion.
Our rotten, deceitful government will need to be dismantled.
Marine Corps Base Camp Blaz in Guam has finished building a 200-Cell penitentiary - how many people can go in each cell? Is this related? Why would Trump have had that built?
18 U.S. Code § 2385. "Advocating overthrow of Government.Whoever KNOWINGLY or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, publishes, circulates, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so".
Is this why the left is saying "Trump must be eliminated" and trying to say it is political retribution when, if this goes the way it appears, you will see Dems and Republicans going down?
NWO - we are all chipped, government controls money - how you spend and what you can save, population control (they don't need as many of us to keep the elites in luxury) Many have already told you they want less people. Who blew up the Georgia guide-stones? Remember they want 6.5 billion people gone!
Are we being lend to think something is going down when actually, the NWO is where we end up?
Trump told us all,
they are not coming after him, they are coming after us and he is in the way.
Satanist - they believe if they tell you what they are doing, basically warned you, that it is not a sin or wrong. The biggest trick the devil ever did was convince you he didn't exist.