Places To Dance In Southern Maryland


Grinding And Belly Rubbing

Thanks for the replies and basically if I understand what you had to say............ I head due east and follow the empty beer cans and disgarded panties and I should be in Dance Heaven............right? I am slightly over 30 depending on how you define slightly but not eligible for social security yet so I can enjoy dancing to just about anything and just about everything seems enjoyable after a beer or 5. Square dancing never was my thing but the "slow grind" and "bump" (a hint on age) were always fun.

A big sincere thanks to the person who sent the ball room dancing link as I have that on my list of things to do.

Morgan.............thanks for the information and "really love your erotic lips".


24/7 Single Dad
404 said:
You got lucky there didn't you Rainbow boy?
:shrug: It's a confidence and charisma thing, I get "lucky" a lot.

However, I've tried to tell you this before but I'm not interested in dating a guy. :nono:


New Member
404 said:
You got lucky there didn't you Rainbow boy?
404--><a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' alt='Noose' border=0></a>
morganj614 said:
:blahblah::blahblah: Holy Carp again, I can stay up late since I am not working tomorrow:diva:

Too much to type to explain posing as your AV to get people to recognize you on the street :lol:
I have to do the "kickin' the cage" pose all night...:yikes:



Unfair Question

morganj614 said:
:gulp: What does "total" constitute? How strange is this stranger?

Gee good answer to a tough question and probably not fair on my bad! Let me try again...............if you got to know a nice guy.....the song was right, the mood was perfect, the timing was great and the atmosphere reeked of romance would you be inclined to brush bodies in a discreet and pleasant manner?

I need to check out this Glen Frey CD as It does not ring a bell but it must be good.


OK so I catch on slowly but the reference to Frey and the "Eagles" is the same band that I really liked back in the mid to late 70's......Correct or did I step on it? If the same than I would like them.

PS: A very special birthday wish princess and I bet you thought I forgot. Hope you have a special day and your family and friends treat you very special!!!