Plea for help


And The Same To You I Am Not Wanted I Missed Court Beacuse My Chile Was In Childrens So Get A Life And As Far As The One Who Serched My Number If You Where Smart At All You Would Know You Can Not Get Info On A Cell Number

Yippee! And here I thought this might be a boring night. :yay:


Here's the banner ad that was at the bottom of this thread when I was reading it... :lmao:


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Fish May Be You I Do Use Thie For More Than One Thin I Place Ad For Chinchillas For Mom And Birds For Me Not That You Need To Know #### About Me Or What I Do You Have To Much Time On Your Hands To

I was reading over your previous posts and I have to ask, are you drunk? You seemed alot more intelligent back then.


How you like me now?
you have wayyyy to much time on your hands to be checking the ladys backround, she wasnt asking for money.....she was asking for help to raise a child...give her a frekin break!

You are right but it seems more like she is trying to scam people. Sorry but that is the way I took it. Why would her sister do that and why did she not report it. Sister or not she is not the legal guardian of the child till the paper work is done.

Then the other ad's she has adds up to BS to me too.


All my thoughts after reading this thread are of the Soylent Green variety. I will vote for anybody (even Hillary) who mandates sterilization of all sexes until they can prove worthy of breeding.


How you like me now?
let me tell you and all this is not my child i did not give him birth but unlike most #######s i am giving him a place to live so i guss you have to much time @ work he was left give it 2 weeks you will see i am going after mother and father for abandoment i did not get any money just baby items and yes i have assults and domestic but who are you to judge me one of the asults was for this childs father for hitting my daughter so dont pass your opinion as i put on another ad you should have had your ass beAT a time or to then you would know when you talk too much as i said i live @ 20741 hermNVILLE RD NOT TO FAR FROM YOU if you can come see this child and tell me he deserved this thaN I WILL KISS YOUR UPITY ASS YES I AHVE KIDS GUSS I AM NOT TO BAD AND IT WAS NOT THAT BAD OR I WOULD NOT HAVE MY KIDS LET ALONE BE HERE GIVING LOVE TO ONE WHO IS NOT MINE !!!! BUT I KNOW OTHERS MAY DO THINGS THAT ARE NOT RIGHT AND STEAL BUT CHECK THE WRAP SHEET ##### I DONT STEAL I BEAT THE #### OUT OF #######S WHO HIT ME OR MY KIDS AND WHEN I GET THE EMAIL AND SEE WHERE YOU WORK I WILL RETURN THE FAVOR MY LIFE IS NONE OF YOUR CONCERN AND NOT ON COMPANY TIME SO GET A LIFE !!! IF YOU HAVE ANY ISSUES WITH THIS I HAVE GIVEN YOU MY ADRESSE AND MY CELL YOU CAN GET ME 24-7 240- 577 0078 YOU ARE NOT WORTH THE GREIF I HAVE A BABY DEPENDING ONE ME AND MY OWN CHILDREN TOOK ANGER MANAGMENT BUT IT IS #######S LIKE YOU THAT MAKE ME WONDER WHY SHOULD I KEEP TO MYSELF THIS ##### DIDNT LIKE I SAID GET A LIFE !!!

You really should not list you home address on here it might not be a safe thing to do.


Well-Known Member
let me tell you and all this is not my child i did not give him birth but unlike most #######s i am giving him a place to live so i guss you have to much time @ work he was left give it 2 weeks you will see i am going after mother and father for abandoment i did not get any money just baby items and yes i have assults and domestic but who are you to judge me one of the asults was for this childs father for hitting my daughter so dont pass your opinion as i put on another ad you should have had your ass beAT a time or to then you would know when you talk too much as i said i live @ 20741 hermNVILLE RD NOT TO FAR FROM YOU if you can come see this child and tell me he deserved this thaN I WILL KISS YOUR UPITY ASS YES I AHVE KIDS GUSS I AM NOT TO BAD AND IT WAS NOT THAT BAD OR I WOULD NOT HAVE MY KIDS LET ALONE BE HERE GIVING LOVE TO ONE WHO IS NOT MINE !!!! BUT I KNOW OTHERS MAY DO THINGS THAT ARE NOT RIGHT AND STEAL BUT CHECK THE WRAP SHEET ##### I DONT STEAL I BEAT THE #### OUT OF #######S WHO HIT ME OR MY KIDS AND WHEN I GET THE EMAIL AND SEE WHERE YOU WORK I WILL RETURN THE FAVOR MY LIFE IS NONE OF YOUR CONCERN AND NOT ON COMPANY TIME SO GET A LIFE !!! IF YOU HAVE ANY ISSUES WITH THIS I HAVE GIVEN YOU MY ADRESSE AND MY CELL YOU CAN GET ME 24-7 240- 577 0078 YOU ARE NOT WORTH THE GREIF I HAVE A BABY DEPENDING ONE ME AND MY OWN CHILDREN TOOK ANGER MANAGMENT BUT IT IS #######S LIKE YOU THAT MAKE ME WONDER WHY SHOULD I KEEP TO MYSELF THIS ##### DIDNT LIKE I SAID GET A LIFE !!!



But wait, there's more...
All my thoughts after reading this thread are of the Soylent Green variety. I will vote for anybody (even Hillary) who mandates sterilization of all sexes until they can prove worthy of breeding.

I was thinking about that today as I attended a charity fund raiser luncheon for child abuse/neglect. I think that people should be required to obtain a child license before getting pregnant/having kids. If they do NOT obtain said license, they lose all rights to any/all public assistance for themselves and their child, and should they need public assistance, they lose custody of the kid -- period! People should NOT be allowed to freely procreate without having some education and pass some sort of screening process to determine they are fit, equipped and mature enough to raise another life.


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I was thinking about that today as I attended a charity fund raiser luncheon for child abuse/neglect. I think that people should be required to obtain a child license before getting pregnant/having kids. If they do NOT obtain said license, they lose all rights to any/all public assistance for themselves and their child, and should they need public assistance, they lose custody of the kid -- period! People should NOT be allowed to freely procreate without having some education and pass some sort of screening process to determine they are fit, equipped and mature enough to raise another life.

Do we really want the government in that personal with us?


But wait, there's more...
Do we really want the government in that personal with us?

I want SOMEONE involved personally with those who lack the sense to know better than to pump out kids they cannot care for mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, and every other possible way. Having kids should be a privilege; not a "right". And that's clearly demonstrated by the nutcase who just dropped her kid, diaper bag and medicaid card off with her sister because she has better things to do. :duh:

Besides, if the government is good enough to be that "personal" with folks to provide them with food stamps, medical care, and other hand-outs, then it's good enough to be involved in the parenting process BEFORE it starts. I call it being proactive! :yay:


How you like me now?
I want SOMEONE involved personally with those who lack the sense to know better than to pump out kids they cannot care for mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, and every other possible way. Having kids should be a privilege; not a "right". And that's clearly demonstrated by the nutcase who just dropped her kid, diaper bag and medicaid card off with her sister because she has better things to do. :duh:

Besides, if the government is good enough to be that "personal" with folks to provide them with food stamps, medical care, and other hand-outs, then it's good enough to be involved in the parenting process BEFORE it starts. I call it being proactive! :yay:

I see your point but I am still not comfortable with the government telling me if I can have a child or not. To me that would be opening a can of worms that no one will want to deal with. It is also crossing the line of freedom and religions. I think something should be done but just not sure what.


But wait, there's more...
I see your point but I am still not comfortable with the government telling me if I can have a child or not. To me that would be opening a can of worms that no one will want to deal with. It is also crossing the line of freedom and religions. I think something should be done but just not sure what.

Why is it a problem? You have to go through the government to get a driver's license; a marriage license; a concealed-weapons license; etc. But you can just procreate at free will and potentially create a public burden on taxpayers when you get tired of your new role as Mommy? Doesn't make much sense to me. Unless of course, you suspect you'd be one of those tossing your kid off on the first available set of hands when you have better things to do or decide you don't want to work for a living and live off my tax dollars. Christ, we regulate tobacco more closely than we do parenting, and I'm sure I don't need to specify which one merits more importance to our future. :ohwell:


But wait, there's more...
I see your point but I am still not comfortable with the government telling me if I can have a child or not. To me that would be opening a can of worms that no one will want to deal with. It is also crossing the line of freedom and religions. I think something should be done but just not sure what.

And remember, I'm not saying you can/can't have kids. I'm saying if you do it without passing some sort of test/screening, then you lose any rights to public assistance. That's all.


How you like me now?
Why is it a problem? You have to go through the government to get a driver's license; a marriage license; a concealed-weapons license; etc. But you can just procreate at free will and potentially create a public burden on taxpayers when you get tired of your new role as Mommy? Doesn't make much sense to me. Unless of course, you suspect you'd be one of those tossing your kid off on the first available set of hands when you have better things to do or decide you don't want to work for a living and live off my tax dollars. Christ, we regulate tobacco more closely than we do parenting, and I'm sure I don't need to specify which one merits more importance to our future. :ohwell:

because that is my body that we are talking about and the choice to have children should be up to me and my partner. Just like abortion.

I have raised my kids just fine so now I would never suspect that. I also like my privacy and my god given right to choose and I do not think that should be taken away because of the ill actions of others,

If we did that it will only be the gateway to other things for the government to control and since they are not doing such a great job as it is I would like to keep as much control of MY life as possible.


How you like me now?
And remember, I'm not saying you can/can't have kids. I'm saying if you do it without passing some sort of test/screening, then you lose any rights to public assistance. That's all.

ok but what if they do pass some sort of screening and they still turn out as bad parents? Then all that tax dolloars to expend on such a program on top of the welfare they will now get because they passed the screening. So we are in a bigger hole than before