I am not out to change your mind. You have the right to your opinion just as I am to mine. I am out to voice my opinion.
Originally Posted by Nicole_in_somd
do you really think that your tax dollars are supporting all those people on welfare?
Uhh, yea! I pay taxes. Taxes pay for assistance programs (as well as a plethora of other things). Do you think the gov't pulls money for welfare out of it's ass?
Did I even come close to giving you the impression I think the government pulls it out of their ass? A small portion of your tax dollar along with all the other unhappy tax payers. Let me rephrase that. How much tax do you think you pay towards welfare in a given year?
Why is everything so extreme with you? Let’s talk about this logically.
I'm not "extreme". I'm talking about real situations with real potential solutions. You didn't offer one except to say " what about my freedom of religion" ... what does your religion have to do with the government? NADA ... liberals make damn sure of that.
You are offering your solution and I am responding to that. What is the point of you stating you solution if no one can comment back or ask questions? As a women and a mother I feel strongly about my right to have children. That is where my problem is.
You are proposing that the government screen me as a fit parent. So what will that entail?
It entails a review of your mental, physical, financial, emotional status as well as classes in parenting. Can you provide a stable home for a child? Can you pay for daycare? Food? Medical care? etc? Do you have a stable employment history? Do you have a criminal record? etc ... I didn't draft an application during the luncheon today, mind you ... but hearing about the abuse and neglect sure got me thinking about it.
I think that is a great idea to offer classes in parenting. Don’t they do that already?
These are great ideas but no in the sense where it can prohibit you from having children. If they could afford all this at the time of the screening then what would be the purpose? You said the purpose of the screening is for those that do not file will be denied benefits. So if at the time they passed then later need to apply they would have to go through the entire process again? More government red tape. More tax payers money on a useless program. It just will not work out the way you think it will. This will only cause more problems. Possible legal suits and would be almost impossible to mange.
You will have to have funding to start this program up and sustain it. How much do you think that will cost?
I had to actually work this afternoon, so I didn't have time to research salaries, supplies, application printing costs, space needs, county/city/state/federal roles and responsibilities, etc. But I'm going to take a stab and say it'll be around the same or less than we spend in welfare addicts, and even if it's more, the end result is a more educated generation of parents who are more responsible in terms of providing for their own children, and THAT is something I'd be okay with my tax dollars paying for vs some lazy government leech.
Then come back to me when you have done your research and have the data to back that up. Because if you instill a program like this it will not eliminate the welfare system. It will only be another useless program and double the work. If you want educated parents fine that is a great idea. But why not make it mandatory as a requirement to receive short term welfare assistance? Not all parents on welfare are bad parents. Have programs that will work directly with the welfare recipients. Because trying to anticipate future recipients is not going to work.
What type of personnel will be needed to run this program? What will be the requirements for the jobs and how much do you think that will cost?
See previous response.
Your previous response did not answer this. Who should the personnel consist of? Doctors, Psychologist, psychiatrist? At what price do you think this will cost?
What should be the criteria of passing and failing?
See earlier answer.
Another cop out
Who should determine that?
Societal common sense. It's not rocket science ... can't support your kid? Oh well, you don't get to have one. Have a criminal history of physical abuse/assault? Tough luck! Keep your pecker in your pants!
Not logical. How exactly are you going to keep them from reproducing? What is next mandatory sterilization?
Again what happens if the parent passes said screening and still ends up as a loser parent and on welfare? That is costing us twice as much as before.
As I said before, few people just decide one day to become a government leech. Those who are chronic teet-suckers have similiar qualities that are not too hard to identify as potential indicators. That's not to say that a person who "passes" won't hit hard times. But "hard times" are one thing; being a lazy teet sucker is something entirely different.
But then you fall under the discrimination problems and you know as well as I do that will be the first thing they will protest. You are trying to keep them down. Just like Aids. Some are complaining that was a man made virus to keep the black man from reproducing. Not insinuating that black families are the only participants of welfare but using that as an example.
Again I am for getting Welfare under control but that is not in my opinion the way to go.