Please Help, Emergency!


New Member
Hopefully they'll get hungry & come home soon; if they are together it should be easy to spot them.

One boy said he had seen my standard, but the little dog wasn't with him. I only hope she was ahead of him or the child just didn't see her. There are barely any street lights in this neighborhood, so I doubt they will be found tonight. I am hoping they will come home to eat, hubby laid a shirt out on the front porch for them that smells like him. Maybe if they come home they will sleep in it. Thanks for the well wishes. :huggy:


New Member
I hope you find them. God bless you.

Thanks, sorry I am cranky, just a bit uptight right now. I have had these dogs since they were pups and they are elderly now. They are a very big part of our family. We just want them home.


i hope you find your dogs soon. I would be a mess if i lost bruno and would spend all night trying to get her back. I had my cat escape once during the middle of the night it was windy and our front door blew open while we were sleeping. I got up at 430am to get a drink and screamed bloody murder as the door was wide open and no cats to be found. I spent from 430am til 7am looking for them. Then came in and ate breakfast and while I was eating my diabetic cat strolled in the door then 1hr later my torte came back then 3hrs later my calico came back and she was the one who was all dirty and had grease in her fur. Mind you my cats had never seen the outdoors a day in there life and i was totally surprised they knew where they lived but they did. It could also be because I was out there constantly calling there names walking up and down the street til they were all accounted for.


New Member
i hope you find your dogs soon. I would be a mess if i lost bruno and would spend all night trying to get her back. I had my cat escape once during the middle of the night it was windy and our front door blew open while we were sleeping. I got up at 430am to get a drink and screamed bloody murder as the door was wide open and no cats to be found. I spent from 430am til 7am looking for them. Then came in and ate breakfast and while I was eating my diabetic cat strolled in the door then 1hr later my torte came back then 3hrs later my calico came back and she was the one who was all dirty and had grease in her fur. Mind you my cats had never seen the outdoors a day in there life and i was totally surprised they knew where they lived but they did. It could also be because I was out there constantly calling there names walking up and down the street til they were all accounted for.

We have been taking turns standing out front and on our back deck and yelling for them while taking care of the kids. I hope mine come home like yours did. I am glad you got them all back safe and sound. :huggy:


i will say a little prayer that they come home safe and sound tonight so you don't have to stay up all night being worried about them. have you called a/c to see if they picked them up by chance yet since they don't have collars on?


New Member
i will say a little prayer that they come home safe and sound tonight so you don't have to stay up all night being worried about them. have you called a/c to see if they picked them up by chance yet since they don't have collars on?

Yes I called animal control first thing to see if he had them. He said he didn't and took a description of them down. He said he would call if he found them.


one day the dark will end
Keep in mind there will be a nice, bright full moon out there all night...
My guess, they found a good scent to follow....hope they come home soon!!


New Member
My dogs escaped from my fence. Some one opened the gate and they are gone. One is a black Standard Poodle (male) and a red Min Pin (female, has a grey muzzle) Please, these dogs are precious to our family. If you see them please call us 301-863-7239.

They escaped in the Lexington Park, Great Mills Road area. Neither dog has their collars on due to them pulling them off.


Why would they run and never come back?


New Member
Why would they run and never come back?

Well there is one horrible reason I can think of that they wouldn't come back. But I don't want to go there!

To everyone else, we are offering a $100.00 reward for their safe return. It's not much but that is all we have at the moment.


Infinite Impetus
My dogs escaped from my fence. Some one opened the gate and they are gone. One is a black Standard Poodle (male) and a red Min Pin (female, has a grey muzzle) Please, these dogs are precious to our family. If you see them please call us 301-863-7239.

They escaped in the Lexington Park, Great Mills Road area. Neither dog has their collars on due to them pulling them off.


If you still haven't recovered them post a few pics on here of them, and try to provide a more specific location... Lexington Park and Great Mills road are pretty broad. Also, if they escaped out of your fence, how did they pull their collars off?


New Member
If you still haven't recovered them post a few pics on here of them, and try to provide a more specific location... Lexington Park and Great Mills road are pretty broad. Also, if they escaped out of your fence, how did they pull their collars off?

Well with the Min Pin her collar never stayed on due to her tiny head and thick neck, it would just fall right off of her when she was eating or whatever. With the poodle, he was constantly tearing up his collars and or losing his tags. So I would only put his collar on to go to the vets and I would use a halter on the min pin. Neither her nor there, but either someone left the gate open or just barely shut and when the UPS guy came my poodle probably stood up and put his paws on the gate and pushed it open. This is the only scenario we can come up with.

Anyway, here are a couple of pics, Cayenne is the red min pin and well Rex is self explanatory.


  • Cayenne's new harness.jpg
    Cayenne's new harness.jpg
    29.4 KB · Views: 112
    31.2 KB · Views: 102


Throwing the deuces
i hope you find your babies soon. Hopefully somebody is taking good care of them until you are reunited.


I love her wild,wild hair
My farm is close by you and I haven't seen them. The scents here usually attract strays. I will continue to keep a lookout for them!