Please vote for me on Flavor of Love 3


24/7 Single Dad
Sharon said:
Who is that Flav guy and what exactly do you get out of this?
He's a middle aged crack head that is starting to show the signs of years of drug abuse like Ozzy. He's apparently the father to a couple of dozen kids by a couple of dozen different bebes mommas.
The object of the show is to get knocked up by him and get child support.


New Member
beachcat said:
I agree - now that guy on that show is a NAPPY HEADED HO. He's gross, disgusting, and I can't believe anyone would want to go on that show. nasteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee gross :killingme

Trust me I've seen worse on Great Mills Rd...hanging out at the Car Wash...


Well-Known Member
SUNNESHYNE said: that's fine. KFC...hummm is this a racial joke or a thick joke...?? or is it both...i'm confused...another question is this supposed to be funny.
Please LMK...

Who said it was a joke. I just think your time would be better spent at KFC than on that stupid flavor of love show.

Come on now do your really want to go on that show and end up looking like some desperate money grubbing nappy headed ho.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

Qurious said:
Your a perfect candidate for this show. :yay: All the women who apply & make it don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks of them...they don't care if they are called a nasty hoe, slut, tip drill trick, gold diggin b!tches....

As a woman I would care how I am portrayed on a tv show even if my actions are up to par. You obviously dont. Set higher goals for yourself...
:whistle: You deserves credit for trying to tell the girl right.

When a person (male or female) does not respect themselves then there is not much we can do.

The "Flavor of love" is a sad reality that every fool richly deserves. :howdy:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
aps45819 said:
He's a middle aged crack head that is starting to show the signs of years of drug abuse like Ozzy. He's apparently the father to a couple of dozen kids by a couple of dozen different bebes mommas.
The object of the show is to get knocked up by him and get child support.



New Member
Sharon said:
You really do seem like a nice girl so I'll wish you good luck if that's your goal. Personally I think you can do better. Who is that Flav guy and what exactly do you get out of this? A date? Money? Why would you want to date him? Can't he find his own dates? I've never seen the show because I don't watch trash TV.

Flav used to be a rapper in a group called Public Enemy (cira late 80s early 90s). Out of this a date, no money actually (could get more getting change out of my couch). It's a long story about me getting on the show. (not trying to promote) but i did an interview on: look for the Aug 9th show, lots of similar questions are answered on there.
Thanks for your concern.


Watch it
Ah yes, I see the draw. :sarcasm:

You can do better than that without even trying.


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Im On 1.
JPC sr said:
:whistle: You deserves credit for trying to tell the girl right.

When a person (male or female) does not respect themselves then there is not much we can do.

The "Flavor of love" is a sad reality that every fool richly deserves. :howdy:

Thanks for giving me credit, but I can't respect someone who feels the mother of his child should provide receipts of what she does with the child support money.

I've lurked and read your comments on child support and frankly they give me hemmoroids.


New Member
aps45819 said:
He's a middle aged crack head that is starting to show the signs of years of drug abuse like Ozzy. He's apparently the father to a couple of dozen kids by a couple of dozen different bebes mommas.
The object of the show is to get knocked up by him and get child support.

LOL...that was funny!! he has 6 kids. Not on crack though (you have that mixed up with Being Bobby Brown..wrong middle aged African American guy) Sorry..:(
The object of the show isn't to get knocked up...whoever DOESN'T get knocked up wins...J/ you have to love the humor in this!!


New Member
pingrr said:
Who said it was a joke. I just think your time would be better spent at KFC than on that stupid flavor of love show.

Come on now do your really want to go on that show and end up looking like some desperate money grubbing nappy headed ho.

Ok Don it..


New Member
Qurious said:
Thanks for giving me credit, but I can't respect someone who feels the mother of his child should provide receipts of what she does with the child support money.

I've lurked and read your comments on child support and frankly they give me hemmoroids.


Infinite Impetus
So. If you don't get the most votes then you don't get in? Have you SEEN how many votes the other women have? Who are all wearing some pretty racey stuff. Some even have modeling pics.. Stiff competition. (heh-heh)

I am neutral on this one. Show seems pretty degrading but whatever ya wanna do girl.. I applaud your ability to take all the shi!t people are shoveling out. It bes like that in here.


New Member
CRoyal said:
So. If you don't get the most votes then you don't get in? Have you SEEN how many votes the other women have? Who are all wearing some pretty racey stuff. Some even have modeling pics.. Stiff competition. (heh-heh)

I am neutral on this one. Show seems pretty degrading but whatever ya wanna do girl.. I applaud your ability to take all the shi!t people are shoveling out. It bes like that in here.

Yes I see the pics, but I will not get on there half naked just to be noticed, i'm doing ok without it. (part of my plan)
Oh this stuff that people are dishing really doesn't bother me...i think it's funny...i've been laughing the entire time!! LOL...great entertainment.


New Member
Hello My name is Jessica and I am running for Flavor of Love 3. I am born and raised in St. Mary's County . I was asking for your help so I can be on the show. I will need for everyone to vote daily. If I am in the top 5 on the website, I will automatically get on the TV show. For those of you who don't know, it is a dating show :love: featuring Flavor Flave from Public Enemy!! :larry: This show is aired on VH1 and it has had 2 seasons and it was great. Please check out my profile and vote for me daily! Thank you!
P.S- I have read the comments so far, actually, i think it will be fun, it's boring here, and my parents are proud, i'm educated, have my own, have a good job know a lot of folks. I'm not the regular ghetto-fab St.Mary's county person...I'm actually kind of nice. :howdy: This is something that will be fun and a good experience. I'm looking at it that way...Thanks for the people that have voted already.-Sunne
The link is:
If you have any questions please contact me at
Thanks again!

I don't know you and I hate the show, but I voted for ya :howdy: Have fun!

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

Qurious said:
Thanks for giving me credit, but I can't respect someone who feels the mother of his child should provide receipts of what she does with the child support money.

I've lurked and read your comments on child support
:whistle: Well I have never said anything like that.

You must be reading the slander as speaking for me because I do not say that.

I do not want the custodials (mom or dad) to give receipts for the child support usage.

It is wrong enough that the gov attacks the separated parents and I certainly never want the big daddy gov to turn on the custodials like that.

Posters here slander you too but I go by what you say or post and nothing else.

Some posters just slander everyone at any given time.

I say and post what I mean and no one else talks for me. :flowers: