Plus size models..


Dream Stealer
I hate that term..honestly someone who wears a size 8 is plus size? stupidist thing I have ever heard.

Runway models are by and large hideously ugly anyway..they may be stick thin..but it doesn't look good on most of them..and it is rare for one to have a pretty face..that I have seen. VS models are nice looking..but they are on the larger end of models..believe it or not...

bottom line? Runway models are choosen by designers to show their clothing...who are designers?...GAY they pick the most boyish looking women...skinny sticks with no chest...why would anyone take these women as their inspiration for looks?

Pressure to Get Skinny Still the Fashion Norm, Even in the Plus-Sized Model World - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment -


Dream Stealer
6...but it is real close to 8 ....probably is what set me off :killingme I don't think i am plus size at all..I am like 5'6 ..still I don't think we should glorify real large sizes either..but come on...normal sizes people..normal


USMC 1983-1995
I never thought I was fat when I was younger - wore a size 10 - 38-26-36 and athletic.

I believe term is Sh*t Brick House.

Happy to be a 14 - still get more looks than the anorexics - men are drawn to curves.
Hmmm, I guess I'm not "normal"...actually, I'm sick of commercials advertising how narrow pads are, when for me they actually hang over the sides :tantrum


USMC 1983-1995
The Kama Sutra says it best : there are gazelle women and elephant women and both are beautiful and sensual.
I never thought I was fat when I was younger - wore a size 10 - 38-26-36 and athletic.

I believe term is Sh*t Brick House.

Happy to be a 14 - still get more looks than the anorexics - men are drawn to curves.

:coffee: The term is "brick sh*t house"


Dream Stealer
:coffee: The term is "brick sh*t house"

Yup..thats grandmother called me that..I was offended at first until she explained it was a compliment :killingme

I don't mean that size 8 is normal..but to walk on a runway with your collarbone holding your purse instead of your def not.


Cleopatra Jones
Yup..thats grandmother called me that..I was offended at first until she explained it was a compliment :killingme

I don't mean that size 8 is normal..but to walk on a runway with your collarbone holding your purse instead of your def not.

Why do you care is more the issue. We're not in Hollywood we're in SoMD and it's very apparent every where you look. Instead of being offended what anyone in the fashion industry says be happy that at a size 6-8 you're thinner than 90% of the population in which you live.

Whome darling, we're just TOO perfect. :lmao: :smoochy:


Dream Stealer
Why do you care is more the issue. We're not in Hollywood we're in SoMD and it's very apparent every where you look. Instead of being offended what anyone in the fashion industry says be happy that at a size 6-8 you're thinner than 90% of the population in which you live.

Whome darling, we're just TOO perfect. :lmao: :smoochy:

I guess its not that I care..but that others assume women care..that we look up to these models..I wouldn't want to look like one..I dont think any normal woman would...but it is in the news all the time about the pressure from hollywood to be is silly...

and as for somd :shakeshead:
Why do you care is more the issue. We're not in Hollywood we're in SoMD and it's very apparent every where you look. Instead of being offended what anyone in the fashion industry says be happy that at a size 6-8 you're thinner than 90% of the population in which you live.

Whome darling, we're just TOO perfect. :lmao: :smoochy:



Cleopatra Jones
I guess its not that I care..but that others assume women care..that we look up to these models..I wouldn't want to look like one..I dont think any normal woman would...but it is in the news all the time about the pressure from hollywood to be is silly...

and as for somd :shakeshead:

That's the thing though, I don't think that normal women or even teenage girls feel any pressure. Maybe more need to so we wouldn't have the obesity problem we do in this country. :lmao: Anyone who thinks that they have to be grossly underweight and look like Skeletor to be attractive needs a check up from the neck up and I'm willing to bet there are a lot of emotional issues going on and weight is just the tip of the iceberg.

I started a thread a while back about chubby/fat women telling thin women that they're too thin all the time. I'm thin and have been told 34857309875 times by friends, coworker, etc that I'm too thin. I've never had a doctor in my life have one thing to say about my weight. But I have all these "average" women say things to me all the time.


skinny sticks with no chest...why would anyone take these women as their inspiration for looks?

i dont know any normal women that want to look like models.

i think this is sexy...



Dream Stealer
i dont know any normal women that want to look like models.

i think this is sexy...

View attachment 68366

hot tub party :shudders:

I would never tell someone they were too thin..i think thats just as awkward as telling someone they are too fat

That's the thing though, I don't think that normal women or even teenage girls feel any pressure. Maybe more need to so we wouldn't have the obesity problem we do in this country.



Then there's the women that will chime in shortly that are naturally thin, and wondering why they can't be considered 'normal' as well. Which they should be.

Thing is, there is no typical woman's body. The fashion industry just chooses to exploit the smaller extreme for whatever reason rather than the naturally various body types.

They could at least start putting a range of sizes on the runway, so that the thinner, athletic, and voluptuous shapes can be admired instead of shoving skin and bones down our throat. It's not always an achievable goal, and it's giving more people BDD every day.



Well-Known Member
I can't remember where I read this but I saw a stat somewhere that said the average American woman is a size 10. I'll google it a bit. I also thought I read that size 10 is what a plus size model is.