Plus size models..


Cleopatra Jones
Then there's the women that will chime in shortly that are naturally thin, and wondering why they can't be considered 'normal' as well. Which they should be.

Thing is, there is no typical woman's body. The fashion industry just chooses to exploit the smaller extreme for whatever reason rather than the naturally various body types.

They could at least start putting a range of sizes on the runway, so that the thinner, athletic, and voluptuous shapes can be admired instead of shoving skin and bones down our throat. It's not always an achievable goal, and it's giving more people BDD every day.


Nothing is being shoved down your throat. I can't remember when the last time I watched a runway show. :shrug: You can't chose to subject yourself to it and then turn around and biatch about it.


curiouser and curiouser
bottom line? Runway models are choosen by designers to show their clothing...who are designers?...GAY they pick the most boyish looking women...skinny sticks with no chest...why would anyone take these women as their inspiration for looks?
The point of a runway model is to be a walking clothes hanger, so of course they need to be rail thin.


Nothing is being shoved down your throat. I can't remember when the last time I watched a runway show. :shrug: You can't chose to subject yourself to it and then turn around and biatch about it.

Well when I watch stuff like that (Project Runway in particular) I watch it because I enjoy the fashions. It would just be nice to see fashions for different shapes now and then. You know, besides thin and flat.


I don't understand the whole outrage over weight, honestly... more people should learn to love the skin their in :shrug: Life's too short, and like the tract I got in Vegas says, "Statistics say 10 out of 10 people will die." You can choose to biatch and moan about your weight (or lack there of), or you can choose to accept you as yourself and try to be the healthiest person you can. Not everyone was built to be a size 2, just like not everyone was built to be a size 22.


curiouser and curiouser
Well when I watch stuff like that (Project Runway in particular) I watch it because I enjoy the fashions. It would just be nice to see fashions for different shapes now and then. You know, besides thin and flat.
I love Project Runway!!! Heidi is just too damn cute. :lol:


Dream Stealer
I tried to catch up this weekend. I'm soooo glad they let go of Egg Nest Chicken Thigh boy. :twitch:

Oh man..I had no idea what he was thinking...that outfit was a mess..though I feel like the top could have worked in a dif material and a little less tucking around the was an interesting idea
Its neat that they have a show about the models now too..fatma is an interesting character.


New Member
I thankfully carry my weight proportionally and I get told two things with regularity-that people would love to be my weight or that I need to gain weight. My response to both is simple-"How much do you think I weigh?" The average is between 115-125. I'm 140 with dimension 35,29,35(currently 12 weeks pregnant). The beauty of that question is it makes the people that wish to be my weight realize that they are already pretty close and in turn, it makes them feel better about themselves. At the same time it shuts the people up that say I need to gain weight since I am well within the weight range I should be.
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New Member
I don't understand the whole outrage over weight, honestly... more people should learn to love the skin their in :shrug: Life's too short, and like the tract I got in Vegas says, "Statistics say 10 out of 10 people will die." You can choose to biatch and moan about your weight (or lack there of), or you can choose to accept you as yourself and try to be the healthiest person you can. Not everyone was built to be a size 2, just like not everyone was built to be a size 22.

I'm suprised you took the time from stuffing your face to post this.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Why do you care is more the issue.

It's the chicanery of the whole thing. A plus size is larger than a 16 or 18 - 1x, 2x, etc. To have a size 8 model touted as "plus size" is dishonest and ridiculous.

Not to mention that models are taller than average. So we're not talking about a 5'3" size 8.


New Member
I have always had big hips ,thighs and a butt. For a white girl this was not normal. I just told people more push'n for the!
I can't remember where I read this but I saw a stat somewhere that said the average American woman is a size 10. I'll google it a bit. I also thought I read that size 10 is what a plus size model is.

I did a report in College on "Vanity Sizing." Yes, the "average" American woman is a size 10... but the size 10 is altered to fit the average American woman. For example, we always hear that Marilyn Monroe was a size 16 :eyebrow: Do not get your hopes up, my friends. A size "16" in the 1940's and 50's is close to a today's size 8. :jameo: They fluctuate sizes because they have found that in tha fashion industry, a woman would rather buy a size 10 than a size 14...and she is willing to pay more money to do so.

I wear a size 9 or 10 usually (I am 5'7'' so I am thick)... when I tried on a pair of my mom's old shorts from the 70's/80's I couldn't even get them over my thighs.... :frown:


Loving My Life...
:jet: I understand that... Have you ever tried putting on an old pair of jeans from high school :shocking: I can not BELIEVE I used to think I was fat back then.

:lol: Im pretty sure they wouldn't fit past my ankles.. Actually I wouldn't want to be that small again.. I was to skinny :lol: