Plus size models..


Cleopatra Jones
I wear a size 9 or 10 usually (I am 5'7'' so I am thick)... when I tried on a pair of my mom's old shorts from the 70's/80's I couldn't even get them over my thighs.... :frown:

Yep. I often buy vintage dresses and skirts and get a medium which is sometimes snug. I'm 5'4, 112#s and a size 2. When a medium is snug there have been some changes in sizes. :lol:


That's the thing though, I don't think that normal women or even teenage girls feel any pressure. Maybe more need to so we wouldn't have the obesity problem we do in this country. :lmao: Anyone who thinks that they have to be grossly underweight and look like Skeletor to be attractive needs a check up from the neck up and I'm willing to bet there are a lot of emotional issues going on and weight is just the tip of the iceberg.

I started a thread a while back about chubby/fat women telling thin women that they're too thin all the time. I'm thin and have been told 34857309875 times by friends, coworker, etc that I'm too thin. I've never had a doctor in my life have one thing to say about my weight. But I have all these "average" women say things to me all the time.

I have been told the same thing many, many, times. I’m 5’4” – 125 lbs (size 4). People guess my weight at 115. There is not a weight chart in the world that would say that I’m under-weight and my doctor has also never told me to gain weight.


New Member
I wish people would stop being so rude and keep their mouth shut. I have a friend who has always be super thin. Everyone thinks she is sick or something. We were out one day and someone had the balls to ask her if she was anorexic. She broke out in tears and i ended up yelling at the stupid lady. It is nobodies business if you are sick or not. People are so nosy!


I wish people would stop being so rude and keep their mouth shut. I have a friend who has always be super thin. Everyone thinks she is sick or something. We were out one day and someone had the balls to ask her if she was anorexic. She broke out in tears and i ended up yelling at the stupid lady. It is nobodies business if you are sick or not. People are so nosy!

WTF? You have to wonder what his response would have been. Or what was going through his head.

"Hmm... I wonder if I can get this girl to admit she's anorexic, and then maybe she'll go get help."

Or maybe she'll burst into tears because everyone's always telling her she's too thin or wondering if she's sick, and is completely self-conscious about it. Thanks, guy.