Poison Ivy/Sumac Question



I went all tazmanian devil on the leaves and brush in the back yard Friday afternoon, and I am about to scratch my skin off now! There were some thorny vines that got me through my shirt, but I don't know what they are. I read through the poison-ivy.org website and I couldn't find any pictures of ivy with thorns. Not sure if or how a dormant, thorny vine could give me an oozing nasty rash!
Has anyone head of a thorny, poisonous vine like this? I wish I could give a better description of it. I though it was a blackberry vine at first, but they're not poisonous, are they? :confused::banghead:

the only thing I can think of is, I got all these scratches from the blackberry vines, and then the poison ivy got in there somehow. :shrug:

Stinks, cause I am spraying Benadryl spray on it and it is doing NOTHING. Arrrgh!!!:tantrum


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I went all tazmanian devil on the leaves and brush in the back yard Friday afternoon, and I am about to scratch my skin off now! There were some thorny vines that got me through my shirt, but I don't know what they are. I read through the poison-ivy.org website and I couldn't find any pictures of ivy with thorns. Not sure if or how a dormant, thorny vine could give me an oozing nasty rash!
Has anyone head of a thorny, poisonous vine like this? I wish I could give a better description of it. I though it was a blackberry vine at first, but they're not poisonous, are they? :confused::banghead:

the only thing I can think of is, I got all these scratches from the blackberry vines, and then the poison ivy got in there somehow. :shrug:

Stinks, cause I am spraying Benadryl spray on it and it is doing NOTHING. Arrrgh!!!:tantrum

:lmao: Love the tazmanian devil part.

I've never heard of a vine like this, but I would definitely make sure you stay on top of that rash because anytime I hear the word "oozing" I think infection. Be careful!


Go see your doctor. He can prescribe prednisone (a steriod) which clears up skin rashes very quickly. I have used prednisone for this and other uses with great results! Long term usage will make you fat, pale skinned, & moon faced, but a quick dose makes you feel great & energetic -- like you should take it every day.



Well-Known Member
I went all tazmanian devil on the leaves and brush in the back yard Friday afternoon, and I am about to scratch my skin off now! There were some thorny vines that got me through my shirt, but I don't know what they are. I read through the poison-ivy.org website and I couldn't find any pictures of ivy with thorns. Not sure if or how a dormant, thorny vine could give me an oozing nasty rash!
Has anyone head of a thorny, poisonous vine like this? I wish I could give a better description of it. I though it was a blackberry vine at first, but they're not poisonous, are they? :confused::banghead:

the only thing I can think of is, I got all these scratches from the blackberry vines, and then the poison ivy got in there somehow. :shrug:

Stinks, cause I am spraying Benadryl spray on it and it is doing NOTHING. Arrrgh!!!:tantrum

If it is infact some kind of poison ivy/sumac you may want to try Rhule spray. It's kinda like calimine lotion, but in a spray. By spraying it on, it will help in drying it up, but you don't have to rub it on and cause it to start itching. Take benadryl orally for the itching.


New Member
I did the very same thing last year. It felt so good to finally get to that patch of vines and weeds that I'd been wanting to clean out. I had poison ivy or whatever it was all over my arms and legs and a little on my face. I tried the OTC stuff and Benadryl but finally gave up and went to doc. Doc mentioned that the poison ivy and other plants are even getting stronger and evolving with the changes in climate. Hope this link works, it's interesting. This year I hope to be more careful. Good luck!

YouTube - Study: Poison Ivy Getting Bigger, Stronger, Itchier
Poison ivy can make very think (up to 2 inches) very hairy looking vines that don't look like much, but are still as infectious as the poison ivy leaf. You can get poison ivy in the middle of winter under 2 feet of snow and ice.

Rhule also makes a gel that I like.


24/7 Single Dad
Poison ivy can make very think (up to 2 inches) very hairy looking vines that don't look like much, but are still as infectious as the poison ivy leaf. You can get poison ivy in the middle of winter under 2 feet of snow and ice..

You can also catch it from the smoke if you burn it.

BUT, if it had thorns, it WASN'T poison ivey
You can also catch it from the smoke if you burn it.

BUT, if it had thorns, it WASN'T poison ivey

It's he!! if you get the ivy smoke in your lungs. I know someone who did. Hospital time.....

Right, no thorns. Not sure if Sumac or Oak has thorns, don't think so....


My Dad got poison ivy in his lungs from our neighbors burning it but the prednisone cleared it up. It scratches where you can't itch!


New Member
It's he!! if you get the ivy smoke in your lungs. I know someone who did. Hospital time.....

Right, no thorns. Not sure if Sumac or Oak has thorns, don't think so....

No thorns on the sumac but what you describe is how I react to it.
I get small bumps that quickly meet and become a raised red lump that "weeps" for days and the itching is unbearable. I can usually ignore the poison ivy itching but not sumac, it makes me want to scratch with a cheese grater it's so bad.

Remember, you can get this from your animals. All it takes if for them to brush up against it, you pet them and then transfer to your skin. I have a patch of poison ivy right now and I'd bet money that's how I got it, I haven't even started any yard work or been in the woods.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Did the plant actually have thorns or was it the ivy vine climbing a thorned vine?


It's called an infection, you get it when your skin is scratched and not properly cleaned. It has nothing to do with any type of poison.

Its' not that kind of ooze actually. The rash has raised blisters, and some of them have popped from me scratching them in my sleep. :jameo: I soaked in some Epson salts last night, and it looks a lot better this morning. It's still itching a little bit, but not as bad.

Go see your doctor. He can prescribe prednisone (a steriod) which clears up skin rashes very quickly. I have used prednisone for this and other uses with great results! Long term usage will make you fat, pale skinned, & moon faced, but a quick dose makes you feel great & energetic -- like you should take it every day.

By the time I get an appointment on base, it will probably start to heal, if not already. I'd rather not get back on the prednisone. Already fat and moon-faced from a year of treatments. Thanks for the suggestion though.

Did the plant actually have thorns or was it the ivy vine climbing a thorned vine?
Its very possible, that's what it was now I think about it. There was so much crap tangled within itself and around the blackberries, I have no idea what was what. There could be an old truck in that mess, and I wouldn't have found it. (just moved to this house, and it's a landscaping nightmare) I should soak that whole mess with Round-Up and start over. lol

Get this, a guy at work here told me next time, as soon as I feel symptoms, to dab bleach on the area! He swears up and down it works. You have to wash it off afterwards of course. Apparently it won't work later on...you have to do it when you're exposed. Anybody else heard of this?

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
We have either poison oak or ivy at work. How do you kill it without killing the other stuff?


Methodically disorganized
I have read that you can still contract it if the plant looks "dormant", although I have only gotten it during the summer.

The past two or three years I have had it several times, and I tend to flare up bad if I don't tame it early. What always works for me... Domeboro Solution.

It's a powerful astringent, and dries the stuff right up. The downside is you have to mix the solution and soak the area, so if the area is too big or not easily reached you may not be able to use it. You can buy it by the 12 pack for around $13; usually, 3 or 4 applications work for me.



I just bought some stuff from CVS called Zanfel. This stuff was $40 for a tube...but let me tell you, this stuff worked! I can see why it costs so much; its well worth the money! Not only does it completely remove the oil still in your skin, it relieves the itch. My arms were on fire 2 minutes ago, and now they are cool as a cucumber. It instantly dried up all that clear, ooze too.

Trust me,...if you get into poison ivy, you have to give this stuff a try. I still can't believe how well it worked. There is enough left for several applications too. Large applications. Just one treatment (silver dollar size in the palm) covered both my arms, neck and face. (I got it on my face!!! Gahhh!)