Police Corruption and Malfeasance


PREMO Member

Small business owners say they’re pressured to hire off-duty MPD cops for security

When Maya Santamaria was opening a Minneapolis club in 2003, a city worker handed her a card for a Minneapolis police officer and said, “You’re going to work with this guy.”

To get a business license, a licensing employee told her she had to hire a certain number of off-duty Minneapolis police officers to provide security.


“Because they’re racist and we’re Mexican,” Santamaria said. “They didn’t want to let Mexicans have nightclubs.”

That’s her conclusion after seeing other similar-sized, white-owned venues escape the same mandate.

With over a million dollars invested, Santamaria had little choice. “You gotta do what they say,” she said.

Then, MPD “socked it to me,” she said. She started out paying the officers $40 to $45 an hour, always more than one officer per night. And they didn’t just work one or two hours; they charged a minimum of four hours no matter how many they actually worked, she said. The pay gradually increased to nearly $60 an hour.

“I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars,” she said. “There were many years I wasn’t making it, and they didn’t give a damn.”

Santamaria was later required to come up with security plans outlining the number of officers needed per night. The officers insisted on getting paid cash, she said. She feared if she didn’t oblige, she’d lose her license.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
So what ever happened to the local case where the Sheriff confiscated a trailer of building material that disappeared from impound?


Power with Control
So what ever happened to the local case where the Sheriff confiscated a trailer of building material that disappeared from impound?

Well, local media didnt really cover it, so we got it from the Rag. Anyone with better info, please chime in. As I recall, Ford, the guy who allegedly stole the stuff but couldn't be convicted because the construction companies it was stolen from didnt want to claim it as they had already been made whole by insurance, he got a pretty good payday. Also as far as I know, only one person from the Sheriffs office faced any repercussions, and that was the second in command, who resigned and took a gig as head of police for SMCM.

Small business owners say they’re pressured to hire off-duty MPD cops for security

“I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars,” she said. “There were many years I wasn’t making it, and they didn’t give a damn.”

Santamaria was later required to come up with security plans outlining the number of officers needed per night. The officers insisted on getting paid cash, she said. She feared if she didn’t oblige, she’d lose her license.

Paulie Walnuts Mafia GIF by HBO


PREMO Member

Exclusive: FBI Whistleblowers Urge Americans to Watch New ‘Police State’ Film

Americans from all political viewpoints deserve to see the full picture. “’Police State’ connects dots in the context of how each data point shows a larger picture of incremental tyranny,” Seraphin told me. “This is not a political film as the Police State has been encouraged by Republicans and Democrats alike.“

Indeed, with peaceful, ordinary American citizens including pro-lifers, traditional Catholics, MAGA, and concerned parents targeted by the federal government, and with the mass tech-government online censorship effort, no one can afford to ignore this reality. During COVID-19, we saw many of our basic constitutional rights suspended almost overnight. An overreaching federal government affects everyone.

The “Police State” film highlighted how the FBI after the Patriot Act had more demand for anti-terrorism resources than supply, meaning they turned resources meant to be used against violent terrorists against Americans instead, including those with political viewpoints of which the government does not approve. “What we need is a person to look at, and then we go out and find what crime you did,” Seraphin summed it up in the movie. Friend, as shown in the film, resigned from the FBI after he realized the threat of counter-terrorism was being inflated falsely to justify unconstitutional force against individuals with certain political opinions — especially the Jan. 6 protestors.


Well-Known Member
yes Gurpmeister, I knew guys that seized cigarettes, left over 16 ounce cans of Schlitz and probably 14 pounds of pot, 28 Patek Phillipe 18 K watches, and "green" for sales in storefronts aptly named "Seized police sh!t for profit!!" ///all police in all states are corrupt and malfunctional jack booted thugs...You hit the nail on the head...


Power with Control

Police Pursuit Ends When They Shut Down Car by App​

The key being that he doesnt know if the owner was in the loop and authorized Onstar to do this. Which is what I suspect happened. In which case, its nothing new, we've seen Onstar do this before, always with both the owner and law enforcement involved.


PREMO Member

Bodycam Footage Shows Atlanta Officer Repeatedly Using Taser on Church Deacon Who Later Died

Bodycam footage was recently released in the case of Johnny Hollman, a 62-year-old church deacon who died after being repeatedly tased by Officer Kiran Kimbrough of the Atlanta Police Department. The footage was made public at the family’s behest and has raised questions about police procedures and use of force.

Hollman was driving home from a Bible study when he got into a minor traffic accident. Officer Kimbrough, who responded to the incident, determined that Hollman was at fault for the accident and tried to issue a citation, which Hollman refused to sign at first.

An Atlanta police officer responding to a minor car crash deployed a Taser on a church deacon who disregarded multiple commands to sign a traffic ticket, shocking the man after he repeatedly said he could not breathe, police body camera video released Wednesday shows.
Johnny Hollman Sr. became unresponsive during his arrest late on the night of Aug. 10 and later died. An autopsy determined the 62-year-old’s death was a homicide, with heart disease also a contributing factor, and his family has called on prosecutors to charge Officer Kiran Kimbrough with murder. An attorney for Kimbrough, who was fired, says the officer acted lawfully.

The footage shows Officer Kimbrough interacting with Hollman, who was visibly upset and was arguing that he “did nothing wrong.”

The officer repeatedly tells Hollman to “sign the ticket” until he eventually begins grabbing the deacon. Hollman takes out his phone and dials his daughter’s number but is stopped when Kimbrough seizes his arm and tells him once again to sign the ticket.

“Ok, I’m going to sign the ticket,” Hollman says before being taken to the ground and repeatedly tased. Kimbrough can be heard telling Hollman to put his hands behind his back while tasing him. Hollman eventually stops moving as the officers place him in handcuffs. The officer tries to get Hollman to sit up but then realizes he has passed out and is “bleeding pretty bad.”

How are is some one supposed to comply with a police order while being tazed


Power with Control

Bodycam Footage Shows Atlanta Officer Repeatedly Using Taser on Church Deacon Who Later Died

Bodycam footage was recently released in the case of Johnny Hollman, a 62-year-old church deacon who died after being repeatedly tased by Officer Kiran Kimbrough of the Atlanta Police Department. The footage was made public at the family’s behest and has raised questions about police procedures and use of force.

Hollman was driving home from a Bible study when he got into a minor traffic accident. Officer Kimbrough, who responded to the incident, determined that Hollman was at fault for the accident and tried to issue a citation, which Hollman refused to sign at first.

The footage shows Officer Kimbrough interacting with Hollman, who was visibly upset and was arguing that he “did nothing wrong.”

The officer repeatedly tells Hollman to “sign the ticket” until he eventually begins grabbing the deacon. Hollman takes out his phone and dials his daughter’s number but is stopped when Kimbrough seizes his arm and tells him once again to sign the ticket.

“Ok, I’m going to sign the ticket,” Hollman says before being taken to the ground and repeatedly tased. Kimbrough can be heard telling Hollman to put his hands behind his back while tasing him. Hollman eventually stops moving as the officers place him in handcuffs. The officer tries to get Hollman to sit up but then realizes he has passed out and is “bleeding pretty bad.”

How are is some one supposed to comply with a police order while being tazed

""You gonna sign this before I get my boss"
"Why you screaming at me"

These two statements here is where things get wrong, and the officers refusal to try another tack other than "My athoritah, you will comply!!!!!" is how you end up where it did.