Police driving habits


I'm Rick James #####!
section8 said:
They stop as much crime as possible with the manpower they have. Figure out this equation - over 100,000 people in St. Mary's County. Patrol wise- close to 30-40 people total. On a lucky day - 7 people per shift. If you think they have the time to protect every house you are kidding yourself. If you don't think it's police duty to protect your neighborhood, feel free to start your own neighborhood watch, get certified and you take care of everything that happens in your neighborhood without calling 911. Get realistic.
Those cars are there because they work SHIFT WORK. Do you know what that means? That means they sleep during the day. Yeah only cops pick up women around here, drink, and make runs to Walmart- impressive point. Sounds like you had an ex that left you for a cop and now your underoos are twisted because you sit behind a computer all day in an air conditioned building licking cheeto dust off your fingers, while thinking how great a person you are. The biggest accomplishment of the day might consist of figuring out what the hell is stuck in the keyboard. Figure since all you do is make assumptions-figure it's my right to do the same.
Boy would I love to be you!!! Have a great day :razz:

You post the above nonsense then accuse BOB of making asumptions? Are you even aware of the irony in that?


Super Genius
section8 said:
They stop as much crime as possible with the manpower they have. Figure out this equation - over 100,000 people in St. Mary's County. Patrol wise- close to 30-40 people total. On a lucky day - 7 people per shift. If you think they have the time to protect every house you are kidding yourself.
Actually, I think you just stated his point :shrug: Your equation says that, at best, the police can protect 0.007% of the people.
section8 said:
If you don't think it's police duty to protect your neighborhood, feel free to start your own neighborhood watch, get certified and you take care of everything that happens in your neighborhood without calling 911. Get realistic.
Wait. What's your argument? Are you saying that the police do protect us or don't protect us? Maybe you're saying that by protecting that 0.007%, you protect us all?


I bowl overhand
section8 said:
Boy would I love to be you!!! Have a great day :razz:
Most men would, I have a pretty great life.. and have worked my ass off to get here, so what's your point?


mmm pizza
ncgirl said:
Mind your own damn business. Just my $0.02. When you need the cops I hope he/she goes the speed limit and takes all day to get to your house.

So the cop that pushed me down Rt5 yesterday from Helen to Leonardtown was on a call? ( I was doing 57 in a 50) and he pushed me the whole way. When we hit the double lanes he passed me and zig zagged in and out of traffic, I caught him at the light at 243. Again he zig zaged and sped his way through Leonardtown, I caught him at the light at Ltown/Hwood rd. He turned left sped at 50mph all the way to the MSP building. Yep, he must have been on a call. :whistle: :coffee:


Active Member
In Maryland (People's Republik of)

You can commit murder and the police won't/can't catch you. ("We only have a limited amount of manpower and resouces.")

You can sell/do drugs and the police won't/can't catch you. (See the lame statement above.)

You can have your very own gang and the police won't/can't catch you. (SAA)

BUT...DON'T drive 1 mile over the limit or the police WILL catch you and hammer you! BUT it's OK for the police to drive recklessly because THEY are OFFICIAL!

DON'T talk on YOUR cell phone while driving because it is dangerous and against the law. (Failure to maintain full attention and control of the vehicle.)
BUT..It's OK for the police to talk on THEIR phones because THEY are OFFICIAL! (Maybe they should stop spending all that extra tax money on radios and dispatchers.)

DON'T criticize the "work habits" of the police or they WILL watch out for you with ALL AVAILABLE manpower at heir disposal! It's OK for them, just NOT OK for you! You are just a stupid citizen.

DON'T expect to be able to go out in a public place (such as the movies) because the police "don't have the manpower" to check on areas that the citizens should be able to feel safe in. (After all, they are all "somewhere else
on business".)

DON'T expect a decent amount of patrol officers in the street because it might take someone away from a cushy desk job in the office (where they are REALLY "protecting and serving" the citizens. Why does it take a sworn, armed heavily trained police officer to man a desk in the office and answer the phones for a "special ops" squad? A "civilian" can be trained to answer the phone, take information and relay it to the "special ops" squads thus freeing up a sworn officer to hit the streets (where they belong).

DON'T expect a fast or large response to your call for help for an assault or a burglary or whatever because "our manpower is overtaxed as it is". Yet you CAN expect to see up to 12 officers and many pieces of high-dollar equipment on site for a "sobriety checkpoint" or "seat-belt enforcement checkpoint" or a plain old "radar trap"! Even if it means OVERTIME and calling in OFF-DUTY personnel.

I think Lugnut did the right thing and maybe more should do the same when they see it!

Remember..."IF it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...it just might BE a duck!"

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
happyappygirl said:
they're ALWAYS on duty. ALWAYS. Many times we have sat in the car while he is at an accident scene, often not even in st mary's. he is REQUIRED to offer assistance no matter where he is.

And if you were in an accident, and he was off duty he'd stop and render assistance, making his family wait. Its a part of the job we learn to live with. if he's in a restaurant and the owner knows him, and has trouble with a patron, he is asked for assistance, and he gives it. ALWAYS. YOUR tax dollars don't pay for that. No amount of money could.
Since I got red for my post prior to this, let me tell you what I witnessed this a.m. Cop in the Dare car, going up Route 4 towards his office, exceeding the speed limit by more than 10 mph, we all followed suit since we were behind him, until he came up behind someone doing 55, which was 5 over the speed limit. He tailgaited him until he, the cop, turned into his office. Also did 40 in a 30 mph zone in front of the Governmental Center. What is the reason for that? Don't tell me he was responding to an emergency, because I believe the shift change is at 7:00 a.m. Not setting a good example, but, hey, I got to do 10 - 12 miles over the speed limit all the way to work until he got behind the other guy.


Well-Known Member
Tailgating not good but so what if they go 10-15 over the limit? That is still a whole lot less than us citizens do going up RT 4. The last thing I want is to follow some cop all the way up the county at the speed limit.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
willie said:
Tailgating not good but so what if they go 10-15 over the limit? That is still a whole lot less than us citizens do going up RT 4. The last thing I want is to follow some cop all the way up the county at the speed limit.
I liked the fact he was leading up 10 - 15 miles over the speed limit. I got to work a few minutes earlier. Hope he is there tomorrow doing the same thing and we don't have some jerk doing only 5 over the speed limit to slow us down.


Well-Known Member
BS Gal said:
I liked the fact he was leading up 10 - 15 miles over the speed limit. I got to work a few minutes earlier. Hope he is there tomorrow doing the same thing and we don't have some jerk doing only 5 over the speed limit to slow us down.
Last year a Prince Georges (PG) cop was either living or visiting in CRE. At about 5:15 AM we would "convoy" to the beltway. If you really want to make time, get behind a PG cop.


Lem Putt
willie said:
Last year a Prince Georges (PG) cop was either living or visiting in CRE. At about 5:15 AM we would "convoy" to the beltway. If you really want to make time, get behind a PG cop.
The thing that sucks is when two people, side by side, suddenly notice the cop, get scared, and slow to 45. It must suck sometimes for cops to deal with the paranoids who block traffic.


1. The BS you put up with is your chosen career. No one forced you into it.

But aren't you glad that some people have the back bone to try to maintain law and order to protect your sorry butt?

Your house gets broken in to, who are you gonna call?
People who bash, hate or are afraid of the police usually have some thing to hide.


Rocky Mountain High!!
Roberta said:
1. The BS you put up with is your chosen career. No one forced you into it.

But aren't you glad that some people have the back bone to try to maintain law and order to protect your sorry butt?

Your house gets broken in to, who are you gonna call?
People who bash, hate or are afraid of the police usually have some thing to hide.
and that fear translates to their kids, unfortunately. kind of like when the lead horse shies from something the ones following usually shy away too. That same fear later turns to anger when they realize there is no "real" reason to fear (like the fine line between love and hate)...then they don't use the thinking part of their brains, only the reacting part....that's why the elementary school outreach programs are so good. gives young ones a way of meeting the "big scary policeman" who their parents are afraid of (usually for good reason) in a secure environment, and they see they aren't all "bad".
Last edited:


Rocky Mountain High!!
BS Gal said:
Since I got red for my post prior to this, let me tell you what I witnessed this a.m. Cop in the Dare car, going up Route 4 towards his office, exceeding the speed limit by more than 10 mph, we all followed suit since we were behind him, until he came up behind someone doing 55, which was 5 over the speed limit. He tailgaited him until he, the cop, turned into his office. Also did 40 in a 30 mph zone in front of the Governmental Center. What is the reason for that? Don't tell me he was responding to an emergency, because I believe the shift change is at 7:00 a.m. Not setting a good example, but, hey, I got to do 10 - 12 miles over the speed limit all the way to work until he got behind the other guy.
..it's ok for you and the average joe to routinely speed, but not a cop?

...and when the cop DOES do the speed limit, you gritch because you have to stay behind him also going the speed limit? is that what i'm hearing?

this type of minutia and double standard astounds me. :crazy:

BTW they all work different shifts, not always the standard ones for safety reasons, and the "shifts" are often extended by several hours JUST for the paperwork which they don't have time to do while on the road enforcing the laws they DON'T make (YOU do as citizens)...they just enforce them.


New Member
Why all the nit picking against the cops? Some of these anti cop posts are ridiculous:

BUT...DON'T drive 1 mile over the limit or the police WILL catch you and hammer you! BUT it's OK for the police to drive recklessly because THEY are OFFICIAL!

Cop in the Dare car, going up Route 4 towards his office, exceeding the speed limit by more than 10 mph, we all followed suit since we were behind him,
I can't figure out if you wanted him to go faster like you probably do or send him to jail for a felony.

If they are truly screwing up, report them but why the nit picking?


New Member
Tears of a cop poem......

I have been where you fear to go...
I have seen what you fear to see...
I have done what you fear to do...
All these things I've done for you.

I am the one you lean upon...
The one you cast your scorn upon...
The one you bring your troubles to...
All these people I've been for you.

The one you ask to stand apart...
The one you feel should have no heart...
The one you call the man in blue...
But I am human just like you.

And through the years I've come to see...
That I'm not what you ask of me...
So take this badge and take this gun...
Will you take it? Will anyone?

And when you watch a person die...
And hear a battered baby cry...
Then so you think that you can be
All those things you ask of me...?

"Tears Of A Cop" - author unknown
I saw a SMC deputy pulled over on the side of Willows Rd. talking on his/her cell phone. Smart. Five minutes later I spot an unmarked dark blue state car going North on 235 following too close and yakking away on his cell. Dumb. That is all.


Interesting read, this is my take.

When I am going 69 in a 55 on 301 over on the Eastern Shore in light/no traffic and the MSP car in the median doesn't chase me down and give me a ticket; I am happy because I am not really hurting anyone nor am I a danger.

When I see 6 patrol cars within 5 miles running radar on a patch of road that is notoriously dangerous I am unhappy because those 6 cars would be a better deterrent if they were visible and driving around pacing traffic than just "trapping" a select few who happen to be in front for $$$$$.

When I see an accident surrounded by patrol cars I am happy.

When I see a trooper standing in the road pointing at a speeder to pull over I am unhappy because he is going to get run over someday and it is stupid to make a dangerous job more dangerous for no good reason.

When I see a patrol car with lights on behind a lane weaving fart can ricer who just passed me a few minutes ago going 40mph faster than the flow of traffic I am happy.

When I see some goober who does not get out of the road when pulled over and a policeman who doesn't make the offender pull out of the road I am unhappy because that is stupid.

When I am tooling around and see a Sheriff's car in traffic, observing, alert and deterring retarded behavior I am happy.

When I see a deputy/trooper driving around absorbed in a phone call and not observing and alert to what he is supposed to be observing I am unhappy.

When I see a cop in Wawa having a donut, I am happy because it reminds me they are human and I like donuts too.

When I see the few asshats who use their badge as a license to disregard the "spirit and intent" of law enforcement and reign supreme over their turf doing whatever they want because they have no fear of repercussions; I am unhappy.

When I hear someone defending the few asshats who use their badge as a license to disregard the "spirit and intent" of law enforcement and reign supreme over their turf doing whatever they want because they have no fear of repercussions with poems and statements like "well they are trained to drive like that" or "they risk their lives for you so they are allowed" or "cut them some slack they are doing a job"; I am unhappy.

In a nut shell I like having cops out there. I am happy they are there. I appreciate the job they do. Like any job there are morons who get power and think they are bullet proof. In the end the "culture" these guys operate in is set by their leaders and ALL of them from the top down "serve the public". So if you see one doing something that you think is wrong, let the leaders know. It allows the leader to know what is going on so he can correct the "culture" and it also lets them know that the populous they "serve" are watching, interested and not a bunch of sheep to slap around. Conversely, I am glad they don't nitpick me so I wont nitpick them.