Police driving habits


Pitty Party
Lugnut said:
I've received quite a lot of input on this topic some positive, some negative.

I spoke with Sheriff Zylak this morning and was invited to meet him in person to discuss this issue. I am impressed that he took this seriously enough to make time in his busy day to see me.

I filed an official complaint and I have complete confidence that it will be dealt with accordingly.

One thing Sheriff Zylak said was that he highly encourages anybody that witnesses inappropriate conduct on the part of a deputy to file a complaint. He made the (entirely valid) point that the sheriff's department can not discipline an officer if they are not aware that their is a problem.

:clap: :clap:

:notworthy lugnut


New Member
LexiGirl75 said:
Lug, that county dude probably is not worth you reporting as yourself. From what I gather it is better to call the state police down here because county cops are well known in the community and can't be relied upon to take things seriously depending on who is involved and how well they know the defender or offender.

To me that means that county cops might let stuff fly for those they know and so they probably can get away with what they want. Which means that depending on who the cop was he probably knows nothing will happen unless a county administrator or someone who could dig in their butts reported it.
Hmmmm blanket statement about ALL COUNTY POLICE OFFICERS. :elaine:


Rocky Mountain High!!
LexiGirl75 said:
He had on a white dress shirt and a black tie which blew in the wind as he pulled off again. Was just as sexy as he want to be. :smooch: He looked to be in his late 40's and was jive handsome from what I saw. All I could think was "get 'em dad-e".

Holster Sniffer
Badge Bunny



Well-Known Member
Lugnut said:
Just got home from Leonardtown (approx 2:30) and observed some rather erratic driving on the part of a police officer.

Heading south on Rt5 there was a police car three cars in front of me tailgating (any other car would have been described as driving aggressively or in an intimidating fashion) an older blue car (Don't know the make/model) for several miles. The car turned off at the light next to A&W and police car accelerated away.

Myself and the other two cars caught up to the police car at the rt5 greatmills road intersection. The police officer was indecisive in selecting a turn lane moving from one to the other then cut off a red Chevy cavalier to get back into his original lane. I pulled up next to him, and behind a large construction truck. When I looked over the police officer was on his cell phone carrying on a very animated conversation and laughing.

After making the turn the vehicle in front of him maintained speed at the speed limit and the police officer tailgated (the note above on tailgaiting applies here as well) until there was enough space between the truck and myself for him to move over. He proceeded to weave in and out of traffic without turn signals until he got in front of the pack ahead and sped off. The truck in front of me turned off and I once again found myself next to the police officer at the light in front of Great Mills High School. He was still on his cell phone. When the light turned green the officer sped off once again. He was caught at the Chancellors run light and I end up stopped next to him once again. The officer is still on the cell phone. The light turns green and he pulls away once more. Only this time he nearly side swipes a guy in a green hatchback just before the bike shop.

I caught up to him once again at the light in front of McKays grocery store. This time I decided to wait a second then pace him to see how fast he was going. That section of the road is marked 40MPH. He was still pulling away from me when I decided to slow down out of general concern. Great Mills road drops to 35MPH right at the driving range.

Let me summarize this for you...

I do not know how fast he was traveling (I slowed dwon while he was still pulling away from me) but I know for a fact that it was well above the posted speed limit. The officer was swerving in and out of lanes without using his signals. The officer was tailgating at dangerously close distances. I donot know how long the officer was on his cell phone but I first witnessed it at the rt5/Great Mills intersection and he was still on it at the driving range.

There was no apparent emergency. There very may well have BEEN an emergency but their was no indication of one. The officers behavior and actions would seem to indicate no emergency as well.

A. No lights, no siren.
B. The officer stopped at every light and waiting for it to turn green.
C. The officer was on his cell phone having an in depth conversation.

I have the tag number and the car number and am venting here while I decide whether to call and file a complaint.

Here's the whole thing again in case a few of the cops careless/illegal driving transgressions have been forgotten.

A lot of the criticism that has been posted here against cops in general is not justified especially the weird tangent that crash test dummy went off on. I'll give a cop the benefit of a doubt if he flashes the emergency lights and jumps an intersection or if he drives faster than I do because he probably heard something on his radio we don't know about......maybe he didn't :shrug:

This particular cop showed a continual disregard for the law and the traffic around him and needed someone like Lugnut to call him on it.


aka Mrs. Giant
greyhound said:
What sre you laughing at?
Cause the first time I heard it I thought they must be rooting for the Crimson Tide at the football games - I had to have it explained to me, by my girl B - she also made me stop calling myself a crack ass cracka - oh that still cracks me up :roflmao: :killingme


100% Goapele Head!
misslady67 said:
Hmmmm blanket statement about ALL COUNTY POLICE OFFICERS. :elaine:

I sure hope so. That was the answer I got when I asked why was state police coming to a neighborhood scene. There were three state police of which one was unmarked and an ambulance was there so I was thinking if this was a spontaneous crime how did state get called.

And that's when I was told that you never call county if something happens. I think some people have reasons to feel that way through experience or what they have seen. I don't but I am not above believing that is true. Down here most people know each other.


New Member
LexiGirl75 said:
I sure hope so. That was the answer I got when I asked why was state police coming to a neighborhood scene. There were three state police of which one was unmarked and an ambulance was there so I was thinking if this was a spontaneous crime how did state get called.

And that's when I was told that you never call county if something happens. I think some people have reasons to feel that way through experience or what they have seen. I don't but I am not above believing that is true. Down here most people know each other.

There are some "good ole boys" but not all of them fall into that category.

Oh and if state police show up at anything other than a traffic call...it's probably because they only have 4 or 5 Deputies working the ENTIRE St. Mary's County (thanks Zylak :howdy: :sarcasm: ). Do your homework people...elections are coming up! By the way...I'm not promoting anyone for sheriff. :razz:


New Member
I doubt a Trooper said that, If so please have him show his face and say it to a deputy. WONT happen, The Sheriffs Office kicks --- , look at the calls for service in the 2 agencies and the truth will show who goes to more calls.


New Member
Mind your own damn business. Just my $0.02. When you need the cops I hope he/she goes the speed limit and takes all day to get to your house.


New Member
bad1032 said:
I doubt a Trooper said that, If so please have him show his face and say it to a deputy. WONT happen, The Sheriffs Office kicks --- , look at the calls for service in the 2 agencies and the truth will show who goes to more calls.
TRUE...this is public record folks!


New Member
migtig said:
Cause the first time I heard it I thought they must be rooting for the Crimson Tide at the football games - I had to have it explained to me, by my girl B - she also made me stop calling myself a crack ass cracka - oh that still cracks me up :roflmao: :killingme

Alabama was the first thing that came to my mind. I'm just not with the lingo. :razz:


Super Genius
ncgirl said:
Mind your own damn business. Just my $0.02. When you need the cops I hope he/she goes the speed limit and takes all day to get to your house.
Who was that directed at? :confused:

Learn to use the quote feature. The quote feature is your friend.


New Member
ncgirl said:
Mind your own damn business. Just my $0.02. When you need the cops I hope he/she goes the speed limit and takes all day to get to your house.
If you are referring to Lugnuts original post, you have no reading comprehension. This cop obviously was NOT responding to a call and should have his ass handed to him on a platter. Try using the "Reply with Quote" next time. :duh:


New Member
There is no need for the quote feature, I would imagine that everyone knows what I'm talking about. I shouldn't have to spell it out to you. Lugnut is not the only one that needs to get a life. I just can't stand cop bashers.


New Member
ncgirl said:
There is no need for the quote feature, I would imagine that everyone knows what I'm talking about. I shouldn't have to spell it out to you. Lugnut is not the only one that needs to get a life. I just can't stand cop bashers.
You need to get a life!! Any cop who does what Lugnut described deserves the criticizm they receive. He's not a cop basher, he described what he saw and had the gonads to report it. :duh:

And with 161 posts, use the damn quote button!!