Police driving habits


Well-Known Member

go to the www.firstsheriff.com site and download a complaint form-go to Resources and click on Forms and Documents-the go to Ethics Commission-it is a PDF file. Have that in hand when you visit the sheriff's office.
Good luck my friend!


I'm Rick James #####!
Lilypad said:
go to the www.firstsheriff.com site and download a complaint form-go to Resources and click on Forms and Documents-the go to Ethics Commission-it is a PDF file. Have that in hand when you visit the sheriff's office.
Good luck my friend!

I've already downloaded and filled the form out. But thank you for taking the time to post it.


Lobster Land
I'd file a complaint. Not saying that anything would come of it but at least it would be on record. To my way of thinking it ain't no different than a civilian filing a complaint about my driving. If I'm doing something wrong I'd expect to hear from the authorities. I'd like to believe the cops are accountable for their actions and if it were determined he/she was on a medium call perhaps nothing would come of it, but if he/she was just pushing the limit for nothing it would at least go in their record.


I have seen police and ambulances at busy intersections turn on their lights, go through the insertion and then turn their lights off. Kind of dangerous to do just cause you don't want to wait.


czygvtwkr said:
I have seen police and ambulances at busy intersections turn on their lights, go through the insertion and then turn their lights off. Kind of dangerous to do just cause you don't want to wait.

I have seen this numerous times myself.Yesterday,I was leaving St. Mary's Square making a left onto great Mills Road. A state policeman was behind me at the light. When it turned green I stayed in the left lane. He was behind me and then decided to go into the right lane. He passed me and a little further he decided to get back into the left lane in front of me. He did not use a turn signal. Right before the light at McKay's he suddenly decided to make a left turn. Again no turn signal. He then headed back toward L.P. with no lights flashing or siren. :whack:


New Member
I filed a complaint and got back a letter back from the Chief basically stating that he knew the vehicle involved and the officer driving and assured me that he was a safe driver and that they didn't think my complaint was legit.

So I wrote back and said "thank you for your recommendation of the driving skills of this officer. If I have learned one thing about a bureaucracy, it is that every letter is filed, and now I feel assured that not only is my complaint but also your strong support for his driving skills now resting in a file, should an accident ever occur and the lawyers need to seek out those responsible and their superiors who left them on the road."

I got another letter the next week informing me that the officer in question was taking a 'refresher' drivers safety course.

It sometimes works...


Active Member
I would file the complaint and also file copies to the County Commissioners
as well. They can put some pressure on the Sheriff. They are representatives
of the citizens of the County and the Sheriff has to go to them for his funds.
Remember...Money talks! Also that would give your complaint a little more
weight...maybe. At least the Comissioners would know what the Deputies
are up to.

If it was/is a State Officer I would file copies to the Superintendent of the
State Police as well as the Barracks Officier in Charge. Again, let the "stuff"
roll down hill (and it will). By going to the top, at least something will be done
because it gets the attention of the big boss.


Well-Known Member
I have another story about local cops putting lives at risk for no reason.

I was heading south on Rt 4 just south of Prince Frederick. I was heading down that long hill towards the Mr. Tire. I was in a cluster of about 40 cars and all cars were really hauling butt. Folks who’ve driven that piece of road know that cars are always clustered together and they’re all running ba$$s-to-the-wall down that hill. Speeds of 70+ are quite common and everyone is running it.

I was towards the end of the pack and all cars were running about 70mph. Halfway down the hill I observed folks in the front of the pack were on the brakes for no apparent reason. Initially it didn’t concern me since American drivers are always on the brakes for no apparent reason. However, within seconds after that, cars further back in the pack were also on the brakes and some were on the brakes REALLY HARD (but still for no apparent reason). The end result is that the entire pack of about 40 cars comes to a complete stop with many cars “locking” the brakes and narrowly avoiding a collision with the car in front.

The reason for the tie-up is that the local police decided to set up a radar trap mid-way down that long hill and enforce it with “man-it-the-road” technology!! It turns out there was a “live” officer standing in the MIDDLE of Rt-4 flagging over the two lead cars for doing about 70mph. This stunt almost resulted in a California-style, chain reaction wreck that almost always cost lives. Are the cops that desperate to line their coffers with a $100 ticket that they would put scores of lives at risk to do it?


Would THIS face lie?
I have one too...My youngest son was coming down 234 on a friday night..He was supposed to be home at 11:30 and he was running a little late...He got stopped at 11:21. He pulled out of Thompsons Corner Rd and was heading toward Clements...She (County Cop Lady) saw him go by and took off after him...Got him down by Chaptico Park..She called me at 11:32 and asked me if I was ____ ____ father...I said yes with my heart in my throat...She said that she just stopped ____ for speeding but she didn't get a pace on him...She told me that she had to do 125 MPH to catch him...She charged him with Negligent Driving....She also told me that she just came off a teen fatality and she didn't want another...She was noticeably shaken...He told me that he was doing about 65 but for her to tell someone that she did 125 on one of the county roads was a little much I thought...What if a deer had of jumped in front of her....Oh BTW $280.00 fine...


New Member
CrashTest said:
I have another story about local cops putting lives at risk for no reason.

I was heading south on Rt 4 just south of Prince Frederick. I was heading down that long hill towards the Mr. Tire. I was in a cluster of about 40 cars and all cars were really hauling butt. Folks who’ve driven that piece of road know that cars are always clustered together and they’re all running ba$$s-to-the-wall down that hill. Speeds of 70+ are quite common and everyone is running it.

I was towards the end of the pack and all cars were running about 70mph. Halfway down the hill I observed folks in the front of the pack were on the brakes for no apparent reason. Initially it didn’t concern me since American drivers are always on the brakes for no apparent reason. However, within seconds after that, cars further back in the pack were also on the brakes and some were on the brakes REALLY HARD (but still for no apparent reason). The end result is that the entire pack of about 40 cars comes to a complete stop with many cars “locking” the brakes and narrowly avoiding a collision with the car in front.

The reason for the tie-up is that the local police decided to set up a radar trap mid-way down that long hill and enforce it with “man-it-the-road” technology!! It turns out there was a “live” officer standing in the MIDDLE of Rt-4 flagging over the two lead cars for doing about 70mph. This stunt almost resulted in a California-style, chain reaction wreck that almost always cost lives. Are the cops that desperate to line their coffers with a $100 ticket that they would put scores of lives at risk to do it?

I have seen this happen in Calvert SO MANY TIMES! My favorite are the IDIOT COPS who sit at the bottom of the bridge.......during rush hour and cause back-ups that go to Food Lion (in Solomons) and don't clear out for HOURS! They stand out in the middle of the road and flag drivers over for "speeding".

Of course the "Topper" to this is the guys who race down Route 4 (definitely going way over the speed limit) to get to the bottom of the bridge to stop speeders!


Well-Known Member
CrashTest said:
I have another story about local cops putting lives at risk for no reason.

I was heading south on Rt 4 just south of Prince Frederick. I was heading down that long hill towards the Mr. Tire. I was in a cluster of about 40 cars and all cars were really hauling butt. Folks who’ve driven that piece of road know that cars are always clustered together and they’re all running ba$$s-to-the-wall down that hill. Speeds of 70+ are quite common and everyone is running it.

I was towards the end of the pack and all cars were running about 70mph. Halfway down the hill I observed folks in the front of the pack were on the brakes for no apparent reason. Initially it didn’t concern me since American drivers are always on the brakes for no apparent reason. However, within seconds after that, cars further back in the pack were also on the brakes and some were on the brakes REALLY HARD (but still for no apparent reason). The end result is that the entire pack of about 40 cars comes to a complete stop with many cars “locking” the brakes and narrowly avoiding a collision with the car in front.

The reason for the tie-up is that the local police decided to set up a radar trap mid-way down that long hill and enforce it with “man-it-the-road” technology!! It turns out there was a “live” officer standing in the MIDDLE of Rt-4 flagging over the two lead cars for doing about 70mph. This stunt almost resulted in a California-style, chain reaction wreck that almost always cost lives. Are the cops that desperate to line their coffers with a $100 ticket that they would put scores of lives at risk to do it?

Someone left me a comment that said "don't speed dummy".

(why would someone leave a comment like that behind the scenes and not show his face?)

Anyway, speed does not kill.

When you have a pack of cars all going the same speed, all is safe. If you doubt it, go to Germany and drive on the Autobaun. Death rates on the Autobaun are much lower than on U.S. Interstates and guess what - there are no speed limits on the German Autobaun!!

What kills is when you have a bunch of cars and everyone wants to go a different speed. Or - when you have a bunch of cars all going at the same rate and a cop walks out into the middle of the road. Lives are lost when that happens.

In California, cops do not use radar to enforce speed limits. Why?? Because they know the result will be what I saw on Rt-4. Lives will be lost when folks start hitting the brakes.


"Fluffy world destroyer"
If a pack of 40 cars is traveling at 70+ mph and the first two cars slam on the breaks what is the result? Around here you have a 40 car pile-up. Why? Because people love to drive up you azz! Does anyone know what the 2 second rule is? Not here they don't. I was coming back from Waldorf today on rt5 and had to pull to the inside lane because everyone wanted to ride my butt. Funny I was already 7 over the speed limit. Yup, I was illegal also but I don't tailgate. This is the biggest causes of accidents in this area. Except for stupidity. Sorry for the soapbox speech. Carry on with your regular program.


Rocky Mountain High!!
CrashTest said:
I have another story about local cops putting lives at risk for no reason.

I was heading south on Rt 4 just south of Prince Frederick. I was heading down that long hill towards the Mr. Tire. I was in a cluster of about 40 cars and all cars were really hauling butt. Folks who’ve driven that piece of road know that cars are always clustered together and they’re all running ba$$s-to-the-wall down that hill. Speeds of 70+ are quite common and everyone is running it.

I was towards the end of the pack and all cars were running about 70mph.

It turns out there was a “live” officer standing in the MIDDLE of Rt-4 flagging over the two lead cars for doing about 70mph. This stunt almost resulted in a California-style, chain reaction wreck that almost always cost lives. Are the cops that desperate to line their coffers with a $100 ticket that they would put scores of lives at risk to do it?

What is the rule of thumb for following another vechicle? If you follow those guidelines, you will be able to control your car and speed to the point where you will never rear end another car. 70 IS speeding.


CrashTest said:
When you have a pack of cars all going the same speed, all is safe. If you doubt it, go to Germany and drive on the Autobaun. Death rates on the Autobaun are much lower than on U.S. Interstates and guess what - there are no speed limits on the German Autobaun!!

Contrary to popular belief there are speed limits around the towns and everyone is not traveling the same speeds. A volkswagon does not go as fast as a Mercedes 500SL.

The autobahn is straight, flat, isnt riddled with stoplights or turnoffs like all of southern maryland is.

As speed increases the time you have to react is lessened dramatically because you not only travel a set distance faster but it also takes farther to stop. The kinetic energy your car has also increases by the square of velocity (speed doubles, energy quadruples).

This is usually the argument that someone who speeds gives. Think about this.... to travel 25 miles at 55 mph takes 27 minutes...to travel the same distance at 75 mph takes 20 minutes. Is it really that important that you excede the speed limit by 20 miles per hour to save 7 minutes?


Well-Known Member
Barbra said:
Lugnut, it does not matter that it is Sunday. The Sheriff's Office is open 24-7. If you want to file a complaint, call (301) 475-4040 and ask to speak to the duty officer. When the station clerk asks what it is in reference to, say that you would like to file a complaint against a deputy. It may actually be easier to go to HQ in Leonardtown to file the complaint. Again, tell the station clerk that you would like to speak with the duty officer.

FYI, Ken, the number you provided is the extension for the duty office, not Sheriff Zylak.
Don't waste your time with the duty officer. When it comes down to a squabble with his men, he will not be your friend. Talk to the Sheriff or just forget about it.


Rocky Mountain High!!
The average driver isn't trained as a defensive driver. Rottncop was running code (lights and siren), had a person actually pull into an intersection, and STOPPED. RC saw him, managed to manuever his car hard to the side, jumped the curb, and bring his own car to a stand after flying though the air over the median. RC described his thought processes, to avoid hitting the other car, which surely would have killed one or even both. The other driver just took off, but not without being seen by the second trooper heading for the same code call. Lucky for the dumbo who stopped mid intersection, the second cop was watching RC and couldn't identify him....but the guy just froze. Lucky for RC he is a trained professional driver, REQUIRED to take defensive driving courses every few weeks, and to AVOID things like that. These courses are extreme driving to the max. Unbelieveable what they can make a car do. Like stunt drivers. Teens certainly should NOT be driving excessive rates of speed, their brains aren't developed nearly enough to react in time to avoid killing themselves or someone else if something appears out of nowhere. Heck many adults can't do it.

There is always an internal investigation when a trooper is involved in an accident. ALWAYS and not every trooper comes away clean. It's a difficult process. Much like if a trooper's wife has an injury, like i had, smashing my face, he is investigated as well and this investigation never "really" closes. So there ARE controls in place, at least at the state level.
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happyappygirl said:
Much like if a trooper's wife has an injury, like i had, smashing my face, he is investigated as well and this investigation never "really" closes. So there ARE controls in place, at least at the state level.
I'm confused. They investigated your husband for spousal abuse because you had an accident? That seems a little bit ridiculous not to mention a waste of taxpayers money. Is there more to the story that I just don't understand?

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
happyappygirl said:
The average driver isn't trained as a defensive driver. Rottncop was running code (lights and siren), had a person actually pull into an intersection, and STOPPED. RC saw him, managed to manuever his car hard to the side, jumped the curb, and bring his own car to a stand after flying though the air over the median. RC described his thought processes, to avoid hitting the other car, which surely would have killed one or even both. The other driver just took off, but not without being seen by the second trooper heading for the same code call. Lucky for the dumbo who stopped mid intersection, the second cop was watching RC and couldn't identify him....but the guy just froze. Lucky for RC he is a trained professional driver, REQUIRED to take defensive driving courses every few weeks, and to AVOID things like that. These courses are extreme driving to the max. Unbelieveable what they can make a car do. Like stunt drivers. Teens certainly should NOT be driving excessive rates of speed, their brains aren't developed nearly enough to react in time to avoid killing themselves or someone else if something appears out of nowhere. Heck many adults can't do it.

There is always an internal investigation when a trooper is involved in an accident. ALWAYS and not every trooper comes away clean. It's a difficult process. Much like if a trooper's wife has an injury, like i had, smashing my face, he is investigated as well and this investigation never "really" closes. So there ARE controls in place, at least at the state level.
I appreciate the cops, but they drive like azzhats here. Got their families in the car, not in uniform, and it makes them think they can break every rule we are supposed to follow. THEY ARE NOT EVEN ON DUTY. Thank God our tax dollars are paying for them to take their family to Outback and they can drive REAL fast to go there and use my tax dollars on gas to get there.