Police driving habits


Rocky Mountain High!!
BS Gal said:
I appreciate the cops, but they drive like azzhats here. Got their families in the car, not in uniform, and it makes them think they can break every rule we are supposed to follow. THEY ARE NOT EVEN ON DUTY. Thank God our tax dollars are paying for them to take their family to Outback and they can drive REAL fast to go there and use my tax dollars on gas to get there.

they're ALWAYS on duty. ALWAYS. Many times we have sat in the car while he is at an accident scene, often not even in st mary's. he is REQUIRED to offer assistance no matter where he is.

And if you were in an accident, and he was off duty he'd stop and render assistance, making his family wait. Its a part of the job we learn to live with. if he's in a restaurant and the owner knows him, and has trouble with a patron, he is asked for assistance, and he gives it. ALWAYS. YOUR tax dollars don't pay for that. No amount of money could.
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Rocky Mountain High!!
Kain99 said:
I'm confused. They investigated your husband for spousal abuse because you had an accident? That seems a little bit ridiculous not to mention a waste of taxpayers money. Is there more to the story that I just don't understand?

yes. it's required. there is a huge amount of stress in the job they do. the state wants their familes to be safe as well. its routine. the accident i had was nothing but routine. i fell into a bookcase, and smashed my cheekbones, and nose beyond belief. this same injury could have easily been caused by an angry person. they were there in the emergency room as i was being treated. immediately. no ifs ans or buts. troopers are always under a microscope by the public (as you all have done) by their peers and superiors.

They are held to a higher standard across the board.
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happyappygirl said:
yes. it's required. there is a huge amount of stress in the job they do. the state wants their familes to be safe as well. its routine.
That's absolutely horrible! Sorry your family had to go through that.


In My Opinion
CrashTest said:
When you have a pack of cars all going the same speed, all is safe. If you doubt it, go to Germany and drive on the Autobaun. Death rates on the Autobaun are much lower than on U.S. Interstates and guess what - there are no speed limits on the German Autobaun!!

Guess what? you are wrong.
there is a listed max speed for the autobahn, 130 KPH. or in Americaspeak about 81 mph. there are sections of the autobahn that have speed limits as low as 37 mph.

[font=Arial, sans-serif]Speed limits

[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif] [/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif][font=Arial, sans-serif]Despite the widespread belief of complete freedom from speed limits (and a lobbying effort that has the same influence and deep pockets as the American gun lobby), some speed regulations can be found on the Autobahns. Many sections do indeed have posted limits ranging from 80 to 120 km/h (50-75 mph), particularly those with dangerous curves, in urban areas, near major interchanges, or with unusually constant heavy traffic. In construction zones, the limit may be as low as 60 km/h (37 mph). Also, some sections now feature nighttime and wet-weather speed restrictions, and trucks are always regulated (see table below). Still, about half the Autobahn system has no speed limit, but there is always an advisory limit of 130 km/h (81 mph). This recommendation is generally seen for what it is-- an attempt by the government to cover itself without having to upset millions of Porsche and BMW owners (AKA voters.) However, if you exceed the advisory limit and are involved in an accident, you could be responsible for some of the damage costs even if you are not at fault[/font][/font]


In My Opinion
kom526 said:
It's the sudden stop that kills ya.:yay:

sometimes if you are not wearing the seatbelt and get thrown from the car, it can be the long fast slide on the pavement that kills you.


You have the public and the police that drive safe and you have the public and the police that don't. One is under protection of the fraternal order.

Speeding Cop ,no emergency lights, kills Kim Tucker crossing the street in Mechanicsville, nadda zip, zero.

When was the last time you seen a cop in the hit parade? We know they drink and drive, we see them at the bars.
We know they speed, we see them on our roads.

And whats with that FOP or FPO tag on their private cars?


Well-Known Member
happyappygirl said:
What is the rule of thumb for following another vechicle? If you follow those guidelines, you will be able to control your car and speed to the point where you will never rear end another car. 70 IS speeding.

What's your preferred scenario?

1 – Driving 70-mph safely even though it’s illegal
2 – Stopping those driving 70 to enforce the law even though it puts life at risk.


In My Opinion
CrashTest said:
What's your preferred scenario?

1 – Driving 70-mph safely even though it’s illegal
2 – Stopping those driving 70 to enforce the law even though it puts life at risk.

how about those that feel the need to drive 70 in a 55 just do the 55 and stop putting every body at risk by causing the different speeds and the need for the police to stop them.

or, would that just be too easy?


CrashTest said:
What's your preferred scenario?

1 – Driving 70-mph safely even though it’s illegal
2 – Stopping those driving 70 to enforce the law even though it puts life at risk.
Doesn't the MVA handbook tell us to keep up with the flow of traffic?


In My Opinion
gumbo said:
Doesn't the MVA handbook tell us to keep up with the flow of traffic?
think that might be a reference to not doing 30 in a 55?
Somehow I find it hard to think that the state would tell you to drive 100 mph if you had to do it to keep up with the other cars on the road


In My Opinion
CrashTest said:
How about you answer one of the 2 questions?
how about you ask 1 of the 2 questions in such a way that it would not require someone accepting an unsafe and illegal method of driving?


Well-Known Member
bcp said:
how about you ask 1 of the 2 questions in such a way that it would not require someone accepting an unsafe and illegal method of driving?

How about you answer one of the 2 questions that I asked rather than creating your own answer to a question that I didn’t ask.

If you cannot answer, then step aside.


Rocky Mountain High!!
the ONLY life it puts at risk are those who are unfortunate enough to be followed by someone who doesn't have the sense to leave enough distance between his car and the car in front of his to control his own car. Insurance will tell you it often comes down to who could have last avoided the collision, hence, those folks who rear end someone are "generally" found at fault, especially in a scenario such as you describe.


Rocky Mountain High!!
CrashTest said:
What's your preferred scenario?

1 – Driving 70-mph safely even though it’s illegal
2 – Stopping those driving 70 to enforce the law even though it puts life at risk.
Driving at 70 in a 55 is NOT safe for those who are not trained professional drivers. regarding your choice # 2... see my previous post. so my answer would be:
C-none of the above.


Well-Known Member
happyappygirl said:
the ONLY life it puts at risk are those who are unfortunate enough to be followed by someone who doesn't have the sense to leave enough distance between his car and the car in front of his to control his own car. Insurance will tell you it often comes down to who could have last avoided the collision, hence, those folks who rear end someone are "generally" found at fault, especially in a scenario such as you describe.

Distance between cars is a good point here. It’s not uncommon for a group of cars on the German Autobaun to be driving 100+ mph yet have only 10 feet of separation between each of them yet no accidents occur.

How is that possible? It’s possible because German drivers not only know that other folks on the Autobaun know how to drive safely at 100+, but they also know that cops won’t be jumping out in the middle of the road “pulling them over” for driving 100+


Set Trippin
CrashTest said:
Distance between cars is a good point here. It’s not uncommon for a group of cars on the German Autobaun to be driving 100+ mph yet have only 10 feet of separation between each of them yet no accidents occur.

How is that possible? It’s possible because German drivers not only know that other folks on the Autobaun know how to drive safely at 100+, but they also know that cops won’t be jumping out in the middle of the road “pulling them over” for driving 100+
Are you in Germany right now?


New Member
Any competent civil engineer will bring up the rule of the 85th percentile. This rule dictates that any speed limit should be set at the speed of 85% of the traffic of that road. 55 is an arbitrary limit set to save gas in the 70's.

55 and most of the speed traps to enforce it are a joke, and are now used as a trap hence the term "revenue enforcement".

My two cents.


Rocky Mountain High!!
i simply can't comment on this. i've never driven one. nor do i understand how they are made. i'm not sure where you are getting your accident stats from either...so your point is worthless unless you can comeup with some FACTS to back up the claims you make regarding accidents, speed of travel, and distance between cars actually on the road.
