Politics is Downstream From Culture


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Billionaire Warns Hollywood Faces ‘Absolute Collapse’ If Strike Isn’t Resolved


The two guilds have similar issues with studios and streaming services. They’re concerned about contracts keeping up with inflation and about residual payments, which compensate creators and actors for the use of their material beyond the original airing, such as in reruns or on streaming services. The unions also want to put up guardrails against the use of artificial intelligence mimicking their work on film and television.

The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, which represents employers including Disney, Netflix, Amazon, and others, has lamented the walkout, saying it’ll hurt thousands of workers in industries that support film and television production.

Mr. Diller, a former Paramount Pictures CEO, said on July 16 that the situation could compound if not resolved quickly.

“These conditions will potentially produce an absolute collapse of an entire industry,” he told CBS News.

“I would call for a September 1 deadline. There’s a strike deadline. I think there should be a settlement deadline, because unless it happens by September 1 … The truth is, this is a huge business both domestically and for world export.

Yes, Please.


PREMO Member

Sarah Sanders slams 'The Left' for outrage over Jason Aldean song while not stopping 'looters and criminals'

Aldean recently released a video for "Try That In a Small Town" that included actual news clips of riots and looting in 2020. After activists claimed it was "racist and violent" for Aldean to suggest lawlessness would not be tolerated in a small town, CMT pulled the music video from circulation.

"The Left is now more concerned about @Jason_Aldean’s song calling out looters and criminals than they are about stopping looters and criminals," Sanders wrote Wednesday in a Twitter post.

Sanders said it represented Democrats' "priorities" for being outraged over Aldean’s lyrics while rising crime affects cities nationwide.


PREMO Member

With the Barbie movie, leftists hijack another bit of nostalgic Americana

By Andrea Widburg

So, the movie is a mostly well-disguised college course in postmodern, anti-American, woke drivel. The movie also gets leftist kudos for being a celebration of LGBTQ-ness. According to Out, “Barbie Is an LGBTQ+ Party…”


When Greta Gerwig (Lady Bird, Little Women) set out to direct Barbie — and write the screenplay with her partner, Noah Baumbach — she knew that LGBTQ+ inclusion would be a necessity. While actors Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling give life to the OG Barbie and Ken dolls, the film’s Barbieland is filled with Barbies and Kens that reflect the vibrant diversity of the real world…

The fact that Gerwig cast a guy named Hari Nef, who gets to play out publicly his fantasy of being the Ur-female toy in America, is apparently cause for celebration. Indeed, according to a feminist essay in Fortune, Nef’s casting and Barbie’s feminist empowerment are a potential road back from Femmephobia—that is, the modern feminist disgust with all things traditionally feminine. That leads to explaining that “transgender women” are the last gasp of true femininity in America:

The trans feminist author Julia Serano argues that much of the discrimination faced by trans women has less to do with their being trans and more to do with their being willing to brazenly perform femininity.
The problem, in other words, is less about trans women transgressing conventional gender norms than about their picking the losing team.
“The fact that we identify and live as women, despite being born male and having inherited male privilege,” she writes, “challenges those in our society who wish to glorify maleness and masculinity.”

I can’t even…

Meanwhile, on the sane side of America, Movieguide argues that Barbie’s obsession with the LGBTQ agenda means that, despite Barbie’s past as a girl’s toy, it’s not a family-friendly movie:

The new BARBIE movie forgets its core audience of families and children while catering to nostalgic adults and pushing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender character stories.


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Opinions are like asswholes, everyone has one, mine are my own but here it is.
This song is certainly no great music that will become a sought after record like "Crazy" or other country legendary music.
To me it's not even good, but it is a message. A message that is not "WOKE" a message that most Americans are fed up with what is happening in large democrats cities..
Riots, Arson, murder ,lawlessness, Americans are fed up with this leftist sht..
People who attend a rally that the leftists disagree with are attacked by ANTIFA and groups like that while white people are accused of being white supremacists and domestic terrorists if they disagree . ANTIFA are the domestic terrorists.

The song will soon die out because ---like I said--it isn't great music--but the message is what is objected to.
The message that we are sick and tired of being put upon by racists , thieves, looters, and the left leaning dorks who are destroying America.


PREMO Member

Roald Dahl Museum Releases New Statement Condemning Author’s Antisemitism

Roald Dahl’s stories are still very popular among children and adults alike. This year Wonka, based on Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, will hit theaters and most likely draw in huge crowds. Netflix is also releasing its own batch of Dahl adaptions with some big names attached.

And yet we still deal with the elephant in the chocolate room: Dahl was a huge antisemite. He had some baffling and truly cruel opinions about Jews, stating in a 1983 New Statesman interview, “There is a trait in the Jewish character that does provoke animosity, maybe it’s a kind of lack of generosity towards non-Jews. I mean, there’s always a reason why anti-anything crops up anywhere. Even a stinker like Hitler didn’t just pick on them for no reason.”

This is something that (rightly) bothered his family and descendants enough for them to release a statement, via the official Roald Dahl website, in 2020. It read in part: “These prejudiced remarks are incomprehensible to us and stand in marked contrast to the man we knew and to the values at the heart of Roald Dahl’s stories, which have positively impacted young people for generations.”


PREMO Member

Roald Dahl’s Anti-Black Racism

Eplett writes that one real-life parallel Dahl apparently did not intend involved labor practices. Cocoa plantations that supplied Cadbury and other chocolate makers used enslaved labor. The chocolate makers at least worked to distance themselves from slavery. Dahl, on the other hand, apparently saw nothing wrong with Oompa-Loompas—depicted as African pygmy people—being locked up forever in the factory where they supplied all the labor for Willy Wonka’s chocolate empire.

In the 1964 book, Wonka explains that he found the Oompa-Loompas “in the very deepest and darkest part of the African jungle where no white man had ever been before.” They were near starvation, living on vile caterpillars, so Wonka smuggled them to England for their own good. The wildly colonialist stereotyping apparently received little pushback until 1971, when plans were announced for a U.S. movie version of the book. The NAACP launched a protest.

“In response, Dahl was shocked and sullen,” Eplett writes. “He found the NAACP to be unreasonable, telling Knopf editor Bob Bernstein he was unable to understand why the perceived his story as a ‘terrible dastardly anti-negro book,’ and described their attitude as ‘real Nazi stuff.’”


PREMO Member

Millennials want woke pronoun censorship — but it would backfire

This survey, and the many like it, suggests young Americans are turning their backs on freedom of speech in pursuit of “inclusivity” and “tolerance.”

But they clearly haven’t thought this out very well, or they wouldn’t be making this dark shift toward censorship.

For one, the courts would almost certainly strike down such a proposal as a violation of the First Amendment.

While misinformed progressives sometimes suggest otherwise, there is no “hate speech” exception to the First Amendment, and it clearly protects words others find offensive, even slurs.

There’s no reason to believe that, if litigated, pronouns would be treated any differently — so they really couldn’t do this even if they wanted to. (Unless, of course, progressives are successful in their attempts to pack or otherwise delegitimatize our judicial system and remove its ability to block their unconstitutional proposals.)

But constitutional hurdles aside, young Americans shouldn’t even want to start banning or criminalizing offensive speech.

Such a Pandora’s box might be first opened by progressive politicians seeking to protect transgender people’s feelings from being hurt if they are “misgendered,” yet it certainly wouldn’t stop there.


PREMO Member

Australian OnlyFans model who once earned $132,000 in a single month reveals the dark side of online sex work as she warns young women NOT to join the racy subscription site

Laura Lux, 38, who is now based in Texas, once earned as much as USD$98,000 (AUD$132,000) in a single month on OnlyFans, but is urging other women not to follow in her footsteps.

In a piece for Insider, the busty blonde said that doing OnlyFans can be 'degrading' and that making money isn't as easy as people may think.

'I would really consider what the consequences would be for your future. Online sex work gets glamourised as easy money, when it's really not,' she cautioned.

Laura said that she was fortunate enough to be able to cash-in thanks to her large social media following, which she's had since she was a MySpace model back in mid-2000s.

She stressed that most women getting into OnlyFans now won't have a large enough fanbase to monetise, and that the market has become 'oversaturated' with creators hoping to make a quick buck.

'It's not likely you'll make a lot of money, despite what some creators may tell you,' she said, adding that they will also have to deal with being called 'degrading names' online.

Laura said that another downside is having your intimate photos out on the internet for all eternity - something that many people don't seem to fully grasp.

'I would really consider what the consequences would be for your future. Online sex work gets glamorized as easy money, when it's really not,' she cautioned
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