Politics is Downstream From Culture


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Agent Who Inspired Box Office Smash 'Sound of Freedom' Warns: 'Trans Voice' Agenda Is Straight out of the Pedophile Playbook

One reason the Left is having conniption fits is because the film is building not only awareness about child trafficking and what must be done to blunt its impact but it also gives Ballard an even larger megaphone to talk about his work. In an interview with Daily Signal’s Tyler O’Neill, Caviezel and Tim Ballard discuss the film’s power and reach into their own personal lives, but also into the lives of those children Operation Underground Railroad has rescued and those the organization seeks to rescue.

Ballard specifically calls out the Biden administration for its abysmal border policies that are allowing human trafficking to increase. According to reports from the United States Customs and Border Protection Agency, at the end of September 2022, federal authorities encountered 152,057 unaccompanied minors at the border. By the end of January 2023, 91,380 more were encountered. It is an abject tragedy that America is at the top of the list for human trafficking. As Ballard says in the interview, “we are the demand,” and that is a shame. Ballard has discussed “the economy of pedophilia” in the past in a 2022 interview with Fox News’ Raymond Arroyo, and he outlines those numbers again in this video.

This trafficking economy is in overdrive with the war between Ukraine and Russia. Ballard relates that with the help of director Mel Gibson and an organization called Aerial Recovery, he was able to rescue over 6,000 children from Ukraine. While this is a huge victory, the most chilling part of the telling was Ballard’s encounter with a Dutch political organization called PNVD, whose platform advocated for sexual relations with children as young as three years old.

It’s a frightening ring because it’s a political party that was out of Holland called the PNVD, lots of media on them, they were trying to legalize sex with children. They thought a three-year-old could consent to sex.
The Dutch arrested them in 2020, which is, it’s very hard to get arrested in Holland. You know you gotta be really bad, okay, to get arrested in Holland. They were arrested in 2020–fugitives, they ran. And they were hiding, no one knew where they were. They rear their ugly heads, the leader, this guy named Nillson Matelin. I’m literally in Poland at the time at our staging operation for Ukraine and I get this information that this guy in Mexico is trying to traffick kids out of Ukraine. And so I go undercover, the Dutch asset who gave me this information infiltrated me, and I’m undercover talking to this guy. In the end, in fact, just yesterday two of these guys were convicted in Ecuador because it led us to Ecuador, a child sex hotel these pedophiles from Holland had set up.

But this was not the crux of what Ballard wanted to warn parents about, and he quickly steered the interviewer to the point he wanted to land home.



PREMO Member

Moms For Liberty Undaunted by Death Threats, Being Treated as ‘Subhuman,’ After SPLC Attack

Tina Descovich, the other cofounder, exclusively shared many of the death threats her organization received after the SPLC’s accusation.

“I will personally eradicate you from Massachusetts,” one person wrote to the organization’s “Contact Us” page. He condemned Moms for Liberty as “nasty sows.”

Death threat against Moms for Liberty

One person, who gave the name “Execute All-Nazis,” wrote, “Piece of s— fascists like you deserve to be dragged against a wall and force-fed hot lead. Eat s— and die.”


“You women have no soul, no morals, for quoting Adolf Hitler in your newsletter,” another threat-sender wrote. “The state should remove your kids and/or grand kids from your homes. Evil, evil, evil people you are!”


Another threat appeared to reference the SPLC. “You are NOTHING But a bunch of F—ING C—S who should be F—ING DESTROYED AS AN EXTREMEST [sic] GROUP YOU F—NG BIGGOTED [sic] C—S,” the person wrote.

Death threat against Moms for Liberty

A person who gave the name “Satan Anti-Christ” wrote that Moms for Liberty “will answer for the crimes YOU committed against our LGBTQ children (legally of course).”

“We are Legion.”

Death threat against Moms for Liberty

Another person merely wrote, “Eat s— and die.”


PREMO Member

Is wokester Hollywood starting to shrivel?

By Monica Showalter

If something is falling apart but wants to stay afloat, it's usually a pretty right time for making some changes.

Which brings us to Hollywood, where Power Line attorney and writer John Hinderaker has found some good observations:

Like most of corporate America, Hollywood has fallen prey to the “DEI” delusion in recent years. Far from being a good thing, corporate “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” measures generally represent a poisonous brew of racism, leftism and anti-Americanism. The sooner this fad fades from the scene, the better.
In the Telegraph, U.S. Editor Nick Allen sees signs that the entertainment industry is moving back toward sanity:
Hollywood is suffering “diversity fatigue”, insiders have said, after four leading inclusion executives left high-profile roles in the space of 10 days.
The departures came at three major studios and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
Commentators in Hollywood suggested it showed “diversity fatigue” and it led to complaints that the entertainment industry was not fully committed to implementing inclusivity policies.
We can only hope.
That's a pretty dramatic development, and Hinderaker notes that it coincides with Hollywood losing profitability in the wake of its wokester products produced as a result. Disney, for one, lost something like $900 million dollars on its films since it got on the woke train, Hinderaker noted.

Bottom line here is that money talks in Hollywood, and if they are getting rid of these profit-killing virtue-signaling mechanism, they obviously intend to end the loss of profits.

That calls to mind other things going on in Hollywood. It's not just that the bloated wokester DEI companies are losing money -- it's that upstarts are gaining it -- millions and millions of it, with none of it for them.

Anybody see what Angel Studios is doing these days in the wake of its runaway hit series The Chosen? That's right, a new hit, this one on human trafficking, and they are hitting box office gold on that one, too.


PREMO Member

Bullied Little Boy Goes Door To Door Looking For New Friends — And One Of His Neighbors Catches It On Camera

screenshots from videos of bullied little boy looking for friends

A little boy has sparked an outpouring of support on social media after TikTok videos of him looking for some friends have gone viral.

The heartbreaking videos have quickly turned into a bright spot on the internet as the boy's bravery and vulnerability have inspired tons of strangers to reach out after his neighbor posted the videos of him just trying to find some pals.

The bullied little boy was caught on his neighbor's doorbell camera going door to door looking to make friends.​

If you've immediately burst into tears just from reading that line, you are definitely not alone. Even the man who posted the videos, TikTok creator Brennan Ray, said it broke his heart when his neighbor Shayden Walker showed up on his Amarillo, Texas doorstep.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
On a local note.... There are lots of girls on Great Mills Road looking for friends and I hear they already have their own "gofundme" account manager.


PREMO Member

Nashville Country Artist Austin Moody On His Democrat-Bashing Song ‘I’m Just Sayin’: ‘I Don’t Want My Daughter Growing Up in a Liberal-Run America’

“Over the past couple years, I’ve been convicted. Seeing a lot of things happening in this country that I don’t agree with. You sit back and think, ‘what can I do about this?'” Moody told Breitbart News. “All I could hope for is when people hear “I’m Just Sayin,’” they just know it was written to say we’ve had enough. We live in a society bent on the destruction of the individual. If you don’t fall in line you’ll be cancelled or destroyed.”

“Two or three years ago, I didn’t pay much attention to politics,” the East Tennessee native recalled. “I was just doing my music thing and I left politics out of it.”

That all changed for Moody when his daughter was born.

“In today’s world, what we’re dealing with, it’s not just about politics. It’s about a darkness that’s now coming for our children. I’ve got a 15 month old daughter. I don’t want her growing up in a liberal-run America.”


PREMO Member

How To Beat The Woke Children’s Publishing Industry At Its Own Game

Authors must include instant positive acceptance of any woke social agenda portrayed in their stories. If they don’t include this, they won’t get published by medium and large houses. This normalization of leftist ideology looks like the real world in books. When kids are shocked by something they read, that shock shifts to shame for being shocked in the first place. They will then replace their shame with acceptance. This is the power of normalization.

Publishing companies are no longer focused on quality writing, but rather on the spreading of leftist ideology. Their distribution catalogs are organized by agenda, not just genre. Awards are given to the most woke stories, and traditional values are mocked.

Library systems have “weeded out” books with traditional values and replaced them with modern Marxist tales. Books donated by well-meaning individuals are discarded, based on new system policies. Librarians themselves are more than happy to display, promote, and order books that are in line with their leftist values, not the values of the families who used to frequent the children’s library departments.

We are up against a tidal wave of indoctrination that has been decades in the building and has now grown to an industry-wide behemoth that includes all forms of media for kids.


PREMO Member
Anew online marketplace that promotes itself as a conservative and patriotic alternative to Amazon is preparing to ring the bell on the New York Stock Exchange and take the company public.

According to the Daily Mail, the San Diego-based PublicSq, which first launched in August of 2022, has already drawn the support of prominent America First figures such as Donald Trump Jr. and former Arizona Senate nominee Blake Masters. The company plans to attract more investors by highlighting its status within the so-called “parallel economy” of conservative alternatives to larger, left-wing businesses, according to excerpts from an investor call on Tuesday.

Trump, who was present on the call, said that it was “awesome” to see the company make an effort to reach out to the “forgotten man, woman, and business of this country.”

“So to be a part of this team, to see what’s going on, to hear the success stories of the people that have been helped by the platform, even in its infancy…it’s just a very, very exciting time,” Trump added.



Well-Known Member

I never liked "Fast Car" - like a handful of story-telling songs, ("The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald)" for example) the song is so monotonous, you couldn't possibly tell if they were on the first, second or third verse. As they once parodied the song on In Living Color, the song sounds like she is making it up as she goes along.


PREMO Member

Hollywood may be in its death throes, and deservedly so

By Andrea Widburg

The trend accelerated as Hollywood actors, few of whom were credentialed, figured that they could give themselves an intellectual gloss if they followed campus social and political trends. With bully pulpits, publicists, and unbounded egos, they gave unsavory, unwashed, and unhinged academic intellectuals glamor and reach.

Another thing to know about Hollywood, both past and present, is that it is now and has always been a place of unbridled debauchery. Where one finds power and money, one invariably finds pedophilia and other forms of sexual power politics and abuse.

Hollywood used to keep that sordid fact hidden from Americans. Over the last 20 years, though, it’s been marketing deviant sex to them, especially to youngsters.

If you don’t believe me, check out The Vigilant Citizen. You don’t have to buy into the writer’s theories about a vast conspiracy; it’s enough to read the descriptions of popular movies, songs, and television shows with which readers of this site are probably unfamiliar.

Having said all that, the product that old Hollywood churned out between around 1932 and 1965 was pretty good and very entertaining. If it wasn’t uplifting, at least it wasn’t debased.

Fast forward to 2023, and we’re living in a vast entertainment wasteland. There’s endless content, but it’s mindless, repetitive, boring, immoral, amoral, and a true waste of time. Yet we, the opiated people and, especially, our children, nevertheless waste endless hours of our lives staring at the boob tube, mesmerized.
