Politics is Downstream From Culture


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Twitch Virtual Signaling .....


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What is this Chaturbate .....

Twitch suggested ' Live Chat ' Suggested Channels .... Twitch was developed FOR GAMING, NOT E-THOTS

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Alexander the Gay​

Netflix does it again ... 1st Cleopatra was black Now Alexander The Great was queer


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Alexander the Gay​

Netflix does it again ... 1st Cleopatra was black Now Alexander The Great was queer

Married 3 times, maybe he just found it easier to switch sides. And don't ancient Greeks have a reputation? It's not gay if it's military training, right?


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MASSIVE Report Proves Why Nobody Likes Woke Characters + Tomb Raider Remaster is RACIST​



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‘Trans-Racial’ Rachel Dolezal Fired by Arizona School District for OnlyFans Page

The notorious race hustler launched an OnlyFans account in 2021, selling risqué content including feet pictures and lingerie photoshoots, Breitbart News previously reported.

Diallo had been employed with the Catalina Foothills Unified School District as an after-school instructor since August 2023 when officials learned of her racy social media content, reported the Arizona Daily Star.

“We only learned of Ms. Nkechi Diallo’s OnlyFans social media posts yesterday afternoon. Her posts are contrary to our district’s ‘Use of Social Media by District Employees’ policy and our staff ethics policy,” district spokeswoman Julie Farbarik told the outlet Wednesday. “She is no longer employed by the Catalina Foothills School District.”

Farbarik confirmed that Diallo was a part-time extended day instructor for kindergarten through fifth-grade students in the district’s Community Schools Program, where she made $19 an hour in a contract set to run through May 2024.

“She was also a substitute with Educational Services Inc., our contracted substitute provider,” the representative added.

The school district did not reveal if they had known about Diallo’s previous identity or history as Rachel Dolezal prior to hiring her.

Did You Have Rachel Dolezal Naked OnlyFools on your Bingo Card for 2024


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🔥 I hate to waste any column space on this sordid story, but given the Valentine’s Day connection, I couldn’t refuse. Yesterday the UK Daily Mail ran the show-stopping, only in 2024 headline, “Race-faker Rachel Dolezal is FIRED from Arizona elementary school after her OnlyFans account came to light -as she posts Valentine's themed pics and video the same day she was axed.

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The latest bizarro-year surprise is the confused white girl who hustled her way to the top of Spokane’s NAACP Chapter and Eastern Washington University’s academic hierarchy, spending a lost decade as a black activist crusader and a celebrated black African Studies professor, until she was ‘outed’ by her white parents, has now been ‘outed’ again, this time hustling as an online sex performer, which was keenly problematic since her day job at the time was teaching Arizonans’ young children at an afterschool job she’s held for about six months now.

Weird. It’s almost like Rachel lacked any real skills that could’ve qualified her to be a NAACP president or a University professor, but I digress.

To be honest, the not-so-young lady has led a brief but very colorful life. She’s always hustling; you have to give her that. After her sincere but not politically-favored racial self-identity collapsed in 2015, Rachel committed to making some changes. In 2016, Dolezal changed her name to Nkechi Diallo, which was a very black activist thing to do. In 2017, her black husband divorced her because, her memoir explained, she was too black. So. In 2018, Rachel was charged for federal welfare fraud in Washington State, adding welfare queen to the menu, and probably explaining her departure for a warmer climate. Surprising fans and curious bystanders, in 2019 Rachel broke form by outing herself as bisexual during Pride month.


Probably because Rachel had only worked there a few months, and was only an “after-school director,” Catalina Foothills School District — probably anticipating a series of painful public comment periods at upcoming school board meetings — was somehow able to fire the 46-year-old right after Libs of Tik Tok broke the appalling story.

The School District hired her notwithstanding Dolezal’s dishonesty, her race mania, atypical and public sexual preferences, all her baggage, and her questionable mental stability; but it was her admittedly distasteful live sex performances that did it. Well, at least Catalina ISD has some standards.

From what I can tell, and I did not perform any kind of exhaustive research, having been immediately and thoroughly discouraged by the first couple images, which I will regretfully never forget, I will just say that Dolezal is not classically attractive, and obviously intended her body of work to appeal to certain kinds of fetishists, and I will leave it at that.

I recall as a young man being informed (I have no personal experience, mind you) there was an hierarchy of quality in the mysterious, secretive, and seductive world of magazine pornography. There was the Playboy level, intended for refined gentlemen who sipped Japanese whiskey while perusing their artistic and heavily airbrushed nudes — and reading informative geopolitical commentary; the Penthouse level, for men who lacked standards and just wanted to get right to the good stuff (*and for medical students pursuing gynecology specialties); and then below that, far below, the Hustler level, which was for irredeemable pornographic adventurists only and was sold in a thick, sealed plastic bag to prevent accidental contamination.

It seems somehow fitting that race-hustler Dolezal would eventually settle into a Huster-style occupation.

According to sources, Rachel’s online exposures attracted 30,000 devoted fetishists who subscribed at a rate of $9.99 a month — $120 a year — which is even more depressing to think about than the sad state of Rachel’s wasted life. I suppose the good news — if there is any — is that Rachel didn’t need that afterschool babysitting job anyways. So don’t worry about her.

I’ll leave the remainder of the obvious discussion for the comments, but on the way out, I hereby nominate former Harvard president Claudine Gay as Rachel’s replacement at Catalina Foothills. Sorry! I mean as Nkechi’s replacement, which I feel compelled to add is not her real name.



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OnlyFans Model STUNNED After Man CONFRONTS Her For RECORDING Thirst Trap Content In Gym!​
