Politics is Downstream From Culture


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Delusional Stripper Claims Police Officers, Firefighters And Construction Workers ARE LOW Value Men​


A Stripper thinks she is high value because she has a lot of followers


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WOKE Feminist New Star Wars Director DECLARES She Wants To Make Men UNCOMFORTABLE And Need To CHANGE​

Brown Muslim Superhero .... how many Americans are watching that crap .... no wonder Marvels was such a flop

Canadian Pakistani Woman Director .... yeah Star Wars is going to do so well


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Don't blame the poor performance of The Marvels on the Ms. Marvel character. Kamala Kahn has been around since what... 2013.


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Strong Female Protagonists Aren't a Bad Thing, Modern Writers Just Don't Know How to Write Them

It seems lately you can't walk into a theater or turn on a show without the lead character being a woman smarter than everyone else, more skilled than everyone else, or having some advantage that shames everyone around her, especially the men. These characters are usually two-dimensional and about as exciting as watching paint dry. They're infested with groan-inducing one-liners and are supposed to look stoic but just come off looking emotionless and lacking any personality.

Bizarrely, Hollywood can't stop making these characters even though films that sport these badass female protagonists bomb time after time. What's worse, is that these showrunners and writers will look at the criticism and proclaim that the only reason people don't like these characters is due to something ridiculous like sexism.


These characters start their journeys as perfect and by the time the journey ends, they're still perfect if not more perfect than they were before. The only obstacle these strong female protagonists have to overcome is their self-doubt. There is no real hero's journey. They're boring. They lack any real humanity.

Even now, a new director has stepped up to direct the new Star Wars movie named Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy.

“I’m very thrilled about the project because I think what we are about to create is something very special,” said Obaid-Chinoy according to Bounding Into Comics. “And we’re in 2024 now, and I think it’s about time that we had a woman come forward to shape the story in a galaxy far, far away.”

It's an odd statement to make, seeing as how Star Wars has been dominated by female leads including Rey, Ashoka Tano, and Bo Katan who effectively took over The Mandalorian as the protagonist. But this shouldn't be surprising. By her own admission, Obaid-Chinoy is an activist, not a filmmaker. Everything she creates is for the purpose of activism.

"Every single piece of work that I have ever created has a piece of activism in it," she says in the interview below.

I don't have to have a crystal ball or a time machine to tell you that this film she's going to create is going to flop and flop hard. Obaid-Chinoy isn't out to write a strong female protagonist, she's out to write feminist propaganda. Like many female protagonists, the message will come before the story and the only people who will enjoy it are those who subscribe to her ideological radicalism, if even they show up.

She's not writing a story. She's not writing characters. What she's writing is an ideological delivery system.

She's just creating propaganda.

Her characters won't be loved. They'll be forgettable and boring. When they fail to impress, she and many others will accuse audiences of hating women.

We've seen it all before a million times by this point.


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Majority of ‘Most Inclusive TV Shows’ Already Canceled

The USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative’s latest list of television’s most inclusive shows reveals that a majority of those shows are no longer on the air or have not been renewed.

Gee, I can’t imagine why.

“The list compiles data regarding on-screen and behind-the-camera personnel to rank the 100 most inclusive broadcast and cable series from the 2021-22 broadcast season and streaming series from 2021 to 2023,” reports the Messenger. “The list also includes the top 20 producers of the most inclusive shows on TV.”

“The research team looked at over 560 series airing on broadcast, cable, and streaming platforms across 15 inclusion indicators.” And guess what those “15 inclusion indicators” are. Yep, more of this nonsense: “The indicators ranked gender, race/ethnicity, LGBTQ+, disability, and age representation for series regular cast.”


“[A] troubling trend already emerges when looking at the inaugural list: a majority of the most inclusive shows have already ended, been canceled, or are still in renewal limbo.”

[clip] - shows listed at the link

What Hollywood is doing to racial minorities can only be described as a grotesque disservice. Going all the way back to the eighties, mostly every field of entertainment — movies (Eddie Murphy), daytime TV (Oprah Winfrey), primetime TV (Bill Cosby), music (Michael Jackson, Tina Turner, Prince, etc), comedy (Richard Pryor), and sports — were dominated by a flood of black talent the whole country embraced without ever thinking about race. The eighties were my high school years, and no one thought a thing about it when a white teenage girl tacked posters of black superstars to her wall.

What made those black celebrities straight-up 80’s superstars was their universal appeal, which gave them careers that lasted decades.

What Hollywood is doing to racial minorities is using them as Woke Cannon Fodder. These performers finally have a long overdue opportunity to hit the big time, but the unappealing, divisive, preachy, smug shows and roles they’re hired for kill their careers on the launch pad. Becoming a star requires one thing above all: audience goodwill. Entertainment today refuses to generate career-making goodwill. Instead, everything divides, scolds, lectures, and insults. This turns everyone of every color off, which is why we are buried in shows featuring non-whites, but no Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, Pam Grier, Will Smith, Sidney Poitier, or 80’s Whoopi Goldberg has emerged. This is why no beloved Good Times, Family Matters, Fresh Prince, Scandal, The Wire, or Roc has emerged.


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Rachel Zegler FURIOUS After DROPPED From BIG Projects For Her RUDE Behavior?​

Americans are NOT interested in your Woke Feminist Nonsense
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Feminists MELTDOWN as "I'm just Ken" wins TOP song award! Claim Patriarchy STOLE Barbie movie!​



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Dana White DESTROYS WOKE Reporter Crying About Homophobic Fighters As F Trudeau CHANTS ERUPT At UFC



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The Wizard Of Oz and It's A Wonderful Life to get 'diverse' reboot as Warner Bros director reveals big changes for the classic Hollywood films

The Wizard Of Oz and It's A Wonderful Life are going to get a 'diverse' reboot, a Hollywood director has revealed.

Kenya Barris, who created the ABC sitcom Black-ish, is working on scripts for the Warner Bros adaptations of the Hollywood classics and spoke of his plans to make some key changes as he appeared at the Sundance Film Festival.

The producer, 50, said the 1939 Judy Garland film The Wizard Of Oz will get a modern day remake with it set it The Bottoms - Inglewood, California, rather than Kansas.

Kenya added it is the 'best time to turn a mirror on society' and he wants to do both films with diverse characters.

'The original Wizard of Oz took place during the Great Depression and it was about self-reliance and what people were going through, I think this is the perfect time to switch the characters and talk about what someone imagines their life could be,' Kenya told Variety.