Politics is Downstream From Culture


Beloved Misanthrope
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"Hobby Tourists Are A Conspiracy Theory" The Midwits Of 40K Fandom Do Not Understand The Woke Agenda​



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How The Chinese See The U.S. In 2024 | Asmongold Reacts​

Dude at 16:18 is completely based about casting blacks in historically white roles

Romeo and Juliet
Little Mermaid
Snow White

even the average Chinese Citizen on the Street knows main stream media is biased
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PREMO Member
Employee DEMANDS fellow co-workers call her ' The Professor ' she has NO Degree
' The Professor HATES GUNS SO MUCH - takes a job programming a Hero Shooter Game WITH GUNS
Employees complained so much about UnVax Employees the unvaxed was FIRED

Whistleblower EXPOSES Firewalk Studios Woke-Employee DISASTER!​



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Henry Cavill & Ninja REJECT Feminist Agenda + Woke Journalists SEETHE as Conservative Ideology WINS​



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Fox News ran a story completely ignored by corporate media yesterday headlined, “Olympics opening ceremony sparks outrage with drag queens parodying Last Supper: 'Gone completely woke’.” It quoted Twitter’s owner in the subheadline, “'This was extremely disrespectful to Christians,' Elon Musk wrote.”


They should rename the international sporting competition The Surrealist Games.

Where is Saturday Night Live’s Church Lady when you need her? In social media’s biggest story yesterday, mentioned nowhere in the New York Times, Washington Post, or Politico, the organizers of the XXXIII (33rd) Summer Olympics did their very best imitation of Sodom and Gomorrha, highlighting multiple multimedia spectacular set pieces involving large numbers of unattractive cross-dressers reproducing famous religious imagery and performing interpretive dance routines that looked like a group of inexperienced campers being attacked by a giant cloud of mosquitos.

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The avante-garde spectacle was, presumably, intended to riffle the feathers of the world’s 2.4 billion Christians, but it backfired. Instead, it seems to have had the unintended effect of exciting mature believers who raced to check off new squares on their Last Days Bingo cards (“Ooh! B-36! That one’s going right into the winepress of wrath.”). For example:

image 7.png

The program’s patriotic theme was "Liberté, égalité, absurdité,” and it landed with a resounding faux pas. Even some atheists were shaking their heads, asking je ne sais quoi the heck?:

image 8.png

Another Elon tweet neatly summed up most people’s bewilderment at the french … sense of humor? Edge lording? Tolerance and diversité? Cheesiness? Anyway, whatever it was, it made everyone feel like it was intended to provoke God into pulling the plug on the whole experiment:


Practically begging for a lightning bolt, and auditioning for cameo appearances in Hades, the Olympic Committee rounded up every bearded tranvestite in Paris and liberally deployed makeup in gallon-sized cartons. The opening ceremony’s ‘centerpiece’, if you can call it that, was a living replica of the Last Supper, except featuring poorly-passing, overweight men (and one child, of course) dressed in gayly decorated, over-the-top drag costumes, in a blasphemous facsimile of the Creator of the Universe and his twelve disciples.

The ‘Drag Last Supper’ was only one of several trans-abled segments in an overlong, painfully dull series of performances. Attendees weathered things like fun, modern takes on the French Revolution, a singing, beheaded Marie Antoinette in drag, sordid Gallic themes like the ever-popular ménages à trois. At one point, an apocalyptic metallic horse galloped across the Seine on rails at the exciting pace of an escargot race.

Bearded mimes dressed as gals twerked and cavorted to bizarre electronic music, moving just like electrified frogs in a high-school science experiment, and generally made asses of themselves.

Judging purely by appearances (forgive me), none of these performers had any chance of competing in the Drag Queen 5K’s walking division, much less the Olympics. They appeared (again, sorry) to be best qualified to participate in any event ending with the words “eating contest.” Until very recently, the Olympics used to celebrate peak human performance and althetic ability, but in this 33rd year, they more resembled an amateur LGBTQIAA++ fashion show.

Even the Atlantic seemed unimpressed. “This Was the Best Opening Ceremony Paris Could Give Us?”, its headline asked.

Other corporate media breathlessly covered the least controversial parts of the opening ceremony, which got rained on. I wondered whether reporters’ studious avoidance of the transgender segments confirmed that corporate media knows full well what a repellent eyesore it all was. But I may be overly hopeful in that particular.

French novelist Joseph Conrad once observed that a man can be judged by the quality of his enemies. Well, Christians, there you go.

I'm so done with the leftists in Europe ...,

Islamist can slaughter them wholesale, you deserve what you vote for Import the 3rd world 7th Century Mindset, become the 3rd World.
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PREMO Member
This is how you get the next Assassins Creed Game set in Japan where the Player Character IS A BLACK MAN, not someone Japanese

Disney is all in with the Alphabet Mafia ....

Star Wars with The Acolyte ....
Snow White with Rachel Zeglier - Snow White is not going to be rescued by the Prince, but discover her GIRL BOSS POWERS
The Little Mermaid was a BLACK GIRL with RED Hair ... how is that NOT Ginger Cultural Appropriation

This Was Never About Anything Other Than Hate

Movements for ‘ethics in games journalism’ or against ‘forced DEI’ in video games are diaphanous veils draped over bigotry

A fledgling but ferociously loud group of gamers will tell you the Assassin’s Creed Shadows backlash is about respecting Japanese culture or refusing to accept “woke ideologies” that are being “forced into their games” by consulting groups who hold no real power. But just like in 2014, during the first full-throated iteration of GamerGate, this was never about anything other than hate.

This is about to turn into a full fledged international incident as 10's of thousands of Japanese gamers are protesting to their Government to look into this new version of Ass Creed as there was NO Black Samurai In Feudal Japan and UbiSoft is re-writing Japanese History to claim otherwise ... in a game UbiSoft has been claiming to work with Japanese Cultural and Historical Experts - a man who has been caught rewriting the Wikipedia entry for this Black Samurai under a pseudonym - QUOTING HIS OWN BOOK - and a Communist NON Certified alleged historian[ In Japan to be a ' historian ' you have to be approved or certified by the Government

In 2014, a misogynistic movement demanding “ethics in games journalism” broke gaming containment with such ferocity that politicians took note.

Excuse me a correction to the progressives lies is required here .... the call for ' ethics in gaming journalism ' was made when a the gaming journalist Anita Sarkesian [ ultra woke leftist ] was caught f u c k i n g several different games developers, to whom she was giving their games POSITIVE Reviews ... no, no corruption there ... and after her whoring was exposed, feminists started screeching poor old Anita was ONLY BEING CALLED out because RIGHT WING GAMERS Hate Women - starting Gamer Gate 1.0

Now ex-cam whore Alyssa Mercante is attempting to tie Trumps 2016 win was because of Racist / Misogynists Gamers .... think about Trumo ONLY WON because of a few million women hating gamers ...

Steve Bannon, the former chief political strategist for President Donald Trump, told author Joshua Green that he “realized [former Breitbart technology consultant Milo Yiannopoulus] could connect with these kids right away…You can activate that army. They come in through GamerGate or whatever and then get turned onto politics and Trump.”

Harnessing that power forever changed the landscape of mainstream politics. Many believe it directly led to both Trump securing the election in 2016 and the Capitol riots of January 6, 2021. Part of what ensures this “army” remains active is consistently feeding them things they should be outraged about—for Trump and his ilk it was a veritable laundry list of perceived problems that only he could fix: immigrants (“rapists”), taxes (a break for billionaires), transgender people (a Title IX rollback), abortion (ban it), and more. There is always something to be up in arms about, always something to ensure you are scared, angry, concerned, and ready to do whatever it takes to get him re-elected.

The reactionary right wing movement in gaming that has reared its ugly head yet again is no different, and it’s happening right now for a reason. Sociocultural issues are reaching a fever pitch in an election year, and just like ten years ago, political ire is bleeding into popular culture, where it has been seized upon by those looking to take advantage of naive, impressionable young men who are shunned in public but lauded (and even loved) online. There are countless studies and stories proving that the radicalization of male youth has been propped up and perpetuated by the internet; go read them, as they’ll convince you far more effectively than I can. But what I can say, especially having faced this ire ceaselessly for months, is that this kind of movement is fueled by nothing but hate.

TRILLIONS in Woke Investments Gone as Agenda Implodes + Deadpool & Wolverine REJECTS Modern Disney​
