Politics of Covid-19


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Prepare For The Generation Of Permanently Scarred Covid Babies

At the same time that emergency room visits for children in psychiatric crisis are surging, a recent medical paper studying these ER visits suggests “behavior health equity” as a prognosis for the “bottlenecks and backlogs of patients in need of emergency care.”

The paper, released by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and three other medical organizations, defines this “health equity” solution as “the right to access quality health care for all populations regardless of the individual’s race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, or geographical location. This includes access to prevention, treatment, and recovery services for mental and substance use disorders.”

In typical form, the media are disinterested in digging into the root cause of the symptoms that seem to be on the rise.


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Blue Legs: A New Long-COVID Symptom; How to Test for and Treat It

It started with an uncomfortable tingling and itchiness in his legs after standing for 10 minutes. Then, the he watched as his lower limbs turned blue right before his eyes. He was experiencing acrocyanosis, a pooling of blood in the extremities that had never afflicted him before.

Doctors attributed the 33-year-old man’s symptoms, which started 18 months prior, to a bout of COVID-19 he had suffered then, according to a recent case study in The Lancet. His case provides new evidence that the virus may cause lasting dysautonomia—dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system—that experts are only beginning to understand.

“This was a striking case of acrocyanosis in a patient who had not experienced it before his COVID-19 infection,” Dr. Manoj Sivan, associate clinical professor and honorary consultant in rehabilitation medicine at the University of Leeds’ School of Medicine, said in a press statement.


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Florida Doctor Reinstated After Losing Board Certification for Criticizing COVID-19 Vaccines

A Florida physician known for being outspoken about COVID-related topics has regained his board certification that was stripped because he publicly criticized COVID vaccines.

Now, Dr. John Littell is moving forward from the experience with plans to help future physicians defend themselves when disciplined for voicing viewpoints that are not in the majority, he told The Epoch Times.

Dr. Littell, a longtime family physician in Ocala and a medical school professor, began posting videos sharing his thoughts about COVID-19 testing, treatments, and vaccines early in the pandemic. He was frustrated to find his content often was pulled down from his YouTube channel.


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People Rarely Transmit COVID-19 Before Experiencing Symptoms: Lancet Study

In a blow to the COVID-19 "silent spreader" narrative that has been used to push for universal masking, including controversially among schoolchildren, a recent study published in The Lancet suggests that people who are non-symptomatic rarely have the ability to infect others.

Silent transmission is the idea that those who are infected with COVID-19 but show no symptoms can still spread the virus to other people.

While all relevant studies show that presymptomatic and asymptomatic "silent spreaders" account for some proportion of infections in other people, the degree of silent transmission is less clear.

A number of early studies—in some cases affected by limitations that may have led to their proportion of presymptomatic transmission to be "artifactually inflated"—suggested that silent transmission accounted for around half of secondary infections, or even more.
The early studies led public health authorities to argue that everyone should wear a mask at all times when out in public or crowded places. This, in turn, helped drive draconian universal masking policies, including in schools, in a bid to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

For instance, Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), initially discouraged universal mask-wearing early in the pandemic but later did a U-turn.


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‘FDA Is Not a Physician’: Appeals Court Sides With Doctors on Ivermectin for COVID-19

“The FDA misled the public into thinking it has more authority than it does,” Dr. Bowden, a practitioner and founder of Coalition of Health Freedom, told The Epoch Times. “This decision confirms that the FDA is not your doctor and has no authority to tell doctors how to practice medicine.”

Judge Don Willett wrote for the three person panel that also included Jennifer Walker Elrod and Edith Brown Clement. “The Doctors have plausibly alleged that FDA’s Posts fell on the wrong side of the line between telling about and telling to.”

“FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise—but not to endorse, denounce, or advise. The Doctors have plausibly alleged that FDA’s Posts fell on the wrong side of the line between telling about and telling to. As such, the Doctors can use the APA to assert their ultra vires claims against the Agencies and the Officials.”

The anti-ivermectin messaging put out by FDA officials also drew the ire of Judge Willett, who wrote that “Left unmentioned in most of that messaging: ivermectin also comes in a human version. And while the human version of ivermectin is not FDA-approved to treat the coronavirus, some people were using it off-label for that purpose.”

In the ruling social media posts made by the agency were cited as evidence, citing that “Even tweet-sized doses of personalized medical advice are beyond FDA’s statutory authority,” he wrote.
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Whistleblower: CIA Tried to Bribe Analysts to Cover Up COVID Lab Leak Findings

“The whistleblower further contends that to come to the eventual public determination of uncertainty, the other six members were given a significant monetary incentive to change their position.”

Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup and Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner told CIA Director William Burns:

A multi-decade, senior-level, current Agency officer has come forward to provide information to the Committees regarding the Agency’s analysis into the origins of COVID-19. According to the whistleblower, the Agency assigned seven officers to a COVID Discovery Team (Team). The Team consisted of multi-disciplinary and experienced officers with significant scientific expertise. According to the whistleblower, at the end of its review, six of the seven members of the Team believed the intelligence and science were sufficient to make a low confidence assessment that COVID-19 originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. The seventh member of the Team, who also happened to be the most senior, was the lone officer to believe COVID-19 originated through zoonosis. The whistleblower further contends that to come to the eventual public determination of uncertainty, the other six members were given a significant monetary incentive to change their position.

They want Burns to turn over:

1. All documents and communications regarding the establishment of all iterations of the COVID Discovery Team(s);
2. All documents and communications between or among the members of all iterations of the COVID Discovery Team(s) regarding the origins of COVID-19;
3. All documents and communications between or among members of all iterations of the COVID Discovery Team(s) and other employees or contractors of the Agency regarding the origins of COVID-19;

4. All documents and communications between or among members of all iterations of the COVID Discovery Team(s) and employees or contractors of other federal government agencies, including but not limited to the U.S. Department of State, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (to include the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases), and the U.S. Department of Energy regarding the origins of COVID-19; and
5. All documents and communications regarding the pay history, to include the awarding of any type of financial or performance-based incentive/financial bonus to members of all iterations of the COVID Discovery Team(s).

The congressmen also sent a letter to Andrew Makridis, the CIA’s former chief operating officer.

Wenstrup identified Makridis as someone who “played a central role in” the formation of the CIA’s COVID Discovery Team.

Wenstrup invited Makridis to “participate in a voluntary transcribed interview on September 26, 2023.”

I believe the whistleblower. A lab leak would get in the way of the leftist agenda to make COVID sound natural, giving them an upper hand to make a big deal about any other emerging virus.

Oh, who am I kidding?! Truth never stopped them!


PREMO Member

Texas Sues Pfizer For Misrepresenting COVID Vaccine Claims, Censoring Americans Who Criticized Them

"The pharmaceutical company's widespread representation that its vaccine possessed 95% efficacy against infection as highly misleading," the letter reads. "That metric represented a calculation of the so-called 'relative risk reduction' for vaccinated individuals in Pfizer's initial, two-month clinical trial results. FDA publications indicate 'relative risk reduction' is a misleading statistic that 'unduly influence' consumer choice."

It continues, "Pfizer was also put on notice at that time that vaccine protection could not accurately be predicted beyond two months. Nevertheless, Pfizer fostered a misleading impression that vaccine protection was durable and withheld from the public information that undermined its claims about the duration of protection."

That's damning in and of itself, but Paxton accuses them of perhaps an even worse inaccuracy: claiming that the vaccine stopped transmission and infection.

"And, despite the fact that its clinical trial failed to measure whether the vaccine protects against transmission, Pfizer embarked on a campaign to intimidate the public into getting the vaccine as a necessary measure to protect their loved ones."

It’s an indisputable truth that the mRNA vaccines failed to live up to what the company claimed it would accomplish. And in spectacular fashion.

Yet they made repeated, public claims that it would regardless. All in an effort to coerce governments, "experts," and politicians into accepting and sharing the narrative that taking the vaccination would appear as an externally beneficial, altruistic action. And those institutions were more than happy to oblige. Even into 2023, as tracked by X account No College Mandates, more than 70 colleges are still enforcing vaccine mandates. Based on Pfizer's unjustified misinformation.

By now, virtually everyone outside of these elite administrators has long since accepted that the vaccines never provided protection against infection. Something that was obvious almost immediately after they achieved widespread uptake. Countries like Singapore and Iceland saw explosive growth in COVID cases in 2021, with many if not most, coming from vaccinated individuals.

Pfizer COVID vaccine lawsuit

Yet instead of apologizing, admitting their mistakes and acknowledging they were wrong, Pfizer doubled and tripled down. Releasing booster doses that were unproven and ultimately mostly ineffective.

And as Paxton highlights, they engaged in malicious censorship efforts in an attempt to silence anyone who pointed out their mistakes or outright falsehoods.


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Texas Sues Pfizer For Misrepresenting COVID Vaccine Claims, Censoring Americans Who Criticized Them

"The pharmaceutical company's widespread representation that its vaccine possessed 95% efficacy against infection as highly misleading," the letter reads. "That metric represented a calculation of the so-called 'relative risk reduction' for vaccinated individuals in Pfizer's initial, two-month clinical trial results. FDA publications indicate 'relative risk reduction' is a misleading statistic that 'unduly influence' consumer choice."

It continues, "Pfizer was also put on notice at that time that vaccine protection could not accurately be predicted beyond two months. Nevertheless, Pfizer fostered a misleading impression that vaccine protection was durable and withheld from the public information that undermined its claims about the duration of protection."

That's damning in and of itself, but Paxton accuses them of perhaps an even worse inaccuracy: claiming that the vaccine stopped transmission and infection.

"And, despite the fact that its clinical trial failed to measure whether the vaccine protects against transmission, Pfizer embarked on a campaign to intimidate the public into getting the vaccine as a necessary measure to protect their loved ones."

It’s an indisputable truth that the mRNA vaccines failed to live up to what the company claimed it would accomplish. And in spectacular fashion.

Yet they made repeated, public claims that it would regardless. All in an effort to coerce governments, "experts," and politicians into accepting and sharing the narrative that taking the vaccination would appear as an externally beneficial, altruistic action. And those institutions were more than happy to oblige. Even into 2023, as tracked by X account No College Mandates, more than 70 colleges are still enforcing vaccine mandates. Based on Pfizer's unjustified misinformation.

By now, virtually everyone outside of these elite administrators has long since accepted that the vaccines never provided protection against infection. Something that was obvious almost immediately after they achieved widespread uptake. Countries like Singapore and Iceland saw explosive growth in COVID cases in 2021, with many if not most, coming from vaccinated individuals.

Pfizer COVID vaccine lawsuit
Yet instead of apologizing, admitting their mistakes and acknowledging they were wrong, Pfizer doubled and tripled down. Releasing booster doses that were unproven and ultimately mostly ineffective.

And as Paxton highlights, they engaged in malicious censorship efforts in an attempt to silence anyone who pointed out their mistakes or outright falsehoods.
Great time to go long on Pfizer!


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💉 This won’t surprise you, but the other vaccine vial dropped last week when Reuters quietly ran a financial story headlined, “BioNTech Hit with NIH Notice of Default Over COVID-19 Vaccine Royalties.

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Here we go. As the money dries up, the thieves are once again fighting over the score:

The National Institutes of Health has slapped BioNTech with a notice of default over alleged royalty payments the biotech owes the agency related to sales of its Pfizer-partnered COVID-19 vaccine Comirnaty, according to the company’s SEC filing.

What’s new about this sordid story is it was the last bit of confirmation of the original root source of the mRNA tech: every bit of it was excreted by that massive government health agency, the wellspring of mRNA, the National Institutes of Health. The article showed, as we’d long presumed, that neither Pfizer nor BioNTech were smart enough to whip up a brand-new vaccine technology and turn it into a covid vaccine in just a few weeks.

It was always a government project.

In February of last year, the first signs of trouble proved that, like Pfizer, Moderna wasn’t smart enough to make mRNA either. The New York Times ran a story back on February 23rd, 2023, headlined “After Long Delay, Moderna Pays N.I.H. for Covid Vaccine Technique. The article explained a patent dispute had arisen between government NIH scientists and Moderna, since the NIH scientists insisted they were the original source of the mRNA technique:

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So let’s play follow the money. Recall that, under a weird loophole, NIH scientists may earn money from patents obtained from their government work, and need not turn that money over, or even disclose any royalties they earn. It’s likely that both Fauci and Collins, for example, have made millions from the covid jabs—but they are not required to tell whether they have, or how much they’ve earned (and they have both repeatedly declined to say).

Here’s my primitive attempt to describe the complex, interlocking parts of this wonderful public-private partnership and what may have happened:

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Just saying. Here’s another good question. Since it has now become clear that the covid mRNA tech originally came from the NIH: why didn’t the NIH brag about inventing it from day one? Why are we only finding out now, after they started fighting over the money?

Why was the NIH origin of the mRNA technology long kept a secret?

It was the new genetic gold rush! Not just NIH scientists, not just big pharma, but even the jabby doctors were getting paid. Here, for example, is Blue Cross/Blue Shield’s vaccine provider incentive schedule:

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The mRNA jabs may have been a depopulation conspiracy, who knows. But if so, they made sure they would all get rich in the process.



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People With More COVID-19 Vaccine Doses More Likely to Contract COVID-19: Study

People who received more than one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine were more likely to contract COVID-19, according to a new study.

An analysis of data from Cleveland Clinic employees found that people who received two or more doses were at higher risk of COVID-19, Dr. Nabin Shrestha and his co-authors reported.

The risk of contracting COVID-19 was 1.5 times higher for those who received two doses, 1.95 times higher for those who received three doses, and 2.5 times higher for those who received more than three doses, the researchers found. The higher risk was compared to people who received zero or one dose of a vaccine.

Even after adjusting for variables, the elevated risk remained.

“The exact reason for this finding is not clear. It is possible that this may be related to the fact that vaccine-induced immunity is weaker and less durable than natural immunity. So, although somewhat protective in the short term, vaccination may increase risk of future infection,” the researchers said in the paper, which was released as a preprint.