Well-Known Member
You’re putting far too much analysis into this.
Do black holes exist because we say so or do they just exist? Does God require a bible in order for Him to exist? That’s your logic. You’re operating on the premise that man created God. You’re operating the premise that it’s impossible that God could possibly exist, because He hasn't revealed himself to you.
You talk about things that logically follow… Nothing in this universe is logical. The existence of the universe, the matter in it, the life that exists… Devoid of a God none of it makes logical sense. Not one bit of it can be explained with any sort of logic.
- If there is no god, how did it all get here?
- What was before the big bang?
- If science somehow comes up with an explanation as to how life came to existence from random chemical interactions, how did those chemicals get here?
- If Science can explain how those chemicals got here, how did the stuff that led to those chemicals get here?
The questions can go on and on, and we are led down a road that has no logical explanation at all. So, trying to apply logic to God is just as ridiculous.
That's pretty far from my logic. That is just the strawman you have have created because it is easier to defeat than my logic.
My logic is that the bible was written by men. Men who had no special understanding of god, just ordinary men. God had no part in writing the bible or any other religious book. Man created religion(s) not god. God either is or isn't all on his own and irrespective of what religion or man says about him.
That is why I take issue with you and others claiming "these are gods laws" when you reference bible verses about how to get into heaven. Those are the laws of men, ones you may believe really hard, but still just the construct of men.
If you want to play philosophical inquiry ill be happy to oblige, but be warned, there are a lot of tough questions for god believers. And that "where did it all come from" question applies to god too. Where did god come from? How did he get there?