Portion Control


New Member
I started my whole family on a portion control diet yesterday. So far so good. It is a little time consuming, but i think after a few weeks it will like second nature to me. I had a half of a green apple with just 1 tablespoon of carmel sauce and that was too much. A regular serving for carmel sauce is 2 tablespoons. Now i won't waste food and i will lose weight. I follow up with brisk walking and some light exercise everyday.


Cleopatra Jones
I go by the serving size on the package. So i guess it's really called servings control...lol!

You should go by the size of your fist for meals and common sense with snacks. A serving on a pint of ice cream may be 1/2 or 1/4 of the container and I think that's a ridiculous amount of ice cream, expecially after a meal. Fist sized meals and snacks 5-6 times a day. You won't be hungry, your body will constantly be working (read burning calories) and you'll lose weight.


Well-Known Member
You should go by the size of your fist for meals and common sense with snacks. A serving on a pint of ice cream may be 1/2 or 1/4 of the container and I think that's a ridiculous amount of ice cream, expecially after a meal. Fist sized meals and snacks 5-6 times a day. You won't be hungry, your body will constantly be working (read burning calories) and you'll lose weight.

I heard something similar to that a long time ago; but not the 'fist-sized' part.
If you "snack" on healthy stuff like raw veggies and low cal/fat stuff; you're not hungry, come dinner time, so you eat a smaller meal; fist-sized or not.

The tough part for me would be ALL of the stuff that tastes good.....Mexican food, Chinese food.....within reach food. I know what to do and how to do it. I just don't have the willpower when it comes to food.

I was raised, 'finish your dinner and you can have a snack before bed.' NOW all THAT does is pack on the lb's. If I like something, I tend to eat it til there's none left. Knowing how to cook doesn't help either.
I'm not "huge" but I could stand to lose about 10 lbs..
Couldn't we ALL?
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Got this one from Dr oz seems to work well.
Average Dinner plate Don't care what you eat. TWO inches from the edge around and not more than ONE inch thick.
Anything else is over MORE THAN A PORTION


Well-Known Member
Got this one from Dr oz seems to work well.
Average Dinner plate Don't care what you eat. TWO inches from the edge around and not more than ONE inch thick.
Anything else is over MORE THAN A PORTION

Gotta love "new math," huh? Of course, I know one or two people who would actually measure the depth with a tape measure to the 16th.


New Member
The bloated feeling i got after i ate is almost gone. I can really enjoy the tatse of the food. I try not to eat a snack past 7 pm.


Cleopatra Jones
I heard something similar to that a long time ago; but not the 'fist-sized' part.
If you "snack" on healthy stuff like raw veggies and low cal/fat stuff; you're not hungry, come dinner time, so you eat a smaller meal; fist-sized or not.

The tough part for me would be ALL of the stuff that tastes good.....Mexican food, Chinese food.....within reach food. I know what to do and how to do it. I just don't have the willpower when it comes to food.

I was raised, 'finish your dinner and you can have a snack before bed.' NOW all THAT does is pack on the lb's. If I like something, I tend to eat it til there's none left. Knowing how to cook doesn't help either.
I'm not "huge" but I could stand to lose about 10 lbs..
Couldn't we ALL?

Your empty stomach is suppose to be about the size of your fist so if you eat a portion that size you should fill your stomach without over filling and stretching it. Eating smaller portions several times a day keeps your body working to digest which burns more calories. Even occasional junk food shouldn't be a problem. I'm a big fan of portion control and really do think that you have a lot more freedom to eat what you want when you eat smaller portions of it.


Adopt me please !
That's MY problem, I was raised to finish my food and not to "waste" it. Well at work there's no way to save a small amount of food for later so I eat more than I want to eat to finish it off. That's why I need to get on the treadmill a few times a week (at the minimum) to fight off those extra few pounds and get my heart rate up (no wisecracks from the guys please lol).

Raw vegetables without dressing? ewww. Steamed vegetables without butter? oh heck no. I must have some fat with my vegetables - no way around it.

I heard something similar to that a long time ago; but not the 'fist-sized' part.
If you "snack" on healthy stuff like raw veggies and low cal/fat stuff; you're not hungry, come dinner time, so you eat a smaller meal; fist-sized or not.

The tough part for me would be ALL of the stuff that tastes good.....Mexican food, Chinese food.....within reach food. I know what to do and how to do it. I just don't have the willpower when it comes to food.

I was raised, 'finish your dinner and you can have a snack before bed.' NOW all THAT does is pack on the lb's. If I like something, I tend to eat it til there's none left. Knowing how to cook doesn't help either.
I'm not "huge" but I could stand to lose about 10 lbs..
Couldn't we ALL?