Darwin was right
I just got back from a weeks vacation and found that the cluster mail boxes in our neighborhood had all been turned around 180 degrees. One of our neighbors had called the post office in Leonardtown and was told that they had to pay the postal delivery person by the number of steps they had to take to deliver the mail and that by positioning the back of the boxes so that they faced the street they were able to save a couple of steps on each delivery. The cluster boxes are mounted on a concrete pad that measures around 3 feet by 4 feet. Though the pad is flush with the curb at the street side of the box, the sides and rear of the concrete pad drop off by almost 18 inches. While this doesn't seem significant, at 60 I am the youngster on our street. The average of my neighbors is around 80 and many of them have difficulty with their balance. Several people have complained and the post office says that they don't care and that they will not turn the boxes around. It is very sad when saving 3 or 4 steps at each box is more important than the safety and health of our senior citizens. I wonder what will happen if one of our seniors goes postal???