Powell/Bush '08

Larry Gude

Strung Out
US news and World Report says it may be so, though they didn't signal who top man would be. (They listed it as Bush-Powell)

That's Jeb, the so called 'smart' Bush.

It's a GREAT fit. Powell (58) as President because he is already wired into the whole power leadership/DC thing. Jeb (52) can catch a break after running Florida for two terms and learn the ropes...then be top man in 2016.

How's that for looking ahead?

I'd vote for Powell in a minute. A second.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Larry Gude said:
US news and World Report says it may be so, though they didn't signal who top man would be. (They listed it as Bush-Powell)

That's Jeb, the so called 'smart' Bush.

It's a GREAT fit. Powell (58) as President because he is already wired into the whole power leadership/DC thing. Jeb (52) can catch a break after running Florida for two terms and learn the ropes...then be top man in 2016.

How's that for looking ahead?

I'd vote for Powell in a minute. A second.
I like Powell... but I question his guts.
Maybe it's just because he's secretary of state and that's his job, but he seems to slow to act when action is necessary. :ohwell:

Other than that, he's a moderate and he could effectively split the black vote if the Democrats decide to run Obama.

I'd vote for Jeb or Giuliani as prez over Powell, but I'd vote for Powell over just about anyone that has been rumored to run for the blue team.

I think Powell as VP would be a good choice for either Jeb or Giuliani.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Maybe it's just because he's secretary of state and that's his job, but he seems to slow to act when action is necessary

...gets tagged with that all the time. From what I glean, what he is, is deliberate and thorough. I don't question his 'guts'.

Taking bold action isn't always what's required. I think a threat from President Powell would have carried far more weight with Saddam or with anyone for that matter, than a threat from W and certainly more weight than from Clinton.

I certainly don't see him as a mess leaver like Clinton.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm not liking Powell/Bush or Bush/Powell. Can you imagine the field day the press would have with Jeb Bush's wife and daughter??? Not to mention ANOTHER Bush in the White House - that would send the Dems 'round the bend and the conspiracy theories would fly.

Powell is squeaky clean as far as I'm aware but I'm not interested in him as Prez. I think he's too diplomatic and doesn't know when to drop the hammer. Secretary of State was the perfect job for him.


New Member
Colin Powell won't a) run for president, or b) win the Republican nomination if he runs, so there goes that idea.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Colin Powell won't a) run for president, or b) win the Republican nomination if he runs, so there goes that idea.
I don't think Powell will run - I think he's had enough - but I think he could win the Republican nomination if he did.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
I don't think Powell will run - I think he's had enough - but I think he could win the Republican nomination if he did.

Pro-choice, pro-Affirmative Action, not too inclined to support wars...doesn't sound too much like the first choice of Republican voters.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Pro-choice, pro-Affirmative Action, not too inclined to support wars...doesn't sound too much like the first choice of Republican voters.

You're probably right about that BUT I think the Republican powers-that-be wouldn't be able to resist a having a black moderate on the ticket. The only thing that would make them pee themselves more is if it were a black woman moderate, a la Condoleeza Rice. Then Bill Clinton would be officially usurped as the "First Black President".


New Member
vraiblonde, I see your reasoning, but you have to admit that the pro-life, "values" faction of the GOP dominates the GOP more today than ever before(especially in the South and Great Plains).

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That is about the most immature thing...

Pro-choice, pro-Affirmative Action, not too inclined to support wars...doesn't sound too much like the first choice of Republican voters.

...I've ever read from you.

Pro abortion, pro-racial profiling, pro-dictators, pro evil. Sounds like the first choice of Democratic voters.

And he lost.

How do you like that youngin? Sting a bit?

You're bias is normally under control but it sures does explode spectacularly when it rears it's ugly head.

If Powell decides to go for the GOP nomination he will win it going away.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And another thing...

...we're considering a man with Powells resume in the GOP because people with Powells resume...are in the GOP.

You go NO where nationally in the Democratic party unless you are staunchly pro-choice.

You go NO where nationally in the Democratic party if you are strong on defense.

You go NO where nationally in the Democratic party if you think that war is sometimes necessary.

So there.


New Member
Mr. Gude talk about reading WAY into things...sheesh.

I'm commenting on the fact that the base Republican electorate is pro-life, anti-Affirmative Action, and inclined to support wars (Powell, meanwhile, is pro-choice, pro-Affirmative Action, and was very cautious about Iraq)...I wasn't trying to cast them in a negative light; just offer some political analysis.


Football season!
Larry Gude said:
If Powell decides to go for the GOP nomination he will win it going away.
And then the republicans will be right where the dems are today, questioning on where they are and what direction they want to take.
Your little rant to rraley was cute, but he also made a very valid point about powell's views. Would he win the nomination? Possibly. But boy oh boy would the sparks fly if he got into office as a republican and started to push a democratic agenda. Ol Rush would be jerking off every five minutes to try and calm his anxiety.
I personally think Powell is exactly the person we need in office, but deep down at the roots he is not the person the republicans want.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
vraiblonde, I see your reasoning, but you have to admit that the pro-life, "values" faction of the GOP dominates the GOP more today than ever before(especially in the South and Great Plains).
Oh pooh - quit listening to PBS and Chris Matthews try and pretend that suddenly there are 10 million more "evangelical Christians" (whatever that is) than there were 4 years ago.

Republicans are not necessarily pro-life - some, like me, are decidedly pro-abortion. Lots of them. Abortions for the masses!

Republicans aren't "pro-war" - who is? The ideal situation is to be so strong and decisive that no one will dare mess with us. I double-dog guarantee that if it weren't for 8 years of Clinton screwing around with our national security, neither Saddam Hussein NOR Osama bin Laden would have pulled their little stunts.

I'll give you affirmative action, which is one of the reasons I don't really like Powell that much. "Boh, you so dumb and inferior we gotsta make it easier for you to get a job or go to school." I don't like that sort of thinking, especially from a black man who rose through the ranks WITHOUT needing special treatment. And he works with a black woman who didn't need it either. It's arrogant as hell.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Oh pooh - quit listening to PBS and Chris Matthews try and pretend that suddenly there are 10 million more "evangelical Christians" (whatever that is) than there were 4 years ago.

Republicans are not necessarily pro-life - some, like me, are decidedly pro-abortion. Lots of them. Abortions for the masses!

Republicans aren't "pro-war" - who is? The ideal situation is to be so strong and decisive that no one will dare mess with us. I double-dog guarantee that if it weren't for 8 years of Clinton screwing around with our national security, neither Saddam Hussein NOR Osama bin Laden would have pulled their little stunts.

The shorthand term for "strong and decisive that no will dare mess with us" is "pro-war." Labels aren't always accurate but it is easier to use them rather than to write all of the previous statement out. Anyways, vraiblonde, do you believe that Powell possesses those qualities?

As for the abortion item and the evangelical movement's effect on the Republican Party...Karl Rove stated that his mission was to turn out five million more evangelicals to the polls in 2004. Now look at the CNN exit poll...23% of the electorate in the 2004 Election considered themselves "born-again, evagenlical" Christians. This percentage was an increase from 19% in 2000. Of this 23% in 2004, 78% voted for Bush. When voters labled what issues were the most important to them, the top choice was "moral values" and 80% of them voted for Bush. Bush meanwhile enjoyed a 7% increase in his votes from voters who said they opposed abortion in either mostm(73% supported Bush) or all cases (77% supported Bush) while he didn't gain any with those who supporter abortion in either most or all cases. I think that these numbers show how much effect the Christian Right has on the GOP.

Furthermore, can you tell me the last time that a pro-choice candidate won the Republican nomination? Time's up...it has never happened (by the same token, a pro-lifer has never won the Democratic nomination).


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
The shorthand term for "strong and decisive that no will dare mess with us" is "pro-war."
In your mind. In my mind, "strong and decisive" means "anti-war" because it won't be necessary. It's like negotiating with terrorists - once you do it, they'll come out of the woodwork because they have something to gain. Kick their butts the first time, right off the bat, and you'll never have to worry about them again.

Dear Dictators of the World,

See what happened to Saddam and Iraq? That's what's going to happen to you if you keep fiddling around.

George Bush

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
rraley said:
The shorthand term for "strong and decisive that no will dare mess with us" is "pro-war." Labels aren't always accurate but it is easier to use them rather than to write all of the previous statement out. Anyways, vraiblonde, do you believe that Powell possesses those qualities?
As a former military member I know that "pro-war" is not something that those that serve in the military are (generally speaking of course, as we all know there are freaks in all walks of life). Just because Powell served as the highest ranking military member in no way should that ever equate to him being "pro-war".

I would venture to speculate that his tendency of late towards peace is directly related to the position that he was asked to fill, that being one of diplomacy. If he did decide to run for President you can bet your young butt that he would not take threats or intimidation lightly. The General has always performed his duties in a manner to garner the trust and respect of those that would follow him should he be placed in a position to call them to duty.


New Member
So be it, you two...I still doubt that Powell could win the GOP nomination because of his pro-choice and pro-AA stances and because he is not part of the new, neoconservative movement within the GOP (which means preemptive war, etc.).


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
neoconservative movement within the GOP (which means preemptive war, etc.).
Oh look! Another thing you're wrong about! :dance:


Raley, do you think for one minute the GOP wouldn't jump at the chance to elect the first real black President? And put to rest, once and for all, the lie that the Republicans are a bunch of KKK members? Silence Jesse Jackson and his ilk for good?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Isn't Powell's affirmative action position one of leveling the playing field and not one of being given special advantage because of any specific reason? Meaning that if all factors of evaluation are equal amongst applicants that then and only then should any preference be given to the minority? You know, like it was intended and not what it has become.