Unfortunately, you wouldn't be the only person in the country voting in the primaries or the main elections. With all of the talk in the last election about values, I just can't see the whole party accepting someone like Powell.
What I am saying is that when you get a Colin Powell on a stage, say in a primary fashion, he has that 'thing', that gravitas or star power.
People like Clinton and Reagan had to spend time getting on the national stage until enough people could see it and then the momentum takes over from there. By the time Reagan made the rounds in '76 it was to late, the party was going with Ford. Clinton stuck out from a mediocre group in for '92 and was able to overcome all his...issues.
Powell is already known nation wide. If he wants it, he has the weight to move past objections from people who want...who? over him.
As far as Bruzilla and the foot dragging class c manager view, maybe so. Or maybe the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is not a front line fighter. Maybe his job IS to fight tooth and nail to get the services as ready as possible. Which he did.
It was certainly not his job to decide to go to war. If he effectively wrestled with Cheney and Bush 41 to achieve overwhelming force on the ground, then that is a good thing, no? They didn't fire him.
The bottom line, to me, is that when we went, we went and it was OVER, game, set, match. Iraq stood their ground and got tsunami'd and the coutry was ready to submit.
This laid the grown work for the next fight which, obviously, Saddam was prepared for. He could not stand against us so, prepare for the gorilla war.
So, we roll in with a couple divisions and move right through them. They don't stand, they go into hiding. 4th ID can't come down from the north, the plan is screwed from the start. Desert Storm was a masterpiece.
I submit that had we gone to Baghdad with the force assembled in '91, it would have been a different story from what we are dealing with now.