This Space for Rent
rraley said:To clarify, it seems that if 80% of the people who labeled their top concern in the election to be "moral values" voted for President Bush, they are more likely than not to be Republican. In other words, the GOP has a much higher percentage of voters who place cultural issues at the top of their list of concerns. These people will NOT EVER vote for a pro-choicer, if they are Powell or not.
You are wrong. I don't have the exact figure but I it was surveyed that approximately 40% of Republican voters lean pro-choice (it doesn't mean they approve, but that they feel its up to someone else to decide). In addition, of all Republican voters, the issue of prolife/prochoice is not the prevailing decisive issue for choosing a candidate (no matter what the press/liberals want you to believe). In fact, of values, more of those "values" deal with moral character (honesty, integrity, etc) and homosexuality.
What you miss is that abortion rights aren't disappearing (despite what you were sold by the liberal party) even though we have had the "most right" president ever in office with Republican control.
Also, it wouldn't decide an election (beyond the primary) because in the end the hardcore rightists aren't going to vote for a democrat (unless they completely sell themselves as the far right - prolife, antigay, etc... which isn't going to happen) even with a prochoice, progay Republican on the ticket.
Also, if the Republicans only took 7% of the black vote, its over for Democrats from the start.