Prayer Day in Reparation for Desceration of the Bl


New Member
Desecration of Host Not Seen as Free Speech
Confraternity Proposes Prayer Day in Reparation

HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania, JULY 30, 2008 ( The Confraternity
of Catholic Clergy is proposing Friday as a national day of prayer and
fasting in the wake of the desecration of the Eucharist by a Minnesota

Father John Trigilio, Jr., the president of the confraternity, a U.S.
association of 600 priests and deacons, sent a statement this week
asking Catholics "to join in a day of prayer and fasting that such
offenses never happen again."

Paul Myers, a professor of biology at the University of Minnesota at
Morris, says he desecrated the Eucharist by piercing it with a rusty
nail, then he threw it into the trash.

The self-professed atheist wrote about the incident on his blog and
posted a photo of the desecrated host.

The statement of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy said it found the
actions of Myers "reprehensible, inexcusable, and unconstitutional. His
flagrant display of irreverence by profaning a consecrated Host from a
Catholic Church goes beyond the limit of academic freedom and free speech."

"Attacking the most sacred elements of a religion is not free speech
anymore than would be perjury in a court or libel in a newspaper," added
the text.

Father Trigilio told ZENIT that the congregation is asking the faithful
to make a holy hour before the Eucharist on Aug. 1, the feast of St.
Alphonsus Ligouri, and to fast in "reparation for the sacrilegious
desecration of the Holy Eucharist."


Desecration of Host Not Seen as Free Speech
Confraternity Proposes Prayer Day in Reparation

HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania, JULY 30, 2008 ( The Confraternity
of Catholic Clergy is proposing Friday as a national day of prayer and
fasting in the wake of the desecration of the Eucharist by a Minnesota

Father John Trigilio, Jr., the president of the confraternity, a U.S.
association of 600 priests and deacons, sent a statement this week
asking Catholics "to join in a day of prayer and fasting that such
offenses never happen again."

Paul Myers, a professor of biology at the University of Minnesota at
Morris, says he desecrated the Eucharist by piercing it with a rusty
nail, then he threw it into the trash.

The self-professed atheist wrote about the incident on his blog and
posted a photo of the desecrated host.

The statement of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy said it found the
actions of Myers "reprehensible, inexcusable, and unconstitutional. His
flagrant display of irreverence by profaning a consecrated Host from a
Catholic Church goes beyond the limit of academic freedom and free speech."

"Attacking the most sacred elements of a religion is not free speech
anymore than would be perjury in a court or libel in a newspaper," added
the text.

Father Trigilio told ZENIT that the congregation is asking the faithful
to make a holy hour before the Eucharist on Aug. 1, the feast of St.
Alphonsus Ligouri, and to fast in "reparation for the sacrilegious
desecration of the Holy Eucharist."

Do This In Rememberence Of Me, is only available to Catholics that have had classes on it ?

We'll give it to anyone who wants it.......:coffee:


New Member
Friggin' atheists. The most obnoxious and self-righteous blowhards on the planet.

That's right. I went there.

oh man, let me tell you about this Itallianscallion guy. He thinks that god thinks the sun shines out of his ass.



New Member
My personal feeling is that it’s fine to question someone else’s religious beliefs. That’s what religious beliefs are for. But when you extend that to obtaining religious symbols - Torah scroll, Koran or communion wafer—by fraud and desecrating them, that’s a step over the line. And I’m sorry, but there is a line.

I oppose the concept of hate crimes, so I don’t think anyone should be put in prison anymore than I think people should be jailed for flag burning (barring fraud or theft or destruction of property). But it definitely falls into that category of things that are legal but twerpish. You’re not proving a point or persuading anyone from religion. You’re just being a d!ck (sorry)

To be sure, I don’t actively go out seeking religious people to argue with. Believe whatever you like. But if you bring your beliefs into the public sphere(Say SOMD.COM) they are fair game for people like me.

I must say how much I appreciate that position, NS.


New Member
Do This In Rememberence Of Me, is only available to Catholics that have had classes on it ?

We'll give it to anyone who wants it.......:coffee:

If someone does not believe what the Catholic Church teaches, why would they want to be "in communion" with them? If someone does believe what the Catholic Church teaches, then they would be Catholic and welcome to receive.
I would not receive communion (or it's equivalent) in a Universalist church, a Buddist temple or a mosque. Why? Because they said I couldn't, or because it would be a sign to all that I accept their teaching?


If someone does not believe what the Catholic Church teaches, why would they want to be "in communion" with them? If someone does believe what the Catholic Church teaches, then they would be Catholic and welcome to receive.
I would not receive communion (or it's equivalent) in a Universalist church, a Buddist temple or a mosque. Why? Because they said I couldn't, or because it would be a sign to all that I accept their teaching?

:buttkick:, you know I'm talking about us Methodist's.......:rolleyes:



New Member
Do This In Rememberence Of Me, is only available to Catholics that have had classes on it ?

We'll give it to anyone who wants it.......:coffee:

There is a difference between a validly concecrated host which becomes the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ and a piece of bread that others use for communion. They think of the sacrament as a social event, not receiving the actual Body of Christ. That is why non-Catholics may not partake of the Eucharist in a Catholic Church and why Catholics may not receive in a protestant church.

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly, and I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the insults, sacrileges and indifference by which He Himself is offended.
Through the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I ask of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.


There is a difference between a validly concecrated host which becomes the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ and a piece of bread that others use for communion. They think of the sacrament as a social event, not receiving the actual Body of Christ. That is why non-Catholics may not partake of the Eucharist in a Catholic Church and why Catholics may not receive in a protestant church.

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly, and I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the insults, sacrileges and indifference by which He Himself is offended.
Through the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I ask of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.

This is why, I sometimes have a problem with y'all, being the only ones going to Heaven, and giving no respect to others, ain't Southern Baptist are you......:popcorn:


There is a difference between a validly concecrated host which becomes the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ and a piece of bread that others use for communion. They think of the sacrament as a social event, not receiving the actual Body of Christ. That is why non-Catholics may not partake of the Eucharist in a Catholic Church and why Catholics may not receive in a protestant church.

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly, and I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the insults, sacrileges and indifference by which He Himself is offended.
Through the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I ask of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.

Is this in the Bible....???


New Member
Actually, with Eucumanism, we Catholics bend over backwards to let the protestants, sczmatists, etc live their own way. We changed our Mass to resemble an Anglican Mass. But it is a one-way street. The non-Catholics continually bash us, defame God, etc.


Actually, with Eucumanism, we Catholics bend over backwards to let the protestants, sczmatists, etc live their own way. We changed our Mass to resemble an Anglican Mass. But it is a one-way street. The non-Catholics continually bash us, defame God, etc.

Our own way.....:rolleyes:


New Member
:buttkick:, you know I'm talking about us Methodist's.......:rolleyes:


You know I like you too much to argue. Seriously, though, when was the last time you tried to receive communion in a Catholic Church and got carded? It's what we believe, yes, but it's not like in the Mormon faith where I think you actually are "carded", so to speak, before being allowed into the temple.
If you receive at a Catholic Church and the Catholics are right on the matter, God will deal with it when the time comes. If you are right, and the Church has denied Communion to His children for no reason, then we'll be held accountable.
It all works out in the end.


You know I like you too much to argue. Seriously, though, when was the last time you tried to receive communion in a Catholic Church and got carded? It's what we believe, yes, but it's not like in the Mormon faith where I think you actually are "carded", so to speak, before being allowed into the temple.
If you receive at a Catholic Church and the Catholics are right on the matter, God will deal with it when the time comes. If you are right, and the Church has denied Communion to His children for no reason, then we'll be held accountable.
It all works out in the end.

:huggy:, I know, I have folded my arms going up to the said Priest, and most of them winked, and gave it to me.......:yay:


Active Member
My personal feeling is that it’s fine to question someone else’s religious beliefs. That’s what religious beliefs are for. But when you extend that to obtaining religious symbols - Torah scroll, Koran or communion wafer—by fraud and desecrating them, that’s a step over the line. And I’m sorry, but there is a line.

I oppose the concept of hate crimes, so I don’t think anyone should be put in prison anymore than I think people should be jailed for flag burning (barring fraud or theft or destruction of property). But it definitely falls into that category of things that are legal but twerpish. You’re not proving a point or persuading anyone from religion. You’re just being a d!ck (sorry)

To be sure, I don’t actively go out seeking religious people to argue with. Believe whatever you like. But if you bring your beliefs into the public sphere(Say SOMD.COM) they are fair game for people like me.



New Member
So what is the story behind this? What exact "desecration" are we discussing?

Catholic believe that Jesus Christ gave us His Body and Blood in the form of bread and wine. Communion in a Catholic Church is receiving the actual Body of Christ, and therefore, to profane it in any way is the equivalent of abuse of the Body Jesus walked in here on earth.
If you want to hear more of the Scriptural case for what-is-called the True Presence, we can start a thread about it. I'm sure some Bible Christians on the forum would be happy to jump in, so I won't derail the thread completely.


Bookseller Lady
Catholic believe that Jesus Christ gave us His Body and Blood in the form of bread and wine. Communion in a Catholic Church is receiving the actual Body of Christ, and therefore, to profane it in any way is the equivalent of abuse of the Body Jesus walked in here on earth.
If you want to hear more of the Scriptural case for what-is-called the True Presence, we can start a thread about it. I'm sure some Bible Christians on the forum would be happy to jump in, so I won't derail the thread completely.

Well, that's not exactly what I was asking. Let me rephrase- how and why did this college professor "desecrate" the Eucharist?