Prayer Day in Reparation for Desceration of the Bl


New Member
So what is the story behind this? What exact "desecration" are we discussing?
According to this professor's own blog, where he had been threatening to desecrate the Holy Eucharist when he could get one, (Another reason to stop Communion in the Hand), he pushed a rusty nail through the Host and discarded It.


Ubi bene ibi patria
But when you extend that to obtaining religious symbols - Torah scroll, Koran or communion wafer—by fraud and desecrating them, that’s a step over the line. And I’m sorry, but there is a line.

Yes, the next thing you know, they'll be desecrating the shrooms.


New Member
The person was trying to take a consecrated Host out with him, he was caught not consumming Him. He was doing this as a protest against religious activities at his school. So, he was descretating the Host from the get go.


New Member
Nice try, he was physically stopped for not putting the Eucharist into his mouth, AT THE ALTAR.

He should have put the Host in his mouth immediately apon reception and he is to have finished consumming the Body of Christ before he made it back to his pew. Communion in the Hand must be banned again! These atrocities must stop.


New Member
But, once again, Communion in hand was the practice. Where does it state that he has to do it at the Altar?

And by atrocities, you are talking about the Student being Physically assaulted and stopped before he could walk back to the pew, correct?

It is the stated rule that the Body of Christ must be immediately placed in your mouth. That is the rule, period.

The attrocity is descreating the Body of Christ. Unfortunately, this is not the first time this has been done, it got attention because of the atheist professor bragging about it. We all remember the clown who tried to sell a Consecrated Host from a Papal Mass on Ebay.


New Member
Apparently, you are ignorant of Church rules. One must place the Body of Christ in their mouth immediately. Thae fact that some bad Catholics wait does not make it legal to do so.

Cheers to Bill Donohue for fighting the good fight against Catholic bashing and misinformation.


New Member
Apparently, you are ignorant of Church rules. One must place the Body of Christ in their mouth immediately. Thae fact that some bad Catholics wait does not make it legal to do so.

Cheers to Bill Donohue for fighting the good fight against Catholic bashing and misinformation.

you still haven't shown us the source or even a written copy of this rule.

edit: and by written copy, I mean like a website or something, no need to find a scanner lol
There is a difference between a validly concecrated host which becomes the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ and a piece of bread that others use for communion. They think of the sacrament as a social event, not receiving the actual Body of Christ. That is why non-Catholics may not partake of the Eucharist in a Catholic Church and why Catholics may not receive in a protestant church.

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly, and I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the insults, sacrileges and indifference by which He Himself is offended.
Through the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I ask of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.
You are off your rocker.

Recovering Southern Baptist here.

Baptised by choice at 16 or there about in Baptist church.

Wife and kids are catholic. I will eventually convert to Catholic.

I've been taking communion for 15 years at Catholic churches and NEVER got turned away. Even asked a priest once at the beginning and he said as long as I believe and have been baptised, I can partake.
Welcom Huntr1!
What you mention is not what the people above talk about. The latest discussion was about how soon to place the Body of Christ in one's mouth.

Rethinking Communion in the Hand |

I was referring to what is in your post below.

That is why non-Catholics may not partake of the Eucharist in a Catholic Church

I am not Catholic. I was baptised Southern Baptist. I've been receiving the Eucharist for 15 years in various Catholic churches.
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New Member
Well, what you are doing is illeagal and you risk bringing God's judgement on yourself for this abonination. You need to cease receiving Communion in a Catholic Church until you have been through RCIA and been received into the Church. Don't wait.


New Member
It is not ironic, the Consecrated Host IS the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, who is God.
Well, what you are doing is illeagal and you risk bringing God's judgement on yourself for this abonination. You need to cease receiving Communion in a Catholic Church until you have been through RCIA and been received into the Church. Don't wait.
Not according to the Catholic priests I have asked.