Prediction: Rome to be conquered by Islam


New Member
You hate the comparison but, just as Christian fanatics have justified their actions based on their own interpretation of the Bible, so have Muslims.

The difference, and this is really important you may want to re-read it so it will sink in, a fanatic doesnt define the entire religion. There are like verses in YOUR Bible that talk about how to deal with unbelievers. How the fanatic interprets them, defines the fanatic, no matter the belief.

We've been through this many times before Nucklesack!

You keep forgetting that Jesus taught a new commandment to His true followers that calls for forgiveness and love toward one another even one's enemy.

Just as Orthodox Judaism rejected Jesus' teachings, Muhammad also rejected the teachings of Jesus and adopted the Old Testament Mosaic laws of how to deal with unbelievers. The fundamental teaching of Islam is what is causing Muslim hatred and terror reactions against Jews, Christians, various other religions, apostate Muslims and Atheists.

Fundamental Muslims accept Muhammad's true way of dealing with unbelievers - not Jesus' way. That is the difference. As far as for "fanatic Christians" yes, there are those as well and they too are not abiding by the true teachings of Jesus.



In quoting your first statement, I'm not the government so how would I do that? It would be up to the government and we should live so long as to have them teach Christianity.
And, as before, :banghead: you have issues with God. ANYONE (Catholic or whatever) who goes against the Bible goes against God. I'm done. Poof, gone, bye bye :howdy:

You really are full of yourself, aren't you? The truth? I am a Catholic and it really irks me that YOU think you know the truth. What about the millions of Catholics all over the world? Are they wrong to believe what they do just because you say so? You really do need to stop. I could tell you that I think you are wrong, but as a true Chistian, I am just happy that we all believe in the same god and try not to bash other Christians.

You may think you have all the answers but I really believe you are missing something. Maybe you'll figure it out.

I respect all religions around the world except the Muslims. I respect your religion but please stop digging at Catholics because your beliefs are a little different.


Harley Rider
You really are full of yourself, aren't you? The truth? I am a Catholic and it really irks me that YOU think you know the truth. What about the millions of Catholics all over the world? Are they wrong to believe what they do just because you say so? You really do need to stop. I could tell you that I think you are wrong, but as a true Chistian, I am just happy that we all believe in the same god and try not to bash other Christians.
I respect all religions around the world except the Muslims. I respect your religion but please stop digging at Catholics because your beliefs are a little different.
Save it son! My beliefs aren't a little different, they're very different. If they were little, I'd have no problem with the RCC. I was Catholic for 34 years but I was on the highway to hell. You can be saved AND be Catholic but many aren't and will be surprised on that Day. All I'm trying to do is prevent that surprise.
I did their church thing, communion, confirmation and everything else but THEN I got saved when I was 34 years old. See? All those meaningless rituals did nothing for me. I was Catholic, NOT Christian. There is a difference. When I got saved, my Spirit would not let me even consider the Catholic church anymore.
All I'm trying to do is warn people since some of what your church believes is seriously against what God commands and is, therefore, a sin.
So again, if you have a problem with the Bible, you might need to get saved.
Not saying that you're not saved but no saved person stands up for a denomination and against the Bible.
And, please tell me when and how you got saved please, please.
The devil is very clever at misleading people and he has many church people thinking that they are going to Heaven when they're not. I will NEVER stop what I'm doing as long as I know what I know about other religions. You, of all people, should be able to see what I'm doing and not take the devils side IF the Spirit of God is in you.
I have caused many people to re-examine their so called "faith" by challenging them to tell me when & how they got saved. You'd be surprised how many of them couldn't tell me! This is the the deceit that the devil is using on you people and you're too blind to see it but still you open your mouths to silence people like me??
Go ahead, tell me where I'm wrong. I've been down this road with a few people here but not with you so have at it. But remember this: If you won't believe the Bible verses that I will be quoting you, you have nothing with which to base your truth on.
Again, read Revelation 13 & 17 and see if it hits home with you. Why do you think Starman brings this thread out? He can see what the Bible says.
And, FYI, Jesus did NOT accept any religions other that Christianity so you shouldn't either. Satan loves you people who do because this way you won't speak out to disuade their wrong way of thinking! He was very narrow minded because He knew they were false! Wake up!


Save it son! My beliefs aren't a little different, they're very different. If they were little, I'd have no problem with the RCC. I was Catholic for 34 years but I was on the highway to hell. You can be saved AND be Catholic but many aren't and will be surprised on that Day. All I'm trying to do is prevent that surprise.
I did their church thing, communion, confirmation and everything else but THEN I got saved when I was 34 years old. See? All those meaningless rituals did nothing for me. I was Catholic, NOT Christian. There is a difference. When I got saved, my Spirit would not let me even consider the Catholic church anymore.
All I'm trying to do is warn people since some of what your church believes is seriously against what God commands and is, therefore, a sin.
So again, if you have a problem with the Bible, you might need to get saved.
Not saying that you're not saved but no saved person stands up for a denomination and against the Bible.
And, please tell me when and how you got saved please, please.
The devil is very clever at misleading people and he has many church people thinking that they are going to Heaven when they're not. I will NEVER stop what I'm doing as long as I know what I know about other religions. You, of all people, should be able to see what I'm doing and not take the devils side IF the Spirit of God is in you.
I have caused many people to re-examine their so called "faith" by challenging them to tell me when & how they got saved. You'd be surprised how many of them couldn't tell me! This is the the deceit that the devil is using on you people and you're too blind to see it but still you open your mouths to silence people like me??
Go ahead, tell me where I'm wrong. I've been down this road with a few people here but not with you so have at it. But remember this: If you won't believe the Bible verses that I will be quoting you, you have nothing with which to base your truth on.
Again, read Revelation 13 & 17 and see if it hits home with you. Why do you think Starman brings this thread out? He can see what the Bible says.
And, FYI, Jesus did NOT accept any religions other that Christianity so you shouldn't either. Satan loves you people who do because this way you won't speak out to disuade their wrong way of thinking! He was very narrow minded because He knew they were false! Wake up!

CATHOLICS ARE CHRISTIANS. You obviously had a bad experience with the catholic church and THINK you have all the answers now.....YOU DON'T. Quit pretending to be so smart about Christianity. You're only showing how stupid you really are.


Harley Rider
You've been lied to friend. ONLY people who've accepted and follow the commands of Christ are Christians. There are people in all denominations that think they are, but aren't. (Matthew 7 v 21-23) I'm just trying to make them aware of that fact. This is something that we cannot take any chances on getting wrong. There's NO second chance so, if you try to hush me, be ready for some "divine intervention".
How would you feel if someone you told that lie to, thinks they are going to Heaven but later dies and finds out that they aren't? How about when they stand in front of God after going to church every week and thought they were saved and Jesus says to them: "I never knew you"??
I have no time for demonic catalysts like you. Satan loves ignorant people who think that ALL Catholics are Christians. You're on his payroll if you convince them of that.


New Member
You've been lied to friend. ONLY people who've accepted and follow the commands of Christ are Christians. There are people in all denominations that think they are, but aren't. (Matthew 7 v 21-23) I'm just trying to make them aware of that fact. This is something that we cannot take any chances on getting wrong. There's NO second chance so, if you try to hush me, be ready for some "divine intervention".
How would you feel if someone you told that lie to, thinks they are going to Heaven but later dies and finds out that they aren't? How about when they stand in front of God after going to church every week and thought they were saved and Jesus says to them: "I never knew you"??
I have no time for demonic catalysts like you. Satan loves ignorant people who think that ALL Catholics are Christians. You're on his payroll if you convince them of that.

Exactly Right! It is not "Religion" that saves a person; it is a direct and personal/spiritual relationship that one has through the "Born Again" experience of repenting and placing total faith in Jesus as personal Lord and Saviour.

A few years ago, I recall the Vatican issuing a papal decree that proclaimed that the "only true faith" was the Roman Catholic denomination and that all other Christian denominations were "deficient". The pope declared that only those who were of the Vatican-ruled Catholic Church would be saved but conceded that perhaps there are others who could attain salvation apart from the "church".

The deception that any religous person falls for is that they trust in their church denomination and church leaders who give them a false assurance of salvation. They believe that as long as they follow "church traditions, liturgies and faith teachings" they will be safe.

That is religious control and fear that church leaders are able to have over those who sincerely believe they are hearing the "truth".

Your posts are spot on ItalianScallion. I commend you for your responses and you are certainly doing as Jesus commanded; warn others of the false teachings and religious deception that are in this world.

For those of any faith who believe that "church membership" supersedes the "Born-Again" experience that Jesus said one must have, please reconsider who you are following. Is it faith in the church that saves you or is it personal faith in Jesus Christ as being the Divine Son of God and Lamb of God whose Atoning Blood was shed for your sins and mine?

As Jesus said: "Ye Must be Born Again." (John 3:6-8)
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Harley Rider
Exactly Right! It is not "Religion" that saves a person; it is a direct and personal/spiritual relationship that one has through the "Born Again" experience of repenting and placing total faith in Jesus as personal Lord and Saviour.
Your posts are spot on ItalianScallion. I commend you for your responses and you are certainly doing as Jesus commanded; warn others of the false teachings and religious deception that are in this world.
Thank you sir! I really hate to see it (but I do understand) why some people think like Highlander and others do on this forum. Lost folks might say those things but saved ones should not.
I have NO, NONE, ZERO hatred for any person on this earth and, yet, my words on here are always looked at as hate speech:shrug:
I'm no different than a Mothers against drunk drivers person (MADD), the America's most wanted guy???, or anyone who lost a son or daughter to drugs or a cult and then start a campaign against it. I WAS IN THE RCC for 34years (and their schools for 12)! I know of what I speak because I paid my dues there and I came out of it and found out the truth. I was not molested nor damaged but the RCC but I DO know that much of their teaching is demonically sinful (not just a minor wrong offense).
Any how! I must be off to love me some wonderful kids tonight (I hope). Be back tomorrow afternoon. C Ya!


You've been lied to friend. ONLY people who've accepted and follow the commands of Christ are Christians. There are people in all denominations that think they are, but aren't. (Matthew 7 v 21-23) I'm just trying to make them aware of that fact. This is something that we cannot take any chances on getting wrong. There's NO second chance so, if you try to hush me, be ready for some "divine intervention".
How would you feel if someone you told that lie to, thinks they are going to Heaven but later dies and finds out that they aren't? How about when they stand in front of God after going to church every week and thought they were saved and Jesus says to them: "I never knew you"??
I have no time for demonic catalysts like you. Satan loves ignorant people who think that ALL Catholics are Christians. You're on his payroll if you convince them of that.

Lets try this approach. I, as a Catholic and much more of a Christian than you are. We were here first. You guys protested the real church (Protestant). This is a fact and you are not allowed to believe anything differently. If you don't believe me, you're wrong and you've been lied to. I am going to heaven and you are not, no matter what you believe.

Stand up in front of a group of Catholics, Muslims, Jews, whomever and try to preach your self richeous stuff to them. See if they don't hand you your azz.

In my opinion, you do nothing but make Christians look bad with your attitude.
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Harley Rider
Lets try this approach. I, as a Catholic and much more of a Christian than you are. We were here first. You guys protested the real church (Protestant). This is a fact and you are not allowed to believe anything differently. If you don't believe me, you're wrong and you've been lied to. I am going to heaven and you are not, no matter what you believe.
Stand up in front of a group of Catholics, Muslims, Jews, whomever and try to preach your self richeous stuff to them. See if they don't hand you your azz.
In my opinion, you do nothing but make Christians look bad with your attitude.
Let's look at those mis-statements:
1) Being of a denomination that goes against God's Word, is never more "Christian" than one who doesn't.
2) You "were not here first".
3) I never said you weren't going to Heaven.
4) I have stood up in front of many Catholic groups and "handed them their azzes" as you say. Now, they didn't think so but they were unarmed so they couldn't tell. As I said before, I've been there and I have spoken extensively on this forum about it. Search some of those posts if you'd like.
5) Actually, you vision is "veiled" as the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 3v14 because even Jesus looked bad by being different and very radical in the eyes of the Jews back then. And guess what? He was killed, He was 100% correct in His teachings and those who opposed Him are HATIN' life right about now. So, to your untrained eyes, I make Christians look bad but I appreciate the compliment if you follow what I mean.
Please understand that I may never change your mind and you may never change mine but on the last Day, God will correct us all and that's where His Word (The Bible) will be our judge and jury. Your best and safest bet is to be in compliance with it.