Prediction time


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Smc, are you on drugs? I ask because you keep coming out with these absurd little predictions that are based on nothing more than your vivid imagination. Get off the crack, buddy - life is short.


New Member
haha very funny...Lewis has gone to all public forums and Gray to one...and vernon only has one sign that I have seen. I am a loyal democrat and support Raley...but I sure do love Lewis. GO 1 in 20!!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Smc, did you not see the (G) after Bob Lewis' name? That stands for Green Party.

Bob Lewis could strip himself naked and walk down 235 giving out free 10 oz. Buds and he wouldn't get more votes than Vernon Gray. Republicans may cross over and vote for a Democrat, but they won't touch a Greenie. He may pull a few Democrat votes but that won't affect Vernon Gray.

I'm sure Bob Lewis is a fine person - I don't know anything about him. But that (G) means that he will be sucking hind tit on election day. He should have gone (I) - would have got him more votes.


New Member
Allright Allright but I still think it would be cool if he got more votes then vernon gray. What are your predictions vrai?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Well Smcdem, I predict that your predictions amount to, let's say, your ability to vote. Oh wait, you are too young to vote. Which means your predictions amount to nothing, just like all predictions in the election process. I expect that you were impressed that Hussein received 100% of the vote in his election. Did you predict that one too? :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I still think it would be cool if he got more votes then vernon gray.
Well, he's not going to. I, personally, would think it was cool if I could make a birthday wish and it would come true, like in "Liar Liar". That's not gonna happen either.

I gave my predictions on the first page of this thread - like the 2nd or 3rd post.


New Member
Originally posted by Ken King
Well Smcdem, I predict that your predictions amount to, let's say, your ability to vote. Oh wait, you are too young to vote. Which means your predictions amount to nothing, just like all predictions in the election process. I expect that you were impressed that Hussein received 100% of the vote in his election. Did you predict that one too? :lmao:
veryyyyyy funny... i know predictions mount to nothing but its all fun isn't it?

Terp Fan

New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Bob Lewis could strip himself naked and walk down 235 giving out free 10 oz. Buds and he wouldn't get more votes than Vernon Gray.

:roflmao: :roflmao: That is too funny! But I have to say, I know quite a few people whose vote could be bought this way!


New Member
Well, I'm gonna say that Vernon Gray will win much more votes than Bob Lewis but Dan Raley will still win by the largest margin of any of the five BOCC races. I just can't see Gray as a viable candidate. He's lost his party's primary (Democratic twice and Republican once) and last time he lost to a man with a stutter, who went on to get crushed in the general. Anyway, a Raley has never lost in this county and Dan was able to soldify more conservative support than the other commissioners due to his support of the 1 in 5 density. So, Raley in a landslide.


New Member
To answer Mr. King's questions, the reason that spending has increased every year since 1965 is due to the rate of inflation. Yes the budget was a mess when the Democrats and Mrs. Guazzo took over four years ago. Why do you think we kicked them all outta office? Tell me why those four years under the Republicans were so great.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by demsformd
To answer Mr. King's questions, the reason that spending has increased every year since 1965 is due to the rate of inflation. Yes the budget was a mess when the Democrats and Mrs. Guazzo took over four years ago. Why do you think we kicked them all outta office? Tell me why those four years under the Republicans were so great.

You didn't answer my questions, as I never asked why it increased (I know why); I just countered your claim when you said spending was held at the same levels, which it wasn't. BTW inflation only covered a small portion of those annual increases.

The questions I posed to you were:

1. How are Democrats fiscally responsible?
2. What crystal ball do you use for your information?
3. Where would the economy be if there hadn’t been the tax cut under the Bush plan?
4. Is there a budget shortfall or are we at a break-even line (aka, balanced budget)?

I noticed you never bothered or attempted to answer them but went off on some other tangent as is typical of liberal redirectional tactics (avoid the question(s) and move to another topic).


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member

Can you tell us why you are a Democrat other than your mommy and daddy are?

Oh, that's right, you're too young to vote so you are not registered so you are a ... nothing. You are not registered.:razz2:


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by smcdem
I rather be a kid who can't vote then a gun nazi.

Liberals are gun Nazis, check your history and see who it was that was banning private ownership in Germany, the Nazis that's who.

Maybe you ought to stick to just being a kid and concentrate on your education.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That makes two of us, smcdem - I, too, would rather be a kid that can't vote than a liberal gun Nazi!

Are your folks going to be mad that we're trying to deprogram you in here? Because if you really want an education and to see the other side of the political coin, you've come to the right place.