Salt Life
I TOTALLY agree.. I think Chasey would be sooo cute pregnant!!!!
I'll be taking you out of my will today.
I TOTALLY agree.. I think Chasey would be sooo cute pregnant!!!!
So, I just found out we're expecting number two come March ...I want to do the big "reveal" to the families with something unique (instead of coming out saying it). Any thoughts or ideas?
here is a shirt you can get to wear over there
So, I just found out we're expecting number two come March ...I want to do the big "reveal" to the families with something unique (instead of coming out saying it). Any thoughts or ideas?
That's adorable! Where did you find it? I found the Big Brother tshirt on but couldn't find anything really original for me to wear...
I've only told my 2 best friends up in NY and they will both keep their mouths shut until week 12, when I tell the world.
I think you just told ALL of SOMD
Hubby and I are expecting our first baby on March 3rd.
I'm trying not to get too excited yet because of the whole "first trimester thing". I've only told my 2 best friends up in NY and they will both keep their mouths shut until week 12, when I tell the world. Hubby, on the other hand, has told about 12 people at work.
Are your families local? If so, this plan may not work for you. My parents & Gram are in NY, inlaws & bil are in DE, my brother & other bil are in SC, various other relatives out west. So I figure we'll find an excuse to not spend Thanksgiving or XMas with them, then hold Easter at our house for everyone. SURPRISE, LOOK WHO'S HERE!!!! Actually, I'm just kidding. I'm having a lot of difficulty keeping my mouth shut now and I'm only in the middle of week 6.
Here's our real plan....Hubby is taking about 20-25 pics of various pretty vague clues to put into a virtual photo album (snapfish). The last one will be the obvious clue - a March calendar with March 3rd circled, along with a Pisces horoscope. My Dad & I are both Pisces so he'll appreciate it even more. The baby may even share a Bday with us (2/28 or 3/8).
We'll email our creation to our parents & brothers late on a Saturday night because we're both off on Sundays. Then we'll wait for the phones to ring off the hook all day Sunday.
I've only told my 2 best friends up in NY and they will both keep their mouths shut until week 12, when I tell the world.
I think you just told ALL of SOMD
Only on the forums!
Congrats. My wedding anniversary is the 3rd of March.
Thanks! How many years for you? Hubby & I have only been married for a little over a year.
5 years and we are on our third little one....
Great news, congrats! Do you think this will be your last or do you want more than 3 kids? We would like to have 2 but we're getting a late start so we'll see what happens. Too bad we didn't meet 10 years ago but things happened for a reason in our lives and we met at a good time.
We have our ultrasound on Monday and really hubby's hoping for twins. Sure, easy for him to hope! I keep telling him that my beta numbers give NO indication of multiples but he's still hoping.
So hows the little one doing?
The little ONE is doing just fine, thanks for asking. Poor hubby isn't getting the twins he had hoped for but Monday was still a great day. We went for the first ultrasound and it was amazing - first baby for both of us so we're really excited. How are you feeling and how far along are you again? We're only in our 6th week.
30 weeks as of today and the baby loves staying under my ribs so I am in pain most of the time. LOL It's all worth it though.
30 weeks as of today and the baby loves staying under my ribs so I am in pain most of the time. LOL It's all worth it though.
My daughter stayed on my spine suring my pregnancy with her! It was awful!! I even had back labor with her! I wouldn't wish that on anyone!!! Like you say, though, TOTALLY worth it! I am hoping these 2 stay up front though!