President of Pax River Raiders



Wow, this is a long thread to accuse a guy of something. Ok. I looked up the Maryland court thing. I got what the tom guy said. What is the story the accused is giving? I don't see that.


Did you read the County Times article?

I did. Correct me if I am wrong, but it doesn't speak to the facts of the original case, which some on here are indicating are not as bad as the charges he pled to. I just want to know what he is saying. I think he has a right to be heard. I read the part about him saying he was not a coach and other people saying he was, but I'm talking about the original charges.


Well-Known Member
I did. Correct me if I am wrong, but it doesn't speak to the facts of the original case, which some on here are indicating are not as bad as the charges he pled to. I just want to know what he is saying. I think he has a right to be heard. I read the part about him saying he was not a coach and other people saying he was, but I'm talking about the original charges.

He's not going to discuss the original charges, nor is he going to tell everyone the truth about anything. :lol:


my war
letmetellyou said:
I did. Correct me if I am wrong, but it doesn't speak to the facts of the original case, which some on here are indicating are not as bad as the charges he pled to. I just want to know what he is saying. I think he has a right to be heard. I read the part about him saying he was not a coach and other people saying he was, but I'm talking about the original charges.

He was heard.. in court, admitting to sexual contact with a 13 year old. This guy should not be around children. What more do you want? Damn!


He's not going to discuss the original charges, nor is he going to tell everyone the truth about anything. :lol:

I thought he told maximum or whatever the name was. The one who is sticking behind him. I imagine he has a different version. I can't see someone with kids sticking behind a guy who did what is reported.


New Member
For those questioning the ages, rape or attempted rape regardless of age is not ok. The fact it was a child and this man is around children all the time is scary. This incident happened in 2000 his victim was born in 85 and he was born in 74 you all are smart people do the math if you don’t want to believe those stating the ages.

An inaccuracy in the county times stated by Berg he said he is not the same person he was in 1999. Ok but are you still the same person you were in 2000when this happened. I bet your victim will never forget what year it was. That year is probably engraved forever in her memory. Looks like it was pretty easy for you to forget though.

Regarding everyone who wants to stand behind Harold and “the truth” he has told. If he is so truthful why are there so many versions of the truth being told by him. There are two sides to every story and you are only hearing his versions. Of course his side makes him look the victim; he is trying to clear his name. His victim’s side of the story is different, I’m sure.

Keep in mind regardless of his “truth” he plead guilty to attempting to rape a child. There are reasons he plead guilty and it was not because he didn’t do anything. As stated by someone else, the evidence was there or he would not have plead guilty. You don't plead guilty if there is no proof of your guilt.

To those of you questioning doing something about this; our law enforcer who handles the local sex offender registry has been contacted about this. The county was made aware and from my understanding they made Berg step down as president of the league contrary to his claims of stepping down because of his busy schedule. The county has been asked to enforce not allowing him near the fields. As of yet they have not acted on this.

Beyond what is being posted here there are things being done to expose this and efforts to get the county to do something are being pursued.

You people standing behind Berg you are all enablers. You only hear what you want to hear. You think you know him because of what you see on the field or what he has told you. But do you really know him, I mean outside of football? When another victim shows up how will you feel then? Will you still stand behind him then? Will you still believe his story of the truth then?
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Well-Known Member
Funny how people are treating him as the victim... pure ignorance!

Not I. I love how people around the community are spouting that this is a slander campaign between the football rivals. Nope. This just is not slander. The facts are public info. Anyone can go take a look at them all.


New Member
For the people who are defending this perv would allow a 20 something guy have sex with your 14 year old daughter? ( or woman/son) This is a 1 word answer!


New Member
People don't want to hear the truth when it clashes with their reality.

I'm surprised how many people I've spoken to, that are deeply rooted in the county youth sports, that still haven't heard anything about this. Sad is most when told just shake their head and carry on. Or others that act interested in the info for no more of a reason than they want to be nosey and know about it. But they have no intention of doing anything.


New Member
How did this thread start? Someone has a beef with Mr. Berg? Why now? As small as this county is, I can't believe this would come up now why not in the beginning of his tenure as President of the Pax River Raiders. I being a parent of a football & cheer kids. Mr. Berg has been nothing but professional & I have never witnessed any inappropriate behavior. I do believe the person that started this mess has a record as well and is currently active. I do believe the person that has started all this mess is directing his/her anger towards Mr. Berg and should be directed towards the person that he or she does have a beef with.


Well-Known Member
How did this thread start? Someone has a beef with Mr. Berg? Why now? As small as this county is, I can't believe this would come up now why not in the beginning of his tenure as President of the Pax River Raiders. I being a parent of a football & cheer kids. Mr. Berg has been nothing but professional & I have never witnessed any inappropriate behavior. I do believe the person that started this mess has a record as well and is currently active. I do believe the person that has started all this mess is directing his/her anger towards Mr. Berg and should be directed towards the person that he or she does have a beef with.

My guess is that the OP was just made aware of this news. As it has been shown, this was kept under wraps for quite some time. It sounds to me like the OP is a coach which means that they've passed their background check if the County was doing their job. I personally think that this all needed to be brought to light. The parents need to know coaches criminal records and the County and AYF need to start imposing the criminal background check rules on EVERYONE.


New Member
I don't believe that it was kept under wraps. How did this come about? The County was doing their job. I have been witness to a few occasions where parents wanted to volunteer to coach and could not help because of their record(DWI & Assault). This county is so small everyone knows everyones business and I am sure this particular incident made the news and if Mr. Berg grew up here then I don't believe for one minute that someone didn't know about it prior to him taking over for Chris.