Presidential News Conference


Kerad said:
the Neocons desire to go to war,
This is the part that gets me. No one, not a single person WANTS to go to war. To even suggest that Bush was chomping at the bit to have an unknown number of American service member die in a war to feed some "desire" is totally absurd and insulting. WTF do you actually think Bush is a barbarian who just wanted to go to war for the eff of it? Every prominent Democrat from Clinton on down said the same thing years BEFORE Bush took office. The difference is Bush is a man of action, those other chumps just talked a lot.

What the "neocons" wanted was to stop being reactionary wussies and take the fight to them, force them to do what the UN demanded they do. Hussein thumbed his nose at the UN and the US for years. He bluffed, he kicked out the inspectors how many times? He thwarted their access how many times? He broke the cease fire how many times? He violated the no-fly zones how many times? He feigned having WMD's not by voice but by actions. He bluffed and he lost.

To come back 3 years later and claim it was all for nothing and it was all a lie is pure bullchit and if you could take off the partisan blinders you would realize that.

9/11 changed geopolitics I hoped forever. It in fact only changed us from the cowering wussies enslaved to a high rise in NYC full of grafters and 3rd world a-holes for a short time. Now thanks to you and those of your party Iran and Korea are right back to thinking we are wussies and they can thumb their noses at the UN because the big scary dog that does the grunt work for the UN is back in the cage. Not that we would invade, but when you remove the threat of military action you take away the only way an army can influence bad actors without even taking a single casualty.
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I bowl overhand
Kerad said:
Bush had no plan. Whose idea was it that "Well...let's take the Iraq army we have just defeated...and disband it..allowing them to run off all pissed off with the keys to their armouries??? WW II it was recognized that the German Army (not the Nazi party SS'ers, mind you...) were just fine with being "German" and not "Nazi". Why did this not happen in Iraq?
You mean the same way we suffered from German Terrorist attacks well into the 70's?? Lets see the war ended in the 40's and we were still getting attacked well into the 70's and 80's.. No matter who wins, the losers are NEVER just going to roll over and accept it..

The last Japanese "scout" surrendered in the late 70's too if I remember..


New Member
itsbob said:
You mean the same way we suffered from German Terrorist attacks well into the 70's?? Lets see the war ended in the 40's and we were still getting attacked well into the 70's and 80's.. No matter who wins, the losers are NEVER just going to roll over and accept it..

The last Japanese "scout" surrendered in the late 70's too if I remember..

Now...this post is just silly. I trust you are not tying to handcuff my "German Army different from Nazi's" clip to German terrorist attacks in ..what..the '72 Olympic games???

I applaud you for the stretch, though.

(BTW..."Munich" is an EXCELLENT film :yay: )

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's absurd...

Kerad said:
The problem is that Dubya did not have a plan...which is why we find ourselves where we are.

...they obviously had a plan and it's not working to what most consider an acceptable degree. In other words, if they said, 4 years ago, this is what it will be like in fall 2006, or something like it, no one would have found it acceptable.

To say they did not plan on it working like this to this point is not to say there was no plan. Unless, of course, you would also say that the Dem plan since saving Clinton's bacon from impeachment was supposed to result in 12 years of GOP rule...


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PREMO Member
Kerad said:
(BTW..."Munich" is an EXCELLENT film :yay: )

Perhaps, but my wife and I could not get through it without falling asleep a few times, and it wasn't even late at night. When that happens, we realize we're just pretending to enjoy a movie and we try something else. Happened with "Syriana" this weekend, too.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Kerad said:
Biden's plan is the partial division of Iraq for the 3 seperate sects, with a centeral govenrment overseeing country security, and division of oil revenues. We're going to hear alot more about it as Republicans try and call this plan their own, after the elections. But that;s another matter.?

I'm not convinced that partitioning Iraq is a good idea at all, even though it may come to that anyway. (Let me clarify - it may come to that anyway - but it doesn't mean it's desirable). Allowing the Baghdad vilayet to re-emerge as a separate entity would be tantamount to putting Saddam BACK in power. THAT'S where all the violence is happening - the Southern and Northern regions are largely at rest.

Partitioning it again along these lines also ignores where the money is, where the oil is, where the industry is - it's pretending that nothing happened in the country in the last 80 years.

Kerad said:
Bush had no plan.

Baloney. A plan that isn't working is not the same as no plan. The Pentagon always has a Plan B - and a Plan C - and so on. They're so friggin' redundant with backup plans, it sometimes borders on the absurd. There's an old axiom referring to war, specifically that goes any plan goes out the window once combat begins. Same for post-war - you have to adjust your plan as you go along.

I think the US had poorly assessed the Iraqis willingness to participate in the formation of their own country - we overestimated their desire for freedom into the same kind of citizen-based democratic rule we've seen in the West. We thought they'd take up arms and fight for their country. But what they've done is more like what happened HERE in the South during our revolution - once they were engaged in battle, they preferred to settle old scores with neighbors instead of fight (alongside the British; the South was fairly Loyalist, but the Brits soon found Southern Loyalists to be useless as allies, because they couldn't be relied upon to do anything but fight with each other). In our own country, even with strong territorial and colonial identity - people identified with their colony as their "nation" - we banded together (per the familiar mantra and symbol of a cut up snake "join, or die"). because we put aside the differences against common enemies.

That's actually less common worldwide that we'd like to believe - everywhere this past century, when totalitarian governments collapsed, the nation has dissolved into regional disputes, because the only thing preventing them was one great big oppressive BOOT.

I'm not sure what the solution is - I'm not sure if we should have just hauled azz out of there once Saddam was gone. I'm pretty sure if we HAD done that, we'd all be bickering over who was to blame for the inevitable CHAOS that would have ensued.

Kerad said:
Lastly...don't throw that Iraq War Resolution in my face. We all know the "facts" presented to secure that vote was pure BS.

And yet the same data was presented to all of them.

You know, this argument gets dumber every time I hear it, especially in light of how stupid we're all supposed to believe Bush is. Somehow, he's barely smart enough to turn around when he reaches a dead end, but smart enough to present a flimsy case for war with flawed data to a clearly anti-war crowd and sell it to them. They all vote for it - or a lot of them do - and to cover their tracks, their response was "it was all lies! I believed it - don't blame ME for believing the cockamamie stories crafted by a village idiot! I'm too SMART for that!".

The idea that the intel was picked over before any Democrat could vote on it is bull, but it keeps getting repeated often enough, I think you're beginning to believe it.

There were plenty on hand who after reading it, thought the case wasn't strong enough.

There were others on hand who were against going to war under any circumstances. This is actually relevant; there were some who, BELIEVING Saddam had dangerous WMD's - still were against going to war.

But all the data that Bush used to "cherry-pick" - was available to everyone. I could cherry-pick the Washington Post today, but nothing is stopping you from reading it yourself. If I parse out an article written TODAY, and you go about repeating and believing what I SAY without checking it out yourself - well why should I vote YOU into office if you're that damned stupid?


Super Genius
Iraq better off under Saddam, says Blix
"Iraq is a pure failure," Blix was quoted as saying. "If the Americans pull out, there is a risk that they will leave a country in civil war. At the same time, it doesn't seem that the United States can help to stabilise the situation by staying there."
Maybe the UN should do something :killingme

Sorry...having "UN" and "do something" in the same sentence makes me laugh.


I bowl overhand
Kerad said:
Now...this post is just silly. I trust you are not tying to handcuff my "German Army different from Nazi's" clip to German terrorist attacks in ..what..the '72 Olympic games???

I applaud you for the stretch, though.

(BTW..."Munich" is an EXCELLENT film :yay: )
No actually.. I was in Germany in 72, and that is one atack from a country and people that had never attacked Germany before..

AND that attack was against ISRAELI's not Germans or Americans.. I'm talking about Terrorist groups that targeted Americans in Germany and Germans that supported us being there. These groups considered us occupying forces and would use car bombs, and letter bombs.. and fire extinguisher bombs, or just walk up to you and shoot you, and anything else they could think of to hurt and kill Americans, hopefully to drive us out of Europe. These attacks went well beyond 1972, as I can remember a bomb planted under a seat of someone's car failing to detonate. It was in the housing area my family lived in, and I was deployed at the time, this was 1987. After the failed detonation they found two more in the housing area identical to the one that didn't work.

The disco attack.. where President Clinton Awarded Purple Hearts to Americans for going dancing where they were told not to.. When was he president again?? OH, that would be the NINETIES!!


I bowl overhand
Kerad said:
German terrorist attacks in ..what..the '72 Olympic games???

Careful your ignorance is showing.. It wasn't a German Terrorist attack.. it was the PLO, and the leader that planned and executed that attack was Yasser Arafat.. Yanno the guy, the guy Democrats loved.. and turned into a leader of state..

It wasn't a German attack nor was it against Germans.. although it was IN Germany..

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
I think the US had poorly assessed the Iraqis willingness to participate in the formation of their own country - we overestimated their desire for freedom into the same kind of citizen-based democratic rule we've seen in the West. We thought they'd take up arms and fight for their country. But what they've done is more like what happened HERE in the South during our revolution - once they were engaged in battle, they preferred to settle old scores with neighbors instead of fight (alongside the British; the South was fairly Loyalist, but the Brits soon found Southern Loyalists to be useless as allies, because they couldn't be relied upon to do anything but fight with each other). In our own country, even with strong territorial and colonial identity - people identified with their colony as their "nation" - we banded together (per the familiar mantra and symbol of a cut up snake "join, or die"). because we put aside the differences against common enemies.
I think we screwed up by trying to stand up a new Iraqi government too soon before we had disarmed all of the "hostiles". The decision to move at a fast pace and get out as quick as possible is what has led to what we are seeing now. We never truly and completely occupied anything other than a few select locations deemed essential.

The decision to allow "locals" to keep their weapons was one of the most bone-headed decisions ever made.


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PREMO Member
itsbob said:
Careful your ignorance is showing.. It wasn't a German Terrorist attack.. it was the PLO..

I think since he referenced the movie "Munich", he's aware of that. He's showing incredulity, because we all know the Munich attacks were against Israeli athletes, so what attacks could you be referring to, in 1972 Germany?

Frankly, until you mentioned further in another post, I had never heard of German attacks against Americans. It just didn't make the papers here.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
The decision to allow "locals" to keep their weapons was one of the most bone-headed decisions ever made.

I never thought that was a good idea. I can only guess that they reasoned that as in the first war, most of Saddam's army were conscripts who were only too willing to surrender to an unarmed CNN camera crew and that they had no real desire to fight. Even if that were true, peppered among them would be several thousand Fedayeen who would fight to the death.

I still wonder what we'd be fighting, if we'd zipped up the borders.


I bowl overhand
SamSpade said:
I think since he referenced the movie "Munich", he's aware of that. He's showing incredulity, because we all know the Munich attacks were against Israeli athletes, so what attacks could you be referring to, in 1972 Germany?

Frankly, until you mentioned further in another post, I had never heard of German attacks against Americans. It just didn't make the papers here.
The attacks were much more then '72, they were ongoing. We had the Baader Meinhopf , the Red Brigade and several others.. and they were a constant threat through the 70's and 80's.. The German police and others would cut the heads off of one cell, just for another one to pop up right behind it. The 60's and early 70's were the worst. it seemed like every wek there was a report of another attack on Americans.. another American dead in Frankfurt.. another in Wurzburg..

I'm thinking the US Gov't at the time was smart enough to try to keep it quiet, or two or three deaths at a time just wasn't worthy of the time of the press..

I actually remember getting called up for guard duty while we were on Maneuvers.. A van full of them drove by a "logger" where a bunch of tanks are parked in a circle waiting their next move.. They drove by with guns blazing.. LUCKILY nobody got hurt (you ever tried to shoot something out of a moving vehicle).. so I get my brief, the description how many people in the van etc.. They hand me a radio and tell me where they want me positioned, and I stand there waiting.. nothing.. this E-7 looks at me and tells me.. "move out".. and I look at him and ask.. "What about ammo, they're apparently firing at us, do I get to shoot back?" To which I get a stare.. and told again.. "Move out" So here I am protecting my squadron from these terrorists that have been spotted nearby with nothing but an empty M-16 and a radio.. yeah, that gave me a warm fuzzy..

I was never without ammo after that..


I bowl overhand
ylexot said:
I had to look that up and found an interesting site:

The disco is listed as Apr '86
You're right, I posted without thinking about it.. I was in country for that one too, and a LOT of people in uniform were pissed off about it. Especially when they had these HERO's on the Today show (I think it was that show). I wasn't over there for any of the 90's, so I was wrong..

and it must of been Reagan that awarded the Purple Hearts..

and FIFTY THREE for a disco bombing?? Damn, I thought it was like three or four..


I bowl overhand
That lists but ONE unit, and look at the list of purple hearts for terrorist attacks in Germany.. up to 1985..


NOT Politically Correct!!
itsbob said:
The attacks were much more then '72, they were ongoing. We had the Baader Meinhopf , the Red Brigade and several others.. and they were a constant threat through the 70's and 80's.. The German police and others would cut the heads off of one cell, just for another one to pop up right behind it. The 60's and early 70's were the worst. it seemed like every wek there was a report of another attack on Americans.. another American dead in Frankfurt.. another in Wurzburg..

I'm thinking the US Gov't at the time was smart enough to try to keep it quiet, or two or three deaths at a time just wasn't worthy of the time of the press..

I actually remember getting called up for guard duty while we were on Maneuvers.. A van full of them drove by a "logger" where a bunch of tanks are parked in a circle waiting their next move.. They drove by with guns blazing.. LUCKILY nobody got hurt (you ever tried to shoot something out of a moving vehicle).. so I get my brief, the description how many people in the van etc.. They hand me a radio and tell me where they want me positioned, and I stand there waiting.. nothing.. this E-7 looks at me and tells me.. "move out".. and I look at him and ask.. "What about ammo, they're apparently firing at us, do I get to shoot back?" To which I get a stare.. and told again.. "Move out" So here I am protecting my squadron from these terrorists that have been spotted nearby with nothing but an empty M-16 and a radio.. yeah, that gave me a warm fuzzy..

I was never without ammo after that..

That sucks man, almost the same happened to me in 1982 as part of the Peace Keeping forces in Beirut Lebanon. We where allowed to carry bullets, but our weapons where to remain unloaded. Several times the radical Shi'a Militia would lob mortars into our compound :jameo: , so we moved to the Marine Barracks 3 months later. I finally left Beirut in April of 1983, 6 months later on Oct 23, 1983, 241 US service members lost there lives when the terrorist blew up the Marine Barracks with a truck bomb.

Everyday I think about how lucky I was... :coffee:


New Member
SamSpade said:
Perhaps, but my wife and I could not get through it without falling asleep a few times, and it wasn't even late at night. When that happens, we realize we're just pretending to enjoy a movie and we try something else. Happened with "Syriana" this weekend, too.

I liked Syriana, too. They are similar in pace...which turns alot of people off. I think many were thinking there would be more "action" in Munich. Syriana was as advertised, in my opinion. You certainly have to pay close attention to every single scene...or you're going to get a bit lost.