Pretty sad....


Well-Known Member
Yup. I was surprised, and happy. The 'skins O line is very offensive, for sure, even worse than the Bucs, and the six sacks were fun to watch. Evans had a monster game - barring injury, there is no reason why he should not be Rookie of the Year, IMHO.

Agreed. He's leading the way in stats (almost all of them anyway) with the other rookie WRs this year.

If he keeps this up, it'll be no question.

I'm curious to see how they do next week, in Lovie's old stomping grounds against the Bears.


mama to two

Who really cares? There are many more important issues going on in this world. I am a sports hater (except for golf). Too much emphasis is brought to football, basketball, baseball, etc. They are paid too much, they are excused for bad behavior, fans pay the price (that is their fault). In my opinion, America would be just fine or better off without all the bull crap that sports has to offer. And, don't forget the brawls after a game when on side didn't win. Just dumb. I have mentioned this before that I saw our high school quarterback killed on the field when his brainstem was shoved into his spine. Dead on the field. That did it for me.

Edit: I forgot NASCAR. When was the last time anyone remembers a brawl or heated discussion after a golf tournament? Gentlemen, anyone? Oh, I forgot tennis. Yes, there is a club or racket thrown at times, but looting and burning cars was never the aftermath.

I would attend the tailgate party with friends, but not the game. Too political and stupid.

Football reminds me of the Roman Coliseum when people liked to watch someone get hurt or die. :boo:

Chess, anyone? :lol:
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Truth! No :buttkiss: here.

Brian is a straight shooter and he's right to call out the players as, playing, effort, preparation, is all on them. However, the culture is the culture. If we exclude the coaches and the people who hire them, then all we're saying is all things are equal and a team with poor coaching and a poor GM and a poor owners should be able to win because the players. That's simply not the case or it would bear out on the field time after time. Brian is right that a player should still hustle and fight and earn the privilege of being out there but, that's a tall order for players, in general, to not, by and large, reflect the team they work for.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Mitchell has quite a body of work for his years in the NFL. He's 2nd in total yardage for a career with 23,330 yards. He was also released from the team the year Snyder took over. I can understand by he harbors some resentment towards the team.

Do you think it it resentment? I've been a fan of his for years, his radio and TV work in addition to him being one of those guys who just seems to walk his talk and that's a lot of talk to walk. Discussing this in terms of resentment seems to deflect the underlying reality of the Redskins repetitive cycle of poor teams. I mean, no Brian Mitchell comments, this team STILL has no stability at coach, the constant repetition of deals consistently good teams seem to avoid along with the teachers pet thing.


Who really cares? There are many more important issues going on in this world. I am a sports hater (except for golf).

Then why even bother to post something? I grew up on Redskins football. It was a tradition in my home. Watching brings back memories of when I was a kid at home and having my mom and dad yell at the TV when Kilmer threw another pass in the dirt. Some of us care. We remember the exciting years of George Allen and Joe Gibbs. My neighborhood was filled with kids. After the games were over we'd go out in a nearby field and play football. Some really great memories.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Do you think it it resentment?

Having heard him on the radio, He's not afraid to give his opinion. He did sign a 1 day contract so he could retire as a Redskin so if there is resentment it isn't too deep.