Prince Frederick McDonald's


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PREMO Member
Speedy70 said:
That's a shame. They've really made a difference at that place (for the better).
Comment to the manager. It won't make them stay, but it might have some effect. I'm sure it'd have to affect someone if customers are saying "keep the Russians, throw out the snotty little American teenagers".


Speedy70 said:
So now they have a handful of Russian teenagers working there. It has made a HUGE difference! They are super polite, and you get your food a lot quicker. :yay: :clap:

I'm not sure if they're just here for the summer, but I want them to stay there forever. :lol:

so who used to work there ? :whistle:


Pandora said:
07-08-2007 06:43 PM Everytime you eat there a kitten dies, plus the food is gross

:killingme I don't know why, but I really like McDonald's coffee, pancakes, and sausage. :razz:

the breakfast is great, and I love the nuggets ......... and where available when they had them HOT Wings .......... w/hot sauce of course


New Member
In OC, almost every fast food and regular resturant has the Russian and Ukranian kids running the place. While I applaud that their labor is great I must also scratch my head about the local kids who just don't give a damn if service is good or not. Kids the same age however mentalities totally different. Wife and I were in McDs Sunday morning in Solomons Island. We never made it to the line since the customers coming out were informing us of the negativity on just ordering a ice tea with sugar. Girl told customer I dont have time to make sweet tea so have a nice day. We went to the frying pan and had an awsome breakfast. We have found same issues in larger chain food establishments as well. Although I will say that I never had any issues with the McDs on PAX. Always hot and manager always willing to help his customers.
have a good day



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PREMO Member
USNavyMike said:
In OC, almost every fast food and regular resturant has the Russian and Ukranian kids running the place. While I applaud that their labor is great I must also scratch my head about the local kids who just don't give a damn if service is good or not. Kids the same age however mentalities totally different. Wife and I were in McDs Sunday morning in Solomons Island. We never made it to the line since the customers coming out were informing us of the negativity on just ordering a ice tea with sugar. Girl told customer I dont have time to make sweet tea so have a nice day. We went to the frying pan and had an awsome breakfast. We have found same issues in larger chain food establishments as well. Although I will say that I never had any issues with the McDs on PAX. Always hot and manager always willing to help his customers.
have a good day


I suspect - I'm just getting old - but I think a lot of today's teenagers are just too damned spoiled. It wasn't that long ago, but when I worked as a teenager, the truth was, there were always about 10 applicants waiting to take my job if my boss wasn't happy with my performance.

Attitude played big in our ability to keep our job - if you were surly to customers - you'd be canned. The boss wasn't a tyrant, but made it clear that some things were expected at all times.

Simple things were the standard you've heard all your life - the customer is always right. If you don't know where something is - the correct answer is always "I will find out". When a customer wants something, you do not tell them "Aisle 5" - you take them to Aisle 5 and make sure they see it - my boss even went so far as to "make sure they're touching it before you leave" (which admittedly is a stretch, as they might decided against getting it - but the idea was, you make sure they know exactly where it is. You never have "nothing to do" - minimally, you can always block items or clean up.

Being rude to customers was always grounds for immediate termination - and it *happened* (but usually after repeated warnings). Not showing up for work usually meant termination. Theft ALWAYS meant, termination.

When we were in Russia, we met our fair share of staff that didn't want to wait on someone who didn't speak Russian or who might not have been spending a lot. But it was far more common that they were very helpful, PROBABLY because jobs were hard to come by, and as I experienced as a teenager myself - when there were 10 people waiting to take your job, you took your crappy job a little more seriously.
I want to add that after I ate my lunch, I was still hungry so I went back to the counter to order a fruit and yogurt parfait. The gentleman that waited on me was not Russian. He was very slow and acted confused. He took my money and stood there a minute. Finally, another employee came up to tell him that they were out of the parfaits. So he asked if I wanted my money back. I said no, I'll take 3 cookies then (since they're the same price). Then he got REALLY confused on how to change it in the register, which I guess they have to do for inventory purposes (?). Slowly but surely, he changed it in the register and slowly got my 3 cookies.

How sad that's whats left when the Russians leave. :bawl:


New Member
Speedy70 said:
He was very slow and acted confused. He took my money and stood there a minute. Finally, another employee came up to tell him that they were out of the parfaits.
I'm not slow...I just didn't know what a "par-fay" was. I kept looking for them but could only find "par-fates". :bawl:


curiouser and curiouser
SamSpade said:
And the comment above about turbo hottie was very descriptive of most of the young Russian women. We couldn't believe how good looking most of them were.
I met a guy from Belarus (a gymnast, no less :faint:) last summer.....:hot:. And the sweetest little thing I've ever met.
Speedy70 said:
I want to add that after I ate my lunch, I was still hungry so I went back to the counter to order a fruit and yogurt parfait. The gentleman that waited on me was not Russian. He was very slow and acted confused. He took my money and stood there a minute. Finally, another employee came up to tell him that they were out of the parfaits. So he asked if I wanted my money back. I said no, I'll take 3 cookies then (since they're the same price). Then he got REALLY confused on how to change it in the register, which I guess they have to do for inventory purposes (?). Slowly but surely, he changed it in the register and slowly got my 3 cookies.

How sad that's whats left when the Russians leave. :bawl:

Prince Frederick McDona... 07-09-2007 11:21 AM They could have been a new employee

You've obviously never been to the PF McDonald's.


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PREMO Member
Nickel said:
I met a guy from Belarus (a gymnast, no less :faint:) last summer.....:hot:. And the sweetest little thing I've ever met.

I work with a girl from Belarus. Funny thing to me, is I've rarely met an immigrant from Russia SO critical of Russia, and Belarussians tend to be very critical of the west.

My experience in Russia was that the women - the young women - were strikingly attractive. I've yet to walk down a street anywhere in the States where the prevalence of attractive women came close to ANYWHERE we went in Russia. Oddly enough, most of the time, the men were just kind of so-so. But when we got to Moscow, most of the male staff there were just as good looking as the women.

Of course, I adopted from Russia, and I think my little boy is just the handsomest little kid I've ever seen.


USNavyMike said:
In OC, almost every fast food and regular resturant has the Russian and Ukranian kids running the place. While I applaud that their labor is great I must also scratch my head about the local kids who just don't give a damn if service is good or not. Kids the same age however mentalities totally different. Wife and I were in McDs Sunday morning in Solomons Island. We never made it to the line since the customers coming out were informing us of the negativity on just ordering a ice tea with sugar. Girl told customer I dont have time to make sweet tea so have a nice day. We went to the frying pan and had an awsome breakfast. We have found same issues in larger chain food establishments as well. Although I will say that I never had any issues with the McDs on PAX. Always hot and manager always willing to help his customers.
have a good day


American kids have had everything give to them , Nintendo, iPods .... etc

I know it was like this in N VA out in the dulles / lees burg area teens were why should I work, when daddy and mommy give me everything .... :ohwell:



100% Goapele Head!
Richard Cranium said:
You don't want Jose's Secret Sauce?
:barf: No, I'd rather have yours. :coffee:

willie said:
Jose's people are a heckuva lot more attentive than what McDonalds has to offer.
I never had a complaint about him or his people I am just sick of "the attitude (2 snapz)" that he gives me. :bigwhoop:


100% Goapele Head!
Speedy70 said:
I want to add that after I ate my lunch, I was still hungry so I went back to the counter to order a fruit and yogurt parfait. The gentleman that waited on me was not Russian. He was very slow and acted confused. He took my money and stood there a minute. Finally, another employee came up to tell him that they were out of the parfaits. So he asked if I wanted my money back. I said no, I'll take 3 cookies then (since they're the same price). Then he got REALLY confused on how to change it in the register, which I guess they have to do for inventory purposes (?). Slowly but surely, he changed it in the register and slowly got my 3 cookies.

How sad that's whats left when the Russians leave. :bawl:

Damn. :killingme

Thanks for the warning. :huggy:


Well-Known Member
USNavyMike said:
Wife and I were in McDs Sunday morning in Solomons Island. We never made it to the line since the customers coming out were informing us of the negativity on just ordering a ice tea with sugar. Girl told customer I dont have time to make sweet tea so have a nice day.

I had similar issues the last time I went to that location. Which will remain the LAST time I eat there. Took twenty minutes to get food, no napkins, out of ketchup. The manager just as surly as the teens who screwed the orders up. Useless bastards.

Bring in all the Russians we can, I suppose. :killingme I get the occasional craving for McDonalds, but I won't eat at one anywhere in St. Mary's, and now not the one in Solomons, either.


New Member
Well, lets do some math, 7.50 an hour after taxes lets say 5.50 per hour to serve customers burgers and fries for 8 hours or. sell crack and within 15 minutes you made an entire weeks pay for standing on a corner. Sure, mom and dad give most kids everything they want cars, 500.00 game systems, hell im 46 and cant afford a 500 game system.

Fast food resturants are mostly hiring #1's or african americans. Up north in the New England area, if your not over 50 they dont want to hire you into the fast food joints they know that the elderly will work hard and stay with the company. Its a hopless, endless circle to get a 1/4 lbr with cheese anymore.

Customer service has taken a hike into the woods never to be seen again. Even high priced purchases are not without thier issues, ie: car we just bought from a Waldorf dealership, talk about a nightmare!!!! here it is July and are still having issues after 7 months. oh dealership is Nisson of Waldorf.

I am afraid of the future, with kids being given everything they wish, versus earning a living. these are our future leaders!


100% Goapele Head!
Our future might be filled with embezzelling, bribe taking leaders. :faint:

Parents STOP spoiling your children right this instance!!! :jameo:


New Member
Bay_Kat said:
They should also send some to Solomon's, that one is terrible.
I know it took over 30 mins to get our breakfast.. I keep on telling my hubby to get our money back and go. But he insist that would confuse the hell out of them..