Pro-Hamas Fallout - Schadenfreude


PREMO Member

Karmic Comeuppance: Pro-Hamas Harvard Student Loses Job, Housing for Harassing Israeli Classmate

It's not often that we can report on these pages positive news from Ivy League campuses, but today is one of those rare days. The Harvard Crimson reported Friday that Elom Tettey-Tamaklo, a graduate student at the Harvard Divinity School, was let go from his job as a freshman proctor after video surfaced of him harassing an Israeli classmate.

A divinity student. Let that sink in.

The Crimson described the role of a proctor at Harvard:

Proctors are Harvard graduate students, instructors, or staff who oversee a group of freshmen. They are unpaid and receive compensation in the form of meal swipes and housing in a freshman dorm. According to the petition, Tettey-Tamaklo was asked to vacate Thayer on Friday.

They let this guy oversee freshman?

The video in question showed Tettery-Tamaklo joining with other pro-Hamas protesters at Harvard, who were forming a circle around an Israel student and refusing to let the student leave. Tettery-Tamaklo is seen shouting, "Shame!" directly into the Israeli's face, and using his body and a keffiyeh he was carrying to prevent the young student from getting away from the angry crowd.

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Well-Known Member
We know what religion this guy is studying. The satanic religion of hate.
But he wasn't alone . This incident should follow him for years.
Maybe he should find something else to study.


PREMO Member

MIT Didn't Suspend Protestors Violating Rules Because They Could Be Deported

It was a bit of a surprise because MIT President Kornbluth seemed ready to follow through on her threat.

So why didn’t she?

Today’s protest – which became disruptive, loud and sustained through the morning hours – was organized and conducted in defiance of those MIT guidelines and policies. Some students from both the protest and counterprotest may have violated other MIT policies, as well.
In late morning, the face-to-face confrontation between the protesters and counterprotesters intensified. We had serious concerns that it could lead to violence. To prevent further escalation and protect the physical safety of everyone present – including both student protesters and passers-by in our busiest lobby – the administration felt it was essential to take action.
After exhausting all other avenues for de-escalating the situation, we informed all protesters that they must leave the lobby area within a set time, or they would be subject to suspension. Many chose to leave, and I appreciate their cooperation. Some did not. Members of my team have been in dialogue with students all day. Because we later heard serious concerns about collateral consequences for the students, such as visa issues, we have decided, as an interim action, that the students who remained after the deadline will be suspended from non-academic campus activities. The students will remain enrolled at MIT and will be able to attend academic classes and labs. We will refer this interim action to the Ad Hoc Complaint Response Team, which includes the chair of the Committee on Discipline, for final adjudication.
Note that MIT has also received additional complaints about conduct by individual protesters and counterprotesters, and will be following up on those promptly.

In other words, a substantial fraction of the students shouting for Intifada and creating chaos and danger on campus weren’t US citizens or permanent residents. They were guests in the United States.

Nice to know that we are importing such people into the country and that MIT is so worried about them that they are allowed to run riot on their campus and in our country.

This is the modern West. The rules only apply to some people, while anybody near the top of the intersectional ladder gets a pass.

Let’s be clear: nobody at MIT could be considered a member of an oppressed class. They are in the 1% of the 1% of the 1%. An MIT degree is a ticket to the top of the economic ladder, and chances are you are close to being there already.


PREMO Member

‘Expel. Deport. Repeat.’: MIT Blasted For Protecting Anti-Semitic Students Over Fears They’d Lose Their Visas

“I can’t think of a better example of saying the quiet part out loud than @MIT admitting that they won’t expel Antisemitic students because they will lose their student visas and be deported. How many other colleges are protecting dangerous people who don’t belong in America?” he asked. “Incredible admission from @MIT president. Visa issues are why the students who are threatening Jews on campus are not being expelled.”



Well-Known Member
When did the United States start deporting people with expired Visa's?
Does anyone even keep track of Visa's and their expiration? It's a bit like those illegals they turned loose on a promise to show up for a hearing. Does anyone even believe they will show up? Maybe one out of 50.


Well-Known Member

Karmic Comeuppance: Pro-Hamas Harvard Student Loses Job, Housing for Harassing Israeli Classmate

It's not often that we can report on these pages positive news from Ivy League campuses, but today is one of those rare days. The Harvard Crimson reported Friday that Elom Tettey-Tamaklo, a graduate student at the Harvard Divinity School, was let go from his job as a freshman proctor after video surfaced of him harassing an Israeli classmate.

A divinity student. Let that sink in.

The Crimson described the role of a proctor at Harvard:

They let this guy oversee freshman?

The video in question showed Tettery-Tamaklo joining with other pro-Hamas protesters at Harvard, who were forming a circle around an Israel student and refusing to let the student leave. Tettery-Tamaklo is seen shouting, "Shame!" directly into the Israeli's face, and using his body and a keffiyeh he was carrying to prevent the young student from getting away from the angry crowd.

From what I read this guy is in political science and African studies, just worked a job for the divinity school.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
When did the United States start deporting people with expired Visa's?
Does anyone even keep track of Visa's and their expiration? It's a bit like those illegals they turned loose on a promise to show up for a hearing. Does anyone even believe they will show up? Maybe one out of 50.
Most of the illegals I've known over the years were visa overstayers.

What should happen is for every one that overstays a visa, that nation should lose 2 visas. Set reasonable limits on the number from each nation. Then once any country has too many overstayers, no more visas for them. Plus they know which countries are mostly likely to never go home.


PREMO Member

Republican Lawmakers in Florida Target Scholarships and Grants of Students Who Support Hamas

Good. Republicans in other states should follow suit. You want to shut a lot of this down? Shut off the money.

Politico reports:

Florida Republicans target scholarships, grants for students supporting Hamas

Florida college students who “promote” Hamas and other designated terrorist organizations could have their scholarships, grants and other benefits yanked from them under a new bill proposed Wednesday by Republican lawmakers.
The idea is the latest attempt by Florida policymakers to punish college students who are expressing support for Palestinians as the Israel-Hamas war rages on with tensions enflamed on campuses across the country. Already, Florida has attempted to disband Students for Justice in Palestine groups at two state universities while Gov. Ron DeSantis on the GOP presidential campaign trail pledges to cancel student visas for anyone sharing “common cause with Hamas.”
“Florida taxpayers should not be in the business of subsidizing the education of terrorist sympathizers who wish to do us, and others, harm,” state Sen. Blaise Ingoglia (R-Spring Hill), who sponsored the Senate bill, said in a statement.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Osama Bin Laden 'Hope' Poster Spotted On College Campuses

U.S. — According to sources, several sightings of an Osama Bin Laden poster in the style of the classic Obama "HOPE" poster have been reported at universities across America.

"My education has helped me learn Osama Bin Laden was simply a misunderstood activist full of wit and wisdom," said Harvard student Cherish Burgundy while getting ready for her morning classes. "Now, I start every day with a quick avocado toast, a blunt, and a short moment of silence in front of my Osama Bin Laden 'Hope' poster."



PREMO Member

Ousted Wall Street banker says his actions were ‘misguided and thoughtless’ after telling a Jewish American to ‘go back to your country’

The Wall Street analyst who was fired after he was filmed telling a Jewish American to “go back to your country” while he covered hostage posters with antisemitic signs has given a groveling apology after he and his wife got death threats.

Kurush Mistry and his partner, Shailja Gupta, said their actions were “misguided and thoughtless,” and claimed they never supported Hamas.

“After taking time to contemplate and reflect on our recent actions, we want to send our sincerest apologies to the Jewish gentleman we yelled at, gestured to and said unkind things to, as well as to the global Jewish community for our recent actions in NYC,” Mistry and Gupta said in a statement Friday.

“Our behavior was simply unacceptable, and we are ashamed of our actions and words,” they said, adding: “We hope to have the opportunity to speak to the gentleman personally and apologize directly to him.”

The couple then went on to say, “We have never supported Hamas and have always believed it is a terrorist organization.



PREMO Member

Lead Actress Dropped From ‘Scream’ Sequel For Anti-Semitic ‘Hate Speech,’ Production Company Confirms

“Spyglass’ stance is unequivocally clear: We have zero tolerance for antisemitism or the incitement of hate in any form, including false references to genocide, ethnic cleansing, Holocaust distortion or anything that flagrantly crosses the line into hate speech,” a Spyglass spokesperson told Variety in a statement.

Barrera has been posting on her Instagram about the ongoing conflict in Gaza following the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7 and resulting response by Israel. The 33-year-old actress re-shared a post that accused Israel of “genocide and ethnic cleansing.” She also posted something from Jewish Currents magazine that mentioned distorting “the Holocaust to boost the Israeli arms industry.”

Spyglass quietly cut ties with Barrera after she shared these post but did not clarify the reasoning immediately. Their new statement confirms that it was the anti-Semitic content that led to her termination.


“We must never give up on the people of Ukraine, Yemen, Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Syria… the list goes on unfortunately. For anyone who is willing & wanting to contribute any way they can, I want to form a thread with information. Does anyone have resources/ linked they could add?” she tweeted in 2022, sharing links for fundraisers for Iraq, Syria, and Palestine.

“Decolonize Palestine,” the “Wednesday” actress wrote in another post.

These posts have since been deleted as Ortega got rid of her X account earlier this year due to unrelated drama. She has not addressed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Instagram, but her profile does have a link to Save the Children, an organization which provides aid to children in Gaza and the West Bank.

Well they should MOVE to Gaza and show their support for Palestine


PREMO Member

LAPD investigates protest at Brentwood home of AIPAC president as possible hate crime

The crisis has roiled Los Angeles, home to large populations of Jews and Palestinians. On Nov. 1, Canter’s Deli, an iconic Jewish restaurant in the Fairfax District, was defaced with antisemitic messages spray-painted below a mural depicting the history of Jews in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles Police Department officers responded Thursday morning to the 11900 block of Foxboro Drive, where a group of protesters was causing a “disturbance,” according to a statement posted on X. Police made no arrests at the scene, but were investigating the incident as suspected vandalism, assault with a deadly weapon and a hate crime.

The statement did not name the owner of the home that was targeted. Officer Melissa Ohana, an LAPD spokeswoman, said the department doesn’t identify victims of crimes.


PREMO Member

Presidents of Harvard, MIT and Penn Tell Congress that Calling for the Genocide of Jews Does Not Necessarily Violate their Campus Code of Conduct – Unless It Leads to Actual Genocide

During their testimony Rep. Elise Stefanik asked the educators if calling for the genocide of Jews violates the code of conduct on their campuses. Not one of the campus leaders could answer the question.

Presidents of the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard, and MIT smilingly say that calling for genocide of Jews isn’t necessarily against their code against harassment and bullying on campus. MIT dean Liz Magill suggested it was not a violation unless it led to actual genocide. Wow!

It’s open season on Jews at these American universities!

These smug elitists can’t even defend young Jewish students living in fear on campus.


PREMO Member


Yesterday the presidents of Harvard, MIT and Penn provoked outrage when, in the course of testimony before a House committee, they wouldn’t say whether a call for genocide against Jews would violate their universities’ policies. The blowback from donors and alumni must have been nuclear, as today both President Claudine Gay of Harvard and President Liz Magill of Penn released statements recanting yesterday’s testimony:


Actually it was Gay who “confused a right to free expression with the idea that Harvard will condone calls for violence against Jewish students.”
Magill released this video apology:



PREMO Member

UPenn Loses a $100 Million Donation Over Its President's Kill All the Jews Trip-Up

University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill is learning that free speech has a cost. She, along with Claudine Gay and Sally Kornbluth, the presidents of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, respectively, testified before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, where Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) asked all three women if calls for Jewish genocide constituted harassment. All three ladies gave waffled answers that were both cold and insipid to the more significant issue of the antisemitism facing Jewish students amid the war in Gaza.

All three presidents said such actions must be placed into context. Yes, people chanting and clamoring for the wholesale murder of Jews must be placed under an academic light because these philosopher queens think we’re too stupid to recognize the neo-Nazi jargon with an Islamic face. Well, that pitiful hearing has cost UPenn $100 million (via Axios):

A University of Pennsylvania donor is withdrawing a gift worth around $100 million to protest the school's response to antisemitism on campus.
The big picture: The final straw for Ross Stevens, founder and CEO of Stone Ridge Asset Management, was Tuesday's widely criticized congressional testimony by Penn president Liz Magill.
Details: The gift from Stevens, a Penn undergrad alum, was given in December 2017 to help establish a center for innovation in finance.
It was in the form of limited partnership units in Stone Ridge, with the current value estimated at around $100 million.
Stevens, in a letter from his lawyers to Penn, alleges that the school has violated the terms of the limited partnership agreement, including its anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies.
Referring to Penn, Stevens writes: "Its permissive approach to hate speech caling for violence against Jews and laissez faire attitude toward harassment and discrimination against Jewish students would violate any policies of rules that prohibit harassment and discrimination based on religion, including those of Stone Ridge."


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Let me be clear: Calls for violence or genocide against the Jewish community, or any religious or ethnic group are vile, they have no place at Harvard, and those who threaten our Jewish students will be held to account.
So why didn't she give this as her answer when asked by Stepanik?


PREMO Member

University of Pennsylvania’s Board of Trustees held an “emergency meeting” on Thursday to address the continued fallout from Magill’s disastrous remarks.

The Wharton Board of Advisors “has been, and remains, deeply concerned about the dangerous and toxic culture on our campus that has been led by a select group of students and faculty and has been permitted by University leadership,” the Board said in a letter to Magill. “As confirmed in your congressional testimony yesterday, the leadership of the University does not share the values of our Board. Nor does it appear to understand the urgency to address the safety of our students on campus and the ongoing reputational damage to the University by the University’s policies and actions.”

“As a result of the University leadership’s stated beliefs and collective failure to act, our Board respectfully suggests to you and the Board of Trustees that the University requires new leadership with immediate effect,” the letter later added.
