Pro-Hamas Fallout - Schadenfreude


Power with Control
So why didn't she give this as her answer when asked by Stepanik?

See, even at that, I would want to tear into " held to account". Tell me you have a set process, and that the results of that process can be seen and critiqued by those outside the system.

Like that cafe where the staff refused to let the woman use the bathroom, saying "We took action" means bupkus. Show me what those actions were.....


PREMO Member


Yesterday the presidents of Harvard, MIT and Penn provoked outrage when, in the course of testimony before a House committee, they wouldn’t say whether a call for genocide against Jews would violate their universities’ policies. The blowback from donors and alumni must have been nuclear, as today both President Claudine Gay of Harvard and President Liz Magill of Penn released statements recanting yesterday’s testimony:

Harvard President Claudine Gay Plagiarized Portions of Her Ph.D. Dissertation

After the past week's Congressional hearings, the presidents of Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the University of Pennsylvania are being exposed to an amount of publicity and scrutiny they're not used to and likely wish would go away. As we reported, the trio claimed that calls for genocide against Jews needed to be placed into context before deciding whether they violated student codes of conduct.

The backlash was swift, and so was the backpedaling.

WATCH: Here Comes the Groveling Apology Video From Penn President Liz Magill

UPenn's Liz Magill wasn't able to keep her job, though, and Harvard's Claudine Gay might not be far behind.

Gay has already had a rough tenure, as investigative journalist Chris Rufo writes:

As dean and then president, Gay has been accused of bullying colleagues, suppressing free speech, overseeing a racist admissions program, and, following the Hamas terror campaign against Israel, failing to stand up to rampant anti-Semitism on campus.

Now Rufo has presented documentation indicating that Gay might have plagiarized parts of her Ph.D. dissertation, which violates Harvard's policies on academic integrity. He tweeted:

First, Gay lifts an entire paragraph nearly verbatim from a paper by Lawrence Bobo and Franklin Gilliam’s, while passing it off as her own paraphrase and language. This is a direct violation of Harvard's policy: "When you paraphrase, your task is to distill the source’s ideas in your own words. It’s not enough to change a few words here and there and leave the rest; instead, you must completely restate the ideas in the passage in your own words. If your own language is too close to the original, then you are plagiarizing, even if you do provide a citation."



PREMO Member

It's a real headline:

For years, conservatives have struggled to persuade American voters that the left-wing tilt of higher education is not only wrong but dangerous. Universities and their students, they’ve argued, have been increasingly clenched by suffocating ideologies — political correctness in one decade, overweening “social justice” in another, “woke-ism” most recently — that shouldn’t be dismissed as academic fads or harmless zeal.
The validation they have sought seemed to finally arrive this fall, as campuses convulsed with protests against Israel’s military campaign in Gaza and hostile, sometimes violent, rhetoric toward Jews. It came to a head last week on Capitol Hill, as the presidents of three elite universities struggled to answer a question about whether “calling for the genocide of Jews” would violate school rules, and Republicans asserted that outbreaks of campus antisemitism were a symptom of the radical ideas they had long warned about. On Saturday, amid the fallout, one of those presidents, M. Elizabeth Magill of the University of Pennsylvania, resigned.

These are the college campuses that call 'sizeism' and 'fatphobia' 'violent speech' but say calling for Israeli genocide is merely 'free speech.'

With the media, as always, the problem is not the issue (in this case, rampant antisemitism on college campuses). The problem is conservatives are pointing it out and holding the Left accountable.



PREMO Member

Professor Jacobson: Hatred of Western Civilization Stokes the Campus Antisemitism Crisis

“Why did American campuses erupt with expressions of hatred for Israel and Jewish students?”

Jewish students have been vilified as if they were guilty of some heinous crime. Mobs of pro-Hamas students have harassed and taunted them. At Cooper Union, a group of Jewish students had to take refuge in the library when they were harassed by an anti-Israel mob. At George Washington U., slogans like “Glory to Our Martyrs” were projected on buildings. The genocidal chant “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is now commonplace. At Arizona State, Jewish students needed a police escort to escape a howling mob throwing rocks. “By any means necessary” is the frequent phrase used by these student mobs to justify Hamas’s crimes against humanity.

Why did American campuses erupt with expressions of hatred for Israel and Jewish students? What could possibly motivate college students to act in such an inhumane, deplorable way?

In my view, the October 7 assault ignited an antisemitic blaze that has been decades in the making. I can trace it back to my days at Harvard Law School in the early 1980s, with the racialization of education. That is when Critical Legal Theory, later repackaged as Critical Race Theory (CRT), took hold at Harvard and quickly spread throughout American colleges and universities. At my website,, we have documented how deeply CRT, and variants like “anti-racism” and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), have captured American education.


PREMO Member

UPenn Hit With Antisemitism Lawsuit

“Plaintiffs and their Jewish peers are routinely subjected to vile and threatening antisemitic slurs and chants such as …’**** the Jews,’…’you are a dirty Jew, don’t look at us,’ ‘keep walking you dirty little Jew,’ [and] ‘get out of here kikes!'”

Which brings us to the point of this post: on the same day former President Magill and her two antisemitic buddies testified to Congress, Penn was jackhammered with a major antisemitism lawsuit by the same Manhattan heavy-hitter law firm (Kasowitz Benson Torres) that slammed NYU with an antisemitism lawsuit two weeks ago, which we covered: NYU Slammed with Massive Antisemitism Lawsuit.

The “Preliminary Statement” in the NYU lawsuit detailed the disgusting antisemitism rampant allegedly present at NYU as follows:

The age-old virus of antisemitism is alive and well at New York University. This case arises from NYU’s egregious civil rights violations that have created a hostile educational environment in which plaintiffs and other Jewish NYU students have been subjected to pervasive acts of hatred, discrimination, harassment, and intimidation. For years, NYU—acutely aware of ongoing and disgraceful acts of anti-Jewish bigotry—has reacted with, at best, deliberate indifference, refusing to enforce its own anti-discrimination and conduct policies that it readily applies to protect other targets of bigotry, and instead fostering an environment in which students and faculty members are permitted to repeatedly abuse, malign, vilify, and threaten Jewish students with impunity. Regularly confronted with such genocidal chants as, “Hitler was right,” “gas the Jews,” “death to kikes,” and “from the river to the sea,” and other abuse, plaintiffs not only have been deprived of the ability and opportunity to fully and meaningfully participate in NYU’s educational and other programs, but they have suffered and have been put at severe risk of extreme emotional and physical injury.

Similarly, the Complaint in the Penn lawsuit details the goings on at Penn:

1. Penn, the historic 300-year-old Ivy League university, has transformed itself into an incubation lab for virulent anti-Jewish hatred, harassment, and discrimination. Once welcoming to Jewish students, Penn now subjects them to a pervasively hostile educational environment. Among other things, Penn enforces its own rules of conduct selectively to avoid protecting Jewish students from hatred and harassment, hires rabidly antisemitic professors who call for anti-Jewish violence and spread terrorist propaganda, and ignores Jewish students’ pleas for protection. In doing so, Penn has placed plaintiffs and other Jewish and Israeli students at severe emotional and physical risk.
2. This lawsuit seeks to hold Penn accountable under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for the damages it has caused plaintiffs and for its failure to remedy the hostile environment on its campus. The harassment and discrimination on campus and in the classroom are relentless and intolerable. Plaintiffs and their Jewish peers are routinely subjected to vile and threatening antisemitic slurs and chants such as “Intifada Revolution,” “from the River to the Sea,” “**** the Jews,” “the Jews deserve everything that is happening to them,” “you are a dirty Jew, don’t look at us,” “keep walking you dirty little Jew,” “get out of here kikes!” and “go back to where you came from.” Plaintiffs and other Jewish students must traverse classrooms, dormitories, and buildings vandalized with antisemitic graffiti. Subjected to intense anti-Jewish vitriol, these students have been deprived of the ability and opportunity to fully and meaningfully participate in Penn’s educational and other programs.


Well-Known Member
I have been watching this pro-Palestinian BS for a while now, and I wondered where all of the palestinian flags come from. Someone is buying them and handing them out. What organization is doing this.? Too many foreign students in our colleges, too many Muslims in our country. How many of these students are on student loans with my tax money they never intend to pay back.


PREMO Member

What Do You Have to Do to Get Fired From Harvard?




PREMO Member

Harvard cancels congressman who mocked Harvard’s speech hypocrisy

By Andrea Widburg

Harvard was once a reputable institution. Now, though, it’s a joke, and, moving forward, any parent who pays for it or young person who goes into debt for it has inadvertently taken an IQ test and proved to be only in the double digits. The latest example of Harvard’s fall, not just from grace but from decency, is the fact that two days after its president, Claudine Gay, insisted that its devotion to free speech was so absolute that even genocidal rhetoric deserved its day, Harvard canceled a Democrat congressman who had spoken slightingly of Gay’s remarks.


It turns out that the John Adams Society worked carefully and diligently with Harvard to bring a speaker to the campus. But suddenly, the whole event was shut down. Writs Ahmari:

What happened between December 5 and December 7? Gay’s congressional testimony took place on December 5. Auchincloss published a statement on December 6 mocking her for her supposed commitment to free speech. “Harvard ranks last out of 248 universities for support of free speech,” Auchincloss said. “But when it comes to denouncing anti-Semitism, suddenly the university has anxieties about the First Amendment. It rings hollow.” On December 7, the event was canceled.

There are a couple of things happening here. First, tyrants cannot bear ridicule and criticism, and the Harvard administration is, within its four walls, an absolute tyrant.

Second, the Harvard tyranny, like all tyrannies, doesn’t hold itself to any standards other than those that serve its immediate interests. There are rules, of course, but they are fluid (and you know how leftists love that fluidity). For people opposed to Harvard, the rules flex constantly to keep them in a one-down position. And for Harvard and its “allies”—another word leftists love—the rules’ fluidity operates in a way that always benefits them.

For those of us neither within Harvard nor trying to curry favor with the institution, Harvard doesn’t look powerful. Instead, it looks ridiculous: Hypocritical, hate-filled, narcissistic, and the antithesis of the knowledge it purports to impart.


PREMO Member

Harvard cancels congressman who mocked Harvard’s speech hypocrisy

By Andrea Widburg

Harvard was once a reputable institution. Now, though, it’s a joke, and, moving forward, any parent who pays for it or young person who goes into debt for it has inadvertently taken an IQ test and proved to be only in the double digits. The latest example of Harvard’s fall, not just from grace but from decency, is the fact that two days after its president, Claudine Gay, insisted that its devotion to free speech was so absolute that even genocidal rhetoric deserved its day, Harvard canceled a Democrat congressman who had spoken slightingly of Gay’s remarks.



Well-Known Member
I had a friend many years ago who was an undergrad at Yale. Both he and his girlfriend at the time wanted to go on afterward, to divinity school - but - not in the Ivy League. At least - not Harvard, Yale or Princeton. I thought, damn, why not? Their grades would make them a shoo-in.

Because they don't believe in God.

I was shocked but underneath - not REALLY surprised. I guess it didn't surprise me about upper crust Ivy League.

What SURPRISED ME was - what the hell is the point of a divinity school if the basic premise - a belief in God - isn't held by the institution? That's like an engineering school that teaches perpetual motion or science school that teaches phlogiston. Perhaps YOU don't believe in God, and that's your right - but what business does a graduate school doing if it does not?

Hence - even though Harvard has outstanding science programs such as its medical school, and Princeton, its physics program - the non science programs leave much to be desired.


PREMO Member

Harvard cancels congressman who mocked Harvard’s speech hypocrisy

By Andrea Widburg

Harvard was once a reputable institution. Now, though, it’s a joke, and, moving forward, any parent who pays for it or young person who goes into debt for it has inadvertently taken an IQ test and proved to be only in the double digits. The latest example of Harvard’s fall, not just from grace but from decency, is the fact that two days after its president, Claudine Gay, insisted that its devotion to free speech was so absolute that even genocidal rhetoric deserved its day, Harvard canceled a Democrat congressman who had spoken slightingly of Gay’s remarks.



PREMO Member

Farhi -- A Flicker of Light in the Post’s Darkness

By Clarice Feldman

We get the largely unreadable Washington Post because my husband must have a hard-copy paper with a sports section to read with his morning coffee. To say its reporting stinks is to overpraise it. Still, Saturday morning I saw the first glimmer of actual reporting, relegated as it was, nevertheless, to the ever-lefty fluff of the Style Section: “News from the frontline of culture,” per the Post’s website. The article by Paul Farhi is not on the Post website, and I had to go to sfgate to find it available online. It seems to me the Post has done what it could to bury it. Here’s why -- it exposes the rot in journalism today.

NBC News broke the news last week that more than 40 White House interns had sent an extraordinary letter to President Biden opposing the administration's support of Israel's military action in Gaza. So did HuffPost, when it reported Monday that 140 interns on Capitol Hill had sent an open letter protesting the war; it alleges that members of Congress have suppressed a wave of constituent support for a permanent cease-fire in Gaza.
The twin stories touched off a small wave of follow-up coverage, much of it portraying the purported letters as a rebuke to Biden and both Democrats and Republicans in Congress. Except the letters, and the news stories about them, left a few important questions unanswered -- namely, who wrote them and whether the number of people reportedly supporting them actually did so.
In each case, it was impossible to identify or enumerate the letters' purported signatories. The stories said supporters declined to make their names public. That left open claims that dozens of people stood behind the underlying sentiments. The letters are part of a trendlet of anonymous protest letters purportedly written by people connected to the administration and federal government. All of the letters were sent without the names of signatories.
The New York Times, for example, reported last month that 500 political appointees and staff members representing 40 government agencies, including the Departments of State and Defense, expressed their opposition to Biden's support for Israel.
Several days earlier, Foreign Policy magazine first reported that 370 employees of the U.S. Agency for International Development had signed a petition urging Biden to call for an immediate cease-fire (later news stories said the number of signatories at USAID had grown to 1,000)
In both cases, the letters were sent anonymously. The USAID letter explained that employees had withheld their names out of "concern for our personal safety and risk of potentially losing our jobs," according to the Times.

He continues with other media citing these letters as signs of widespread dissent against Israel’s conduct, without a confirming source of a single signatory. He noticed the same thing that I and the Wall Street Journal did: that the petitions of the “White House interns” begins “we the undersigned” even though neither is signed. ”Isn’t it rich that the White House interns’ letter supporting Palestine opens with “We, the undersigned” -- but was sent anonymously? How’s that for showing the courage of their convictions?”

The White House believes these letters seemingly written by the same person originated from an “outside source,” and note that before running with the story, NBC never sought a comment from the White House. There’s some reason to believe they were written by a doctor in San Francisco, “according to a database search.”

A few days ago, a group identifying itself as Administration insiders held a vigil outside the White House calling for a cease-fire. Once again, they might be anyone, as they hid their identities.


Political appointees and Biden administration staffers held a vigil in front of the White House on Wednesday to call on President Joe Biden to support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.
More than three dozen people, including political appointees, administration staffers and civil service career staff, attended the early evening vigil in front of the White House. The participants wore sunglasses and masks to conceal their identities .

I am calling these ' Interns ' Fifth Columnists that will do their utmost to subvert ANY Support for Israel in defense of Islamist's / Palestinians, and they should be treated as such - Identified and REMOVED From Gov Service